Table of Contents
GIATA FACTS is a service that provides structured information on travel offers in the form of fact sheets in an XML format. The request is specified by a catalogue hotel ID, which is an internal ID used by GIATA to identify a given offer (hotel).
A fact sheet is divided into several groups of facts. These groups can be seen as a structuring suggestion.
In each group there are one or more facts, e.g. beach. Each fact can have 0, 1 or more attributes, e.g. sandy (beach). An attribute can have a value and a unit (of measurement), eg. (beach) in 200 metres distance.
Detailed information can be found here: Appendix A, Description of facts and values
In order to use GIATA FACTS you need special clearance. Please refer to <>
Access to the resources of this web service is password-protected. The user name for authentication is the "Fact User ID" specified in the activation mail.
You set the password yourself via the "Set link to password" in the activation mail.
Code example 1 for authentication via shell/curl:
curl --user "your-uid":"your-password" ''
Code example 2 for authentication via php:
<?php $username = "your-uid"; $password = "your-password"; $remote_url = ''; $opts = array('http'=>array('method'=>"GET", 'header' => "Authorization: Basic ". base64_encode("$username:$password"))); $context = stream_context_create($opts); $file = file_get_contents($remote_url, false, $context); print($file);
Fact sheets are retrieved via an http request; the specific URL for such a request can be obtained from the GIATA XML web service. Thus the first step is determining the URL of the fact sheet; the second step is retrieving the fact sheet itself.
Just append a further parameter "fact" to the GET parameter "show" of your request. This is the only relevant addition to the GIATA XML web service. Please refer to the documentation for general usage.
You must append your credentials to the URL retrieved.
Example for the retrieval of a fact sheet URL for an offer identified by provider and booking code. We use "NEC" as the provider and "11006A" as the booking code.,hn,vn
The XML response will look like this:
<result found="1"> <data id="0"> <Factsheet></Factsheet> <Hotelname>Hotel Don Antonio</Hotelname> <Veranstaltername>Neckermann</Veranstaltername> </data> </result>
Now you can extract the fact sheet URL and append your credentials. With this link you can retrieve the fact sheet. In this example the link will look like this:
In order to create and maintain a local mirror of the fact sheets, initially you need to retrieve a full dump. Afterwards you can retrieve and process lists of incremental updates.
Use this URL:
The response is a compressed *.tar.gz file with a file name following this pattern:
The parameters in the file name are:
Parameter | Description |
modifiedEnd | A numerical value which is required for running updates. |
uid | The XML-UID that identifies your account. |
ts | Timestamp of the creation of the dump. |
Once you decompress the *.tar.gz file you will find directories representing tour operators in the root directory. The names of the subdirectories in the next level represent the IDs of catalogues. Finally there are subdirectories with ranges of IDs of travel offers and XML files identifying a fact sheet and its respective travel offer by its ID.
e.g.: TUI/9532/2612000_2613000/2612689.xml
In order to retrieve incremental updates you can make a request to this URL (please add your credentials for "uid" and "pwd"):
As "modified" parameter you enter the value of your last update. This value is either the "modifiedEnd" parameter from the file name of your initial dump or the value of the "modifiedEnd" attribute in the root node of the response delivered for your previous update.
The response will look like this:
<FactUpdateList found="169" modifiedStart="1287011826001" modifiedEnd="1287357085000"> <data id="1"> <!-- Factsheet update --> <KataloghotelID>3200090</KataloghotelID> <Factsheet></Factsheet> </data> <data id="2" status="deleted"> <!-- Factsheet löschen --> <KataloghotelID>2611207</KataloghotelID> </data> ... </FactUpdateList>
If you encounter an attribute 'status="deleted"' within a "data" node, you must remove the fact sheet identified by the <KataloghotelID> (travel offer ID) from your local mirror.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <factsheet created="2010-08-09T14:28:00+02:00" itemId="3200166" itemName="Hotel Don Antonio" catId="8182" catName="Preisknüller - Spanien & Portugal Sommer 2010" provId="186" provCode="NEC" provName="Neckermann" giataId="11632"> <item> <bookingCodes> <bookingCode seq="1">11006A</bookingCode> </bookingCodes> </item> <factset> <factgroup name="buildinginformation" code="14"> <fact name="buildinginformation:numfloorsmain" code="312" sources="generic"> <attributes> <attribute name="number" code="49" value="4"/> </attributes> </fact> <fact name="buildinginformation:numroomsdouble" code="314" sources="generic"> <attributes> <attribute name="number" code="49" value="151"/> </attributes> </fact> <fact name="buildinginformation:numroomstotal" code="316" sources="generic"> <attributes> <attribute name="number" code="49" value="310"/> </attributes> </fact> <fact name="buildinginformation:yearconstruction" code="320" sources="generic"> <attributes> <attribute name="year" code="50" value="2000"/> </attributes> </fact> </factgroup> <factgroup name="category" code="15"> <fact name="category:official" code="325" sources="generic"> <attributes> <attribute name="rating" code="56" value="4"/> </attributes> </fact> <fact name="category:recommended" code="326" sources="provider"> <attributes> <attribute name="rating" code="56" value="4"/> </attributes> </fact> </factgroup> <factgroup name="distance" code="13"> <fact name="distance:golfcourse" code="294" sources="generic"> <attributes> <attribute name="distance" code="15" value="7000" unit="meter"/> </attributes> </fact> <fact name="distance:publictransport" code="298" sources="generic"> <attributes> <attribute name="distance" code="15" value="500" unit="meter"/> </attributes> </fact> </factgroup> <factgroup name="entertainment" code="2"> <fact name="entertainment:entertainment" code="2" sources="generic"/> <fact name="entertainment:miniclub" code="7" sources="generic"/> </factgroup> <factgroup name="facilities" code="3"> <fact name="facilities:aircon" code="8" sources="generic"/> <fact name="facilities:bar" code="14" sources="provider generic"/> <fact name="facilities:bicyclestorageroom" code="16" sources="provider generic"/> <fact name="facilities:carpark" code="22" sources="generic"/> <fact name="facilities:childrenspool" code="26" sources="provider generic"/> <fact name="facilities:conferencerooms" code="28" sources="generic"/> <fact name="facilities:deckchairs" code="30" sources="provider generic"/> <fact name="facilities:elevators" code="33" sources="provider"/> <fact name="facilities:foyer" code="322" sources="provider"/> <fact name="facilities:garden" code="40" sources="provider"/> <fact name="facilities:indoorpool" code="43" sources="provider generic"/> <fact name="facilities:internetaccess" code="44" sources="generic"/> <fact name="facilities:outdoorpool" code="50" sources="provider"/> <fact name="facilities:parasols" code="52" sources="provider generic"/> <fact name="facilities:playground" code="56" sources="provider generic"/> <fact name="facilities:pool" code="58" sources="generic"> <attributes> <attribute name="freshwater" code="51"/> </attributes> </fact> <fact name="facilities:poolbar" code="59" sources="generic"/> <fact name="facilities:reception" code="62" sources="provider"/> <fact name="facilities:receptionarea" code="63" sources="provider generic"/> <fact name="facilities:restaurant" code="65" sources="provider"/> <fact name="facilities:roomservice" code="66" sources="generic"/> <fact name="facilities:sunterrace" code="76" sources="provider generic"/> <fact name="facilities:towels" code="80" sources="provider"/> <fact name="facilities:tvroom" code="83" sources="provider generic"/> </factgroup> <factgroup name="location" code="5"> <fact name="location:beach" code="89" sources="provider"> <attributes> <attribute name="distance" code="15" value="1200" unit="meter"/> </attributes> </fact> <fact name="location:centrallysituated" code="90" sources="provider"> <attributes> <attribute name="distance" code="15" value="800" unit="meter"/> </attributes> </fact> </factgroup> <factgroup name="meals" code="6"> <fact name="meals:breakfast" code="96" sources="generic"> <attributes> <attribute name="buffet" code="7"/> </attributes> </fact> <fact name="meals:dinner" code="100" sources="generic"> <attributes> <attribute name="buffet" code="7"/> </attributes> </fact> <fact name="meals:halfboard" code="103" sources="provider generic"/> <fact name="meals:specialoffers" code="113" sources="generic"/> </factgroup> <factgroup name="objectinformation" code="16"> <fact name="objectinformation:address" code="328" sources="generic"> <attributes> <attribute name="street" code="58" value="C./ Bonavida"/> <attribute name="streetnumber" code="59" value="8"/> <attribute name="cityname" code="60" value="Peguera"/> <attribute name="postalcode" code="61" value="07181"/> <attribute name="country" code="62" value="ES"/> <attribute name="addresslines" code="63" value="C./ Bonavida 8 07181 Peguera"/> </attributes> </fact> <fact name="objectinformation:email" code="331" sources="generic"> <attributes> <attribute name="value" code="64" value=""/> </attributes> </fact> <fact name="objectinformation:fax" code="330" sources="generic"> <attributes> <attribute name="value" code="64" value="+34971033000"/> </attributes> </fact> <fact name="objectinformation:phone" code="329" sources="generic"> <attributes> <attribute name="value" code="64" value="+34971033033"/> </attributes> </fact> </factgroup> <factgroup name="payment" code="8"> <fact name="payment:payment" code="117" sources="generic"> <attributes> <attribute name="visa" code="41"/> <attribute name="mastercard" code="24"/> </attributes> </fact> </factgroup> <factgroup name="rooms" code="9"> <fact name="rooms:aircon" code="120" sources="provider"/> <fact name="rooms:balcony" code="123" sources="provider generic"/> <fact name="rooms:bathroom" code="125" sources="provider generic"/> <fact name="rooms:fridge" code="143" sources="generic"/> <fact name="rooms:hairdryer" code="145" sources="provider generic"/> <fact name="rooms:heating" code="146" sources="generic"> <attributes> <attribute name="central" code="48"/> </attributes> </fact> <fact name="rooms:internetaccess" code="148" sources="generic"/> <fact name="rooms:minibar" code="156" sources="provider generic"/> <fact name="rooms:phone" code="159" sources="provider"/> <fact name="rooms:radio" code="162" sources="generic"/> <fact name="rooms:safe" code="163" sources="provider generic"/> <fact name="rooms:shower" code="166" sources="provider"/> <fact name="rooms:terrace" code="173" sources="provider"/> <fact name="rooms:tv" code="176" sources="provider"> <attributes> <attribute name="sat" code="34"/> </attributes> </fact> </factgroup> <factgroup name="spa" code="10"> <fact name="spa:massage" code="195" sources="provider"> <attributes> <attribute name="forafee" code="20"/> </attributes> </fact> <fact name="spa:sauna" code="196" sources="provider"> <attributes> <attribute name="freeofcharge" code="21"/> </attributes> </fact> <fact name="spa:steambath" code="198" sources="generic"/> <fact name="spa:whirlpool" code="201" sources="provider"> <attributes> <attribute name="freeofcharge" code="21"/> </attributes> </fact> </factgroup> <factgroup name="sports" code="11"> <fact name="sports:aerobics" code="202" sources="generic"/> <fact name="sports:beachvolleyball" code="209" sources="generic"/> <fact name="sports:biking" code="210" sources="provider"> <attributes> <attribute name="forafee" code="20"/> </attributes> </fact> <fact name="sports:billiard" code="211" sources="provider"> <attributes> <attribute name="forafee" code="20"/> </attributes> </fact> <fact name="sports:boccia" code="212" sources="provider"> <attributes> <attribute name="freeofcharge" code="21"/> </attributes> </fact> <fact name="sports:golf" code="219" sources="provider"/> <fact name="sports:gym" code="220" sources="provider"> <attributes> <attribute name="freeofcharge" code="21"/> </attributes> </fact> <fact name="sports:tabletennis" code="244" sources="provider"> <attributes> <attribute name="freeofcharge" code="21"/> </attributes> </fact> <fact name="sports:tennis" code="245" sources="generic"/> </factgroup> </factset> </factsheet>
The root node <factsheet> can have these attributes:
Attribute | Description |
created | Time of creation formatted according to ISO 8601. |
itemId | The catalogue hotel ID, an internal ID used by GIATA to identify a given offer (hotel). |
itemName | The name of the offer that this fact sheet refers to. |
catId | The ID of the catalogue. |
catName | The name of the catalogue. |
provId | The ID of the tour operator. |
provCode | The code of the tour operator. |
provName | The name of the tour operator. |
giataId | The GIATA ID identifying the hotel referred to in this offer. Different offers that refer to the same hotel share the same GIATA ID. |
If available, booking codes are issued within the item-node after the root element.
The root node <factsheet> contains one or more nodes <factset>.
Each node <factset> has one or more nodes <factgroup>
A <factgroup> node can have these attributes:
Attribute | Description |
name | The (XML) name of this group of facts. |
code | The numeric code of this group of facts. |
Each node <factgroup> contains one or more nodes <fact>.
A <fact> node can have these attributes:
Attribute | Description |
name | The (XML) name of this fact. |
code | The numeric code of this fact. |
sources | The sources for this fact (provider = information provided by the tour operator of this given offer; generic = general information for this GIATA ID). |
Each node <fact> can have a node <attributes> which contains one or more child nodes <attribute>.
An <attribute> node can have these attributes:
Attribute | Description |
name | The (XML) name of this attribute. |
code | The numeric code of this attribute. |
value | The value of this attribute. |
unit | The unit of measurement of the value. |
The description of can be retrieved here:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <factdefintions> <factgroups> <!-- ... --> <factgroup code="3" name="facilities"> <label lang="de">Ausstattung</label> <label lang="en">Facilities</label> <facts> <fact code="8" name="facilities:aircon"> <label lang="de">Klimaanlage</label> <label lang="en">Air conditioning</label> </fact> <fact code="9" name="facilities:auditorium"> <label lang="de">Theatersaal</label> <label lang="en">Auditorium</label> </fact> <fact code="10" name="facilities:babysitter"> <label lang="de">Babysitter</label> <label lang="en">Babysitter</label> </fact> <!-- ... --> </facts> </factgroup> <!-- ... --> <factgroup code="9" name="rooms"> <label lang="de">Zimmer</label> <label lang="en">Rooms</label> <facts> <fact code="118" name="rooms:adapterplug"> <label lang="de">Steckdosenadapter</label> <label lang="en">Electrical outlet adapter</label> </fact> <fact code="119" name="rooms:additionalbed"> <label lang="de">Zustellbett</label> <label lang="en">Extra bed</label> </fact> <fact code="120" name="rooms:aircon"> <label lang="de">Klimaanlage</label> <label lang="en">Air conditioning</label> </fact> <!-- ... --> </facts> </factgroup> <!-- ... --> </factgroups> <attributes> <!-- ... --> <attribute code="2" name="alacarte"> <label lang="de">à la carte</label> <label lang="en">à la carte</label> </attribute> <attribute code="3" name="allowed"> <label lang="de">erlaubt</label> <label lang="en">allowed</label> </attribute> <!-- ... --> </attributes> <units> <unit name="hour"> <label lang="de">Stunden</label> <label lang="en">hours</label> </unit> <unit name="meter"> <label lang="de">Meter</label> <label lang="en">metres</label> </unit> <unit name="sqm"> <label lang="de">Quadratmeter</label> <label lang="en">square metres</label> </unit> </units> </factdefintions>
The root node <factdefintions> contains these child nodes: <factgroups>, <attributes> and <units>.
The <factgroups> node contains several nodes <factgroup> with these attributes:
Attribute | Description |
name | The (XML) name of this group of facts. |
code | The numeric code of this group of facts. |
<factgroup> contains one or more child nodes <label>. <label> has an attribute lang identifying the language. The text content of <label> is a term for the respective group of facts in the given language.
Furthermore a <factgroup> node contains one or more nodes <fact>. <fact> has the attributes code and name as well as one or more child nodes <label> (as <factgroup>).
The <attributes> node contains several <attribute> nodes with the attributes code and name as well as one or more child nodes <label>.
The <units> node contains several <unit> nodes with an attribute name as well as one or more child nodes <label>.
Code | Name | Label | Type / Definition |
52 | richmedia | Rich Media | Fact group / context |
665 | richmedia:promotionalvideo | Promotional video | Offers the possibility to embed a link to a video of the property. |
620 | richmedia:matterportdigitaltwin | Matterport Digital Twin | A Matterport digital twin is a 3D representation of a space or physical object created using specialised camera software and hardware that allows the space to be explored virtually. |
54 | sustainability | Sustainability | Fact group / context |
622 | sustainability:certificationforsustainablefishing_msc | Certification for sustainable fishing (Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)) | All or part of the facility's seafood is certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). |
623 | sustainability:certificationforsustainablefishing_asc | Certification for sustainable fishing (Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)) | All or part of the seafood on offer is certified by the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC). |
767 | sustainability:viabono | Viabono | Viabono is a German certification body with a focus on sustainable environmental development offering various certifications, which are targeted at the main actors within the tourism sector. The organisation's own products include the "Viabono'' climate and environmental certification (licence period: 2 years) and the preparation of carbon footprint balance sheets. Viabono also implements the DEHOGA environmental check for hotels and restaurants on behalf of the DEHOGA Federal Association. More at |
757 | sustainability:socotec | Socotec | SOCOTEC Certification International is an internationally active, GSTC-recognised certification body that has developed a sustainability management system for the tourism industry and awards certifications in the areas of environment and sustainability, among others. The certificate is valid for 3 years. More at |
764 | sustainability:tourcert | TourCert | TourCert is an internationally active, GSTC-recognised certification body for sustainability in tourism that assesses and regularly audits the entire value chain of the tourism sector, according to the ISO and EMAS as well as the ISO guidelines for corporate responsibility (ISO 26000). The certification is valid for two years in the first stage, followed by recertification every three years. More at |
768 | sustainability:vireosrl | Vireo Srl | Vireo Srl is an Italian, internationally operating GSTC-accredited certification body that issues certificates in the field of environmental protection and sustainability. Vireo provides MSC (Marine Stewardship Council), ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council), CTS (Carbon Trust Standard), ISO 9001 and 14001 certificates. For tourism, the GSTC certificate is awarded, which evaluates the level of sustainability and socio-economic and cultural merits of companies or destinations. The certificate is valid for 3 years. More at |
761 | sustainability:sustonica | Sustonica | Sustonica is a company that deals with the sustainability of short-term rentals of flats, flats and houses. The certification programme created by Sustonica is based on standards such as ISO, Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), the EU Ecolabel, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and Travalyst. The seal is awarded by an independent certification body and is valid for one year. More at |
766 | sustainability:tuevrheinland | TÜV Rheinland | TÜV Rheinland is an independent testing organisation that operates internationally. The areas tested are Industry Service & Cybersecurity, Mobility, Products, Academy & Life Care and Systems. Further information can be found at |
763 | sustainability:toftigerspug | TOFTigers PUG | TOFTigers is a GSTC-recognised certification body in South Asia, offering the PUG certification (licence period: 3 years), aimed solely at wildlife accommodation providers (in or near wildlife parks and protected areas). In addition to preserving flora and fauna, the goal is to reduce rural poverty, and at the same time the inspection criteria serve as a monitoring tool for sustainability. More at |
755 | sustainability:sernatursellos | Sernatur Sello S | SERNATUR Sello S is a seal of quality awarded by the Servicio Nacional del Turismo (Sernatur) in Chile to accommodation providers that have effectively integrated sustainability practices into their operations. The award aims to verify compliance with sustainability criteria in economic, socio-cultural and environmental aspects. The Sello S is internationally recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and is valid for two years. More at |
762 | sustainability:tofttigersfootprint | TOFTigers Footprint | The TOFTigers Footprint certification was developed for accommodation establishments in wilderness and nature areas to recognise commitment to sustainable practices. The label is recognised by the United Nations Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and assesses various operational aspects of an accommodation, including environmental impact, community engagement, conservation efforts and overall sustainability practices. The three certification levels Good Practice, Quality Practice and Outstanding Practice can be achieved and are valid for two years. More at |
759 | sustainability:sustainabletourismberlin | Sustainable Tourism Berlin | Sustainable Tourism Berlin is a sustainability certification programme for Berlin-based companies in the tourism and event industry. The criteria for this certification are based on the standards of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), ISO standards and the German Sustainability Code and originate from the areas of environment, economy, governance, risk & compliance and society. More at |
760 | sustainability:sustainabletravelireland | Sustainable Travel Ireland | Sustainable Travel Ireland - GSTC Industry Criteria is an Irish auditing body that certifies businesses in the tourism sector according to the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) criteria. The certificate is valid two years. More at |
758 | sustainability:sustainablemeetingsberlin | Sustainable Meetings Berlin | Sustainable Tourism Berlin is a sustainability certification programme for Berlin-based companies in the tourism and event industry. The criteria for this certification are based on the standards of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), ISO standards and the German Sustainability Code and originate from the areas of environment, economy, governance, risk & compliance and society. The programme offers Sustainable Meetings Berlin certification for event service providers, hotels, venues, catering and more. More at |
756 | sustainability:seychellessustainabletourismlabel | Seychelles Sustainable Tourism Label | The Seychelles Sustainability Label is a certification programme recognised by the GSTC that stands for sustainable commitment in the tourism sector in the Seychelles. The label is awarded to accommodation establishments and is valid for 2 years. More at |
765 | sustainability:turkiyesustainabletourismindustrycriteria | Turkiye Sustainable Tourism Industry Criteria | The Turkiye Sustainable Tourism Industry Criteria (TR-I) is a GSTC-recognised national standard designed to promote the sustainable growth of the Turkish tourism industry while ensuring the protection of natural, cultural and social resources. The criteria cover the four main topics of sustainable management, socio-economic impact, cultural impact and environmental impact and include both locally relevant aspects of social and cultural structures and globally recognised standards for sustainable tourism. The certificate is valid for one year. More at |
739 | sustainability:greensign | Green Sign | Green Sign Hotel is an international sustainability certification for the hotel industry, recognised by the GSTC. The GreenSign Institute offers hoteliers a practical verification system that structures, evaluates and documents environmental, social and economic aspects in over 100 criteria. The creation of a carbon footprint can be booked as an option. Each certification is verified by an on-site audit and is valid for 3 years. More at |
742 | sustainability:greentourism | Green Tourism | Green Tourism is a GSTC-recognised multi-level certification program for sustainable tourism in Ireland and the United Kingdom and other European countries. The certification levels are Bronze, Silver and Gold. More at |
750 | sustainability:naturesbest | Nature's Best | Nature's Best® is a sustainability label awarded by the Swedish Nature and Ecotourism Association (Naturturismföretagen) to promote sustainability through a comprehensive quality assurance system. The certification is recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and is valid for 3 years. More at |
745 | sustainability:ibexfairstay | Ibex Fairstay | Ibex Fairstay is a member of the GSTC and has developed a certification programme for sustainability in the hotel industry in the German-speaking Alpine region of Switzerland. Depending on the commitment of the establishments, they are categorised into four categories: bronze, silver, gold or platinum. The ibex Fairstay certificate is awarded for three years, after which recertification must take place. More at |
754 | sustainability:sakuraquality | Sakura Quality | Sakura Quality An ESG Practice Standard for hotels and ryokans in Japan is a GSTC-recognised certification system and quality improvement programme in Japan that is based on standards relating to sustainability and general quality assurance. The certification will be conducted at five levels. More at |
740 | sustainability:greenstarhotel | Green Star Hotel | Green Star Hotel is a GSTC-recognised national certification programme for the Egyptian accommodation sector, where accommodation businesses are ranked according to their level of sustainability. The certificate is valid for two years. More at |
744 | sustainability:hotelesmasverdes | Hoteles más Verdes | Hoteles más Verdes Standard is a GSTC-recognised certification programme of the Asociación de Hoteles de Turismo de Argentina (AHT) for sustainable tourism. The aim is to integrate sustainability into the tourism value chain. The certificate is valid for 3 years. More at |
753 | sustainability:preferredbynature | Preferred by Nature | Preferred by Nature is a global non-profit organisation which offers GSTC-recognised sustainable tourism certification services (Preferred by Nature Standard for Sustainable Travel Activities). Licence period is 3 years, subject to annual surveillance audits. More at |
751 | sustainability:nordicswanecolabel | Nordic Swan Ecolabel | Nordic Swan Ecolabel (Nordic Swan) is the environmental label of the Nordic countries. It covers 58 product groups, including hotel and other accommodation. More at |
747 | sustainability:iso14001 | ISO 14001 | ISO 14001:2015 is the internationally recognised standard for environmental management systems (EMS). By complying with this standard, organisations can ensure they are taking proactive measures to minimise their environmental footprint, meet relevant legal requirements and achieve their environmental objectives. The framework covers various aspects, from resource utilisation and waste management to environmental performance monitoring and stakeholder involvement in environmental commitments. The certificate is valid for 3 years. Further information can be found at |
749 | sustainability:iso50001 | ISO 50001 | ISO 50001:2018 is the internationally recognised certification standard that companies and organisations can use as a guide when setting up their own energy management system. The aim is to organise energy flows as sustainably as possible. The certificate is valid for 3 years. More at |
746 | sustainability:iso9001 | ISO 9001 | ISO 9001:2015 is one of the most important recognised quality management standards worldwide and defines the minimum requirements for quality management. It helps organisations of all sizes and industries to improve their performance, meet customer expectations and demonstrate their commitment to quality. Its requirements specify how a quality management system (QMS) should be established, implemented, maintained and continuously improved. The certificate is valid for 3 years. Further information at |
741 | sustainability:greenstepsustainablesolutions | GreenStep Sustainable Solutions | GreenStep Sustainable Tourism is a sustainability certification programme for the Canadian tourism industry. The programme is designed to support tourism destinations and businesses in Canada in measuring and improving their sustainability performance. The certification is recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and follows international standards. More at |
748 | sustainability:iso22000 | ISO 22000 | ISO 22000:2018 is a globally valid standard for food safety management systems. The certificate is valid for three years. Further information can be found at |
752 | sustainability:austrianecolabel | Austrian Ecolabel | The Austrian Ecolabel is a state seal of quality for ecological business in Austria and is awarded also to the accommodation, the criteria are recognised by the GTSC. The label is awarded for four years. More at |
743 | sustainability:hiqualityandsustainabilitystandard | Hostelling International’s Quality and Sustainability Standard | Hostelling International's Quality and Sustainability Standard is a GSTC-recognised standard regulation of international youth hostel associations that combines economic, environmental and social sustainability. Hostelling International is an Affiliate Member of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation UNWTO. More at |
726 | sustainability:ecostars | Ecostars | Ecostars is a globally valid certification standard recognised by the GSTC and the UNWTO, which assesses the sustainability of hotel accommodation based on various criteria. The certificate is valid for 3 years. More at |
723 | sustainability:earthcheck | EarthCheck | EarthCheck is a GSTC-recognised and accredited certification organisation for destinations, which advises governments, tourist destinations, organisations and companies in the tourism sector with the help of scientific expertise, which is also the basis for certification by EarthCheck. The certificate is valid for 1 year. More at |
730 | sustainability:euecolabel | EU Ecolabel | The EU Ecolabel, also known as the EU Ecolabel in Germany, guarantees that the certified accommodation (hotels and campsites) have optimised their environmental and waste management and reduced their energy and water consumption, transport emissions and food waste. It is recognised in the EU as well as in Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland. More at |
734 | sustainability:greenglobe | Green Globe | Green Globe is an international certification standard for the travel and tourism industry, recognised by the GSTC, which assesses the sustainability of management practices, socio-economic, cultural and environmental aspects. Green Globe is an affiliate member of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation UNWTO. The certificate is valid for 1 year. More at |
738 | sustainability:greenpearls | Green Pearls | Green Pearls® is an award for the implementation of sustainable practices in the areas of architecture, environment, water, energy, waste, food, purchasing, employees and social and cultural commitment. The award is given for 2-3 years to individual accommodation businesses as well as to tourist destinations worldwide. More at |
735 | sustainability:greengrowth | Green Growth | Green Growth 2050 is a GSTC-recognised sustainability standard evaluating cultural and environmental criteria in the tourism industry. More at |
729 | sustainability:ecoworldhotel | Ecoworld Hotel | The EcoWorldHotel© certification is awarded by the organisation of the same name. This organisation accompanies Italian hotels on their way to becoming environmentally friendly businesses and supports them in the gradual transition to sustainable practices. The certification is recognised in over 100 countries and takes the form of Eco Foglie (Eco-leaves) graded from 1 to 5. The certificate is valid for 3 years. More at |
728 | sustainability:ecotourismkenya | Ecotourism Kenya | Ecotourism Kenya is a GSTC-recognised certification programme for sustainable tourism in Kenya. Certification is available at three levels: bronze, silver and gold, and is valid for 2 years. More at |
736 | sustainability:greenhospitality | Green Hospitality | Green Hospitality is the largest certification programme in Ireland for environmentally friendly and sustainable businesses in the hospitality, travel and tourism sector, recognised by the GSTC. In addition to the main certificate, the programme also offers GREENMark micro-certifications that focus on areas such as environmentally friendly business practices, allergy friendliness, plastic reduction and water efficiency. More at |
733 | sustainability:greendestinations | Green Destinations | Green Destination Standard is a GSTC-accredited global certification programme for sustainability in tourist destinations. The certificate is valid for 2 years. More at |
731 | sustainability:fairtradetourism | Fair Trade Tourism | Fair Trade Tourism is a GSTC-recognised certification body in South Africa that certifies tourism companies in Southern Africa for offers that meet international fair trade requirements. The certificate is valid for 3 years. More at |
727 | sustainability:ecotourismaustralia | Ecotourism Australia | Ecotourism Australia is a GSTC-recognised national certification programme for sustainable tourism. Australian certification program consisting of Nature Tourism, EcoTourism and and Advanced Ecotourism levels, the latter being the highest level. More at |
725 | sustainability:ecosmartbygreengage | EcoSmart by Greengage | EcoSmart by Greengage is a certification scheme developed for hotels, conference venues, short-term flats and catering establishments with meeting rooms. It serves as a seal of quality with which organisations can demonstrate their commitment to environmental sustainability and compliance with recognised standards. The certification process takes into account energy, waste and water management, recycling measures and social sustainability practices. More at |
724 | sustainability:ecocertificationmalta | Eco-Certification Malta | Eco-Certification Malta Standard was the Maltese GSTC-recognised certification standard for environmental, socio-economic and cultural sustainability, focused on hotels and country and farm houses. This ECO certification was replaced in 2023 by GSTC, Green Key, and the EU Eco label. More at |
732 | sustainability:globalecosphereretreats | Global Ecosphere Retreats | The Global Ecosphere Retreats® (GER) standard is a GSTC recognised sustainability programme for privately managed nature tourism businesses worldwide. Certification is based on the 4C guidelines Conservation, Community, Culture and Commerce and is awarded for six years. After three years, a mid-term review is required to develop a new 4C plan if necessary. More at |
737 | sustainability:greenkeyglobalecorating | Green Key Global Eco Rating | Green Key Global Eco Rating is a certification programme for hotels and event venues in North America. It is part of the internationally recognised Green Key Global certificate from the certification authority of the same name and is based on the guidelines of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). As part of the programme, which is valid for three years after certification, accommodations that implement sustainable practices are audited. More at |
720 | sustainability:cst | CST | The CST (Certification for Sustainable Tourism) is a GSTC-recognised Standard for Lodging and Tour Operators in Costa Rica. CST has a validity of two years. More at |
712 | sustainability:arc360 | ARC360 | The ARC 360® certificate (Standard for Comprehensive Competitive Regenerative Activity) is a sustainability certificate for hotels in America and in Europe that is based on the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact, the 2030 Agenda and the 2015 Paris Agreement, among others. The Ambassador Level of La Buena Huella’s Standard has gained GSTC-Recognised status. More at |
715 | sustainability:bioscore | Bioscore | Bioscore is a GSTC-recognised sustainability certificate, awarded by the company that also certifies accommodations and destinations with the EU Ecolabel and according to ISO 21401 in a multi-stage process. It also offers certification with the Blue Leaf seal, which assesses the sustainability of an accommodation's outdoor areas. More at |
714 | sustainability:biohotels | Bio Hotels | Bio Hotels® is an association founded in 2001 to promote organic hotels and restaurants in Europe. The association requires its members to provide 100% organically produced food. In addition, importance is also attached to non-food products such as cosmetics, cleaning agents or consumables, environmentally friendly furnishings in public and private areas, the presence of green spaces, the use of green electricity and the review of the carbon footprint every two years. More at |
713 | sustainability:beyondgreen | Beyond Green | Beyond Green is a booking platform for sustainable hotels, resorts and lodges. The criteria according to which these accommodation establishments are included are based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Glasgow Declaration, and Beyond Green also uses monitoring and control tools in cooperation with other initiatives. The assessment process for accommodations is re-evaluated every two years. More at |
719 | sustainability:controlunion | Control Union | Control Union is a GSTC-accredited certification body that commits to certify sustainable tourism products and services at a high level of quality. A GSTC certificate is valid for three years. More at |
722 | sustainability:dreamandcharme | Dream & Charme | The Dream&Charme certificate (DCA) is an accreditation programme that assesses the sustainability of accommodation based on various criteria. These criteria include aspects such as energy efficiency, water consumption, waste management, social responsibility and more. The DCA certificate is awarded to accommodation establishments both in Italy and abroad, regardless of their classification. It covers hotels, resorts, private villas, castles, cruise ships and more, is recognised in 97 countries and is valid for three years. More at |
711 | sustainability:activelygreen | Actively Green | The Actively Green certificate is a certification programme recognised by the GSTC (Global Sustainable Tourism Council) and offered by the non-profit organisation Walking Mountains Science Center. It supports businesses in improving their sustainability practices through management principles in the areas of corporate social responsibility, energy efficiency, waste reduction and prevention, transport, water and sustainable destination/risk management. The certificate is valid for 2 years. More at |
721 | sustainability:dehogaumweltcheck | DEHOGA environmental check | The DEHOGA environmental check is a certificate that verifies the sustainability of hotels and restaurants. The seal is part of the DEHOGA energy and environmental concept and was developed specifically for the requirements of the hospitality industry. The environmental check is based on the evaluation of selected environmental indicators in the areas of energy consumption, water consumption, waste generation/residual waste and food. The categorisation is at bronze, silver or gold level and valid for 2 years. More at |
718 | sustainability:certifiedgreenhotel | Certified Green Hotel | Certified Green Hotel is a certificate awarded to hotels in Germany, Austria and Switzerland that fulfil certain sustainability criteria in the areas of ecology, economy and social aspects. It is awarded by Certified, an independent certification institute for the hotel industry. The certificate is based on international standards such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and is valid for 3 years. More at |
716 | sustainability:biosphereresponsibletourismstandard | Biosphere Responsible Tourism Standard | Biosphere Responsible Tourism Standard is a global certification programme of the Responsible Tourism Institute (RTI) recognised by the GSTC. The sustainability of ecological, socio-economic and cultural aspects is assessed. The certificate is valid for 1 year. More at |
717 | sustainability:ceniasenvironmentallyfriendlyservice | Cenia's Environmentally Friendly Service | Cenia's Environmentally Friendly Service is a guide for environmentally friendly products and services developed by the Czech Environmental Information Agency (CENIA). This guide forms the basis for certification with the national ‘Environmentally Friendly Product’ (EŠV) and ‘Environmentally Friendly Service’ (EŠS) labels as well as the EU Ecolabel. More at |
668 | sustainability:greenkey | Green Key | Green Key is an international, independently operating eco-label that certifies the sustainability of companies in the tourism sector in accordance with the specifications of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE). For more information, visit |
667 | sustainability:ecocamping | Ecocamping | Ecocamping is a certification and management system for sustainability at campsites. The focus of a certification is on environmental, nature and climate protection. For more information, visit |
666 | sustainability:bureauveritas | Bureau Veritas | Bureau Veritas is a company that provides certification in the areas of Quality, Health & Safety, Environment and Social Responsibility, among others. For more information, visit |
669 | sustainability:travelife | Travelife | Travelife Standard for Hotels & Accommodations is a certification authority that assesses the sustainability of accommodations. Aspects such as emissions, biodiversity, human rights, fair working conditions, child protection and animal welfare are assessed. For more information visit |
629 | sustainability:recyclingscheme | Recycling scheme | The accommodation implements its own recycling measures. These include reducing waste and using reusable materials, e.g. in packaging. |
627 | sustainability:wasteseparation_rooms | Waste separation (Rooms) | The rooms of the accommodation have facilities for waste separation. |
634 | sustainability:compostablepackaging_cutlery | Compostable packaging/cutlery | The accommodation uses only compostable food packaging and/or cutlery. |
628 | sustainability:recyclingbins_wasterecycling | Recycling bins/Waste recycling | Recycling bins are available in the accommodation and waste is recycled. |
630 | sustainability:sustainablebatterydisposal | Sustainable battery disposal | The accommodation participates in a sustainable battery disposal programme. |
633 | sustainability:sustainablelightbulbdisposal | Sustainable light bulb disposal | The accommodation participates in a sustainable light bulb disposal programme. |
631 | sustainability:sustainableelectricalitemsdisposal | Sustainable electrical items disposal | The accommodation participates in a programme for the sustainable disposal of electrical items. |
632 | sustainability:sustainablehazardoussubstancesdisposal | Sustainable hazardous substances disposal | The accommodation participates in a programme for the sustainable disposal of hazardous substances. |
625 | sustainability:recycabledisposableitems | Recycable disposable items | The accommodation offers disposable items made of recyclable material, e.g. in the catering area. This can include bowls, cardboard boxes, cutlery, drinking cups, food packaging. |
624 | sustainability:compostabledisposableitems | Compostable disposable items | The disposable items made of compostable material, e.g. in the catering sector, include bowls, boxes, cutlery, drinking cups, food packaging. |
626 | sustainability:wasteseparation_publicareas | Waste separation (Public areas) | The public areas of the accommodation have facilities for waste separation. |
670 | sustainability:nowasteaccommodation | No-waste accommodation | The accommodation has achieved a waste-free status with a number of waste reduction initiatives. |
638 | sustainability:insulatingglazing | Insulating glazing | All windows in the accommodation are multi-glazed for sound and heat insulation. |
637 | sustainability:energysavingprogramme | Energy-saving programme | The accommodation implements various measures to reduce electricity, water and heat consumption, for example in guest rooms, kitchen and other areas of the accommodation. |
639 | sustainability:keycardswitch | Key card switch | The main function of a key card switch is to allow hotel guests to insert the room card into the power switch when they enter the hotel room. Then they can use the electrical appliances in the room. In this way, all electrical appliances in the hotel room can be secured and electricity can be saved. |
635 | sustainability:energyefficientlighting | Energy-efficient lighting | At least 75% of the lighting in the accommodation is realised with energy-efficient LED lamps. |
640 | sustainability:electricityfromrenewableenergies | Electricity from renewable energies | Electricity from renewable energies is used in the accommodation. A percentage share of the total electricity generation can be given. |
641 | sustainability:auditingsustainability | Auditing sustainability | The accommodation has the sustainability of energy production and consumption assessed by independent auditors at regular intervals. |
636 | sustainability:energyefficientheating_cooling | Energy-efficient heating/cooling | The accommodation uses CFC-free refrigerants for heating and cooling and adjusts energy consumption via thermostats or sensors. |
642 | sustainability:centralroomventilation | Central room ventilation | The centrally controlled room ventilation ensures that the heat of the stale air is transferred to the fresh air during ventilation and that this can be fed into the rooms at a pre-temperature. |
832 | sustainability:buildinginsulation | Building insulation | Building insulation is a fundamental aspect of sustainable architecture, leading to significant energy savings, reduced environmental impact, and enhanced occupant comfort. Many regions have energy codes that require minimum insulation levels, promoting sustainable building practices and encouraging the use of energy-efficient designs. |
835 | sustainability:smartlifts | Smart lifts | Smart lifts are equipped with modern technologies to improve efficiency, safety and user-friendliness. These lifts use sensors, IoT (Internet of Things), artificial intelligence and other digital systems to optimise operation and adapt to the needs of users. |
829 | sustainability:dynamicsunshading | Dynamic sun shading | Dynamic sun shading systems are designed to control the amount of sunlight entering a building in real-time. Unlike static shading devices (like fixed awnings or standard blinds), dynamic sun shading systems adjust automatically or can be controlled manually to respond to changing weather conditions, the position of the sun, and the building’s needs. |
830 | sustainability:energyefficientappliances | Energy-efficient appliances | Energy-efficient appliances are designed to use less electricity or water than standard models for the same performance. These appliances often meet certain energy consumption standards set by organisations and help to reduce energy consumption and environmental impact. These include fridges and freezers, ovens, dishwashers, washing machines, tumble dryers and washer-dryers, televisions and computer monitors, light bulbs and LEDs. They are usually labelled with an energy label indicating an energy rating from A to G and the energy consumption in kilowatt hours (kWh). |
834 | sustainability:poolpump_variablespeed | Pool pump (variable speed) | A pool pump with variable speed is a type of pool pump that allows the user to adjust the motor's speed to optimise water circulation and filtration. Unlike traditional single-speed pumps that operate at a fixed, high speed, variable-speed pumps can run at different speeds, depending on the pool’s needs. This flexibility provides significant advantages in terms of energy efficiency, noise reduction, and overall performance. |
831 | sustainability:energyefficientpoolcover | Energy-efficient pool covers | Energy efficient pool covers help to retain heat, reduce water evaporation and minimise energy consumption to maintain water temperature and pool cleanliness. These covers act as an insulating barrier over the water surface, reducing the need for heating systems and the loss of chemicals. |
833 | sustainability:energyreduction_yearly | Energy reduction (yearly) | The annual energy reduction refers to the decrease in energy consumption compared to the previous year, usually measured in kilowatt hours (kWh) or other relevant units. This reduction can result from various factors, such as the implementation of energy-efficient practices, the use of energy-efficient appliances, insulation improvements or behavioural changes that lead to lower energy consumption. The aim is often to lower electricity bills and reduce environmental impact by minimising energy waste. |
828 | sustainability:alternative_cooling_system | Alternative cooling system | Non-cooling arrangements refer to methods and systems designed to manage temperature without relying on traditional cooling mechanisms, like air conditioning or refrigeration. These arrangements can be particularly useful in energy-efficient building designs, or any setting where temperature control is needed without mechanical cooling. Natural ventilation, passive solar design, insulation, shade structures, heat recovery ventilation, green roofs and walls - these strategies aim to reduce energy consumption and create more sustainable environments. |
770 | sustainability:xericgarden | Xeric Garden | Xeric gardens are characterised by the presence of plants with low water consumption. |
769 | sustainability:waterrefillstations | Water refill stations | Refillable water stations are available in the accommodation. |
676 | sustainability:watersavingshowers | Water-saving showers | All showers in the accommodation are water-saving. |
674 | sustainability:rainwaterharvestingsystem | Rainwater harvesting system | The accommodation utilizes a rainwater harvesting system. |
677 | sustainability:watersavingtoilets | Water-saving toilets | All toilets in the accommodation are water-saving. |
675 | sustainability:watersavingsinks | Water-saving sinks | The accommodation has water saving wash basins in the guest rooms as well as in public and business areas. |
671 | sustainability:coralgardens | Coral gardens | Corals are important ecosystems that provide shelter for a variety of animal and plant species, counteract coastal erosion, and serve as a local source of income through their abundance of animals and plants. |
672 | sustainability:mangrovereforestation | Mangrove reforestation | Mangroves are ecosystems that provide shelter for a variety of animal and plant species, serve as coastal protection, and are an important CO² reservoir. |
673 | sustainability:sustainablewatercycle | Sustainable water cycle | The accommodation has set up a circuit for cleaning and reusing domestic and commercial wastewater. The recycled water is used, for example, for laundry cleaning or for outdoor water supply. In this process, service water/grey water is usually cleaned by mechanical-biological processes and reused as recycled clear water. Due to their grease load, kitchen wastewater is not included. |
646 | sustainability:locallyproducedfood | Locally produced food | The food and beverage offer of the accommodation consists entirely or partly, but at least 80%, of locally produced products. |
647 | sustainability:sustainablyraisedseafood | Sustainably raised seafood | The accommodation's food offer includes sustainably produced/raised seafood. |
649 | sustainability:fooddonations | Food donations | The accommodation participates in an excess food donation programme. |
648 | sustainability:homegrownfood | Home-grown food | The accommodation offers food from its own cultivation. |
643 | sustainability:organicfood | Organic food | The gastronomic offer of the accommodation consists partly or completely of organic food. The hallmarks are sustainable regional and seasonal cultivation, sustainable livestock farming and short transport routes from the producer to the accommodation. Only sustainably and regionally produced goods are processed. |
650 | sustainability:foodwasteprevention | Food waste prevention | The accommodation implements various food waste prevention measures that include education, prevention, reduction, recycling, composting and disposal of food waste. |
645 | sustainability:foodcomposting | Food composting | The accommodation uses the bio-waste produced for composting. The compost produced is used to increase soil fertility. The accommodation participates in an excess food composting programme. |
644 | sustainability:organicallyproducedcagefreeeggs | Organically produced cage-free eggs | The food offered at the accommodation includes organically produced cage-free eggs. |
678 | sustainability:non_useofdisposableplastic | Non-use of disposable plastic | The accommodation does not use disposable plastic in all areas. |
679 | sustainability:refillablecontainers | Refillable containers | Bathrooms feature refillable liquid dispensers for personal hygiene. |
836 | sustainability:no_styrofoamcontainers | No styrofoam containers | The accommodation does not use polystyrene packaging. |
683 | sustainability:soapdonation | Soap donation | The accommodation participates in a program of donation of soap items. |
684 | sustainability:toiletrydonation | Toiletry donation | The accommodation participates in a program of donation of cosmetics and hygiene products. |
680 | sustainability:kidsactivitiesforsustainability | Kids activities for sustainability | The accommodation offers children various activities on the theme of sustainability. |
682 | sustainability:emissionscompensationthroughcertificatepurchase | Emissions compensation through certificate purchase | The accommodation offsets the annual carbon emissions through the purchase of certificates. |
681 | sustainability:informations_localecosystems_culture_etiquette | Informations (local ecosystems/culture/etiquette) | The accommodation provides guests with information on local ecosystems, heritage and culture, and visitor etiquette. |
845 | sustainability:wagemonitoring | Wage monitoring | Wage monitoring is the monitoring and administration of employees' wages and salaries. It is a process that ensures that payroll accounting is correct, fair and in accordance with legal regulations and company standards. |
840 | sustainability:noharmtowildlife | No harm to wildlife species | No pain, suffering or harm will be inflicted on wild, non-domesticated animals on the premises of the accommodation. |
841 | sustainability:preventionofchildlabour | Prevention of child labour | There is no child labour in the accommodation. |
843 | sustainability:platformlocalartists | Platform for local artists | The accommodation provides a platform for local artists to showcase their talents. |
844 | sustainability:prioritizinglocalbusinesses | Prioritizing local businesses | The accommodation prioritises collaboration with local businesses. |
842 | sustainability:preventionofsextrafficking | Prevention of sex trafficking | The accommodation has taken measures to prevent sex trafficking. |
839 | sustainability:community_sustainability_investment | Investment in community or sustainability projects | The accommodation invests a percentage of revenue in community or sustainability projects. |
837 | sustainability:hiringlocalstaff | Hiring local staff | The accommodation emphasises the employment of local staff. |
838 | sustainability:equalopportunitiesforlocalstaff | Equal opportunities fol local staff | The accommodation offers equal opportunities for local employees. |
685 | sustainability:regenerationprogramme_naturalecosystems | Regeneration programme (natural ecosystems) | The accomodation participates in natural ecosystem restoration and regeneration programmes or operates one or more programmes itself. |
846 | sustainability:paperlessofficepractices | Paperless office practices | The accommodation dispenses with paper for office and administrative activities. |
848 | sustainability:ecofriendlycleaning | Ecofriendly cleaning | The accommodation uses ecologically degradable cleaning products when cleaning rooms, public areas, linen or guest clothing. |
849 | sustainability:safehazmatpractices | Safe hazmat practices | The accommodation prevents improper handling of substances, preparations or objects that could cause damage to people and nature during transport. |
847 | sustainability:strategy_avoidinginvasivespecies | Strategy to avoid invasive species | The accommodation has a strategy for preventing the spread of invasive species. Any non-native species (plants, animals, fungi and micro-organisms) that are known to or assumed to spread in their host environments and could pose a threat to people or to the native populations of plants and animals are referred to as invasive species. In addition to posing a threat to the natural diversity of species, invasive species also pose a threat to human health, agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing, buildings and roads and can result in major health, social and economic damage. |
772 | sustainability:towelchangeoptional | Towel change optional | The accommodation offers the possibility to have the towels in the rooms changed not daily, but as needed/on request. |
773 | sustainability:linenchangeoptional | Linen change optional | The accommodation offers the possibility of changing the bed linen in the rooms not daily, but as needed. |
771 | sustainability:certifiedtoiletries | Certified toiletries | The accommodation offers certified hygiene and cosmetic products. |
45 | hygiene | Hygiene | Fact group / context |
514 | hygiene:commerciallyavailabledisinfectants | Use of commercially available disinfectants | Commercially available disinfectants are used for cleaning. |
488 | hygiene:mandatorymaskwearing | Mandatory mask-wearing | Depending on guidelines, guests and/or staff are obliged to wear a protective mask in prescribed areas, for example in the reception or in dining rooms. |
487 | hygiene:distancingrules | Social distancing regulations | Distancing rules are to be understood as a catalogue of measures that define the minimum distance between staff and guests, the guests among themselves and the staff among themselves. The respective accommodations are responsible for the implementation of the individual rules. |
486 | hygiene:hygienescreens | Protective hygiene screens | Protective hygiene screens are set up at reception, and where necessary in other areas in which a minimum distance between employees and guests to minimise the risk of infection cannot be guaranteed. |
489 | hygiene:enhancedcleaning | Enhanced cleaning programme | Enhanced cleaning programmes are part of the safety concept to prevent infections. The key point is the regular cleaning and disinfection of all contact surfaces, for example tables, chairs, door handles, elevator controls etc. |
485 | hygiene:healthquestionnaire | Health questionnaire | The questionnaire serves to clarify whether guests showed symptoms of illness or previous illnesses shortly before or during their journey. The data is recorded for the possible tracking of infection chains. |
526 | hygiene:vacancytimebetweenbookings | Time interval between room bookings | A room is only re-occupied after a time interval in which the room was not entered by employees or guests |
530 | hygiene:covid19vaccinationrequired | Accommodation only for those vaccinated against COVID-19 | Only those providing proof of an up-to-date COVID-19 vaccination can be offered accommodation in this property. |
529 | hygiene:wellnessfacilitiesprivatearea | Wellness facilities with private area | The spa and wellness facilities offer marked private areas for exclusive use, spatially divided from other guests. |
518 | hygiene:additionalhygienemeasurescatering | Additional hygiene measures in catering | Additional hygiene measures are taken in the catering areas. These include the intensive cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, as well as the high-temperature cleaning of cutlery, crockery, utensils etc. |
517 | hygiene:additionalsafetymeasurescatering | Additional safety measures in catering | Additional safety measures are taken when preparing dishes and serving guests. These include the intensive cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, as well as the high-temperature cleaning of cutlery, crockery and utensils, protective equipment for employees, the packaging of meals etc. |
516 | hygiene:protectiveequipmentstaff | Protective equipment for employees | Employees wear protective equipment in the form of masks, face protection and gloves. |
515 | hygiene:handhygienetrainingstaff | Hand hygiene training for employees | Employees are professionally trained in hand hygiene. |
536 | hygiene:temperaturechecks | Temperature checks | The body temperature of guests is checked regularly, in most cases when entering the accommodation, in the lobby. |
535 | hygiene:safetymeasures | Safety measures | Hygiene and safety measures are implemented at the accommodation for the protection of the guests. |
507 | hygiene:sanitiserdispenser | Sanitiser dispenser | Sanitiser dispensers contain a liquid for disinfecting hands. Wherever possible, they should be installed at all important contact points and easily accessible for guests. |
508 | hygiene:stafftraining | Hygiene training for staff | Staff will receive training in the hygiene measures to be implemented. |
509 | hygiene:healthcheck | Health checks on staff | The accommodation carries out regular health checks on staff. These special procedures include measuring temperature, disinfecting work- and (where applicable) protective clothing and the logging of these measures. |
490 | hygiene:contactlesspayment | Contactless payment | Contactless payment is guaranteed. Card readers may be disinfected after use. |
524 | hygiene:digitalroomaccess | Digital room access | Rooms can be accessed using a mobile phone app. |
491 | hygiene:contactlesscheckinout | Contactless check-in/-out | Contactless check-in/-out (e.g. via mobile devices) is possible, so that direct contact between guests and staff at reception can largely be avoided. |
528 | hygiene:protectiveequipment | Protective equipment for guests | The accommodation provides guests with protective equipment such as masks and gloves as required. |
525 | hygiene:disinfectionkeycard | Disinfection of plastic key card | Plastic key cards are either disinfected or disposed of. |
522 | hygiene:nohightouchfurnishingspublicareas | No high-touch furnishings in public areas | There are no high-touch furnishings such as magazines, newspapers, writing materials etc. in the public areas. |
538 | hygiene:professionalcleaningservice | Professional cleaning service | The accommodation uses a professional cleaning service. |
539 | hygiene:laundrywashedminimum60c140f | Laundry washed at a minimum of 60°C/140°F | Bed linen and towels are washed at a temperature of at least 60°C/140°F at the accommodation. |
537 | hygiene:disinfectionhightouchsurfaces | Disinfection of high-touch surfaces | Frequently touched surfaces at the accommodation are cleaned with disinfectant. |
492 | hygiene:protectivemasks | Protective masks for guests | The accommodation provides guests with protective masks that must be worn in accordance with the requirements of the accommodation. |
494 | hygiene:medicalteleconsultation | Medical teleconsultation | This service offers the possibility of diagnosing symptoms of illness digitally or by telephone, e.g. through video consultations, and, if necessary, initiating further measures. |
493 | hygiene:handsanitiser | Hand sanitiser | The accommodation provides guests with hand sanitiser. |
520 | hygiene:disposablecutlery | Disposable cutlery | The accommodation offers disposable cutlery. |
519 | hygiene:packagedmeals | Packaged meals | If required, meals can be packaged per guest/table. |
521 | hygiene:disposablemenus | Disposable menus | Every guest/table receives their own menu, which is subsequently disposed of. |
540 | hygiene:contactlessfoodbeverageservices | Contactless food and beverage services | The accommodation offers guests a contactless way to order meals and/or drinks. |
497 | hygiene:nobuffetservice | No buffet service | The accommodation does not offer buffet meals. |
495 | hygiene:digitalmenu | Digital menu (mobile phone) | The accommodation offers the possibility of ordering meals and drinks by mobile telephone. |
496 | hygiene:restrictedbuffetservice | Restricted buffet service | The accommodation offers buffet meals, but the selection is limited. Self-service by guests may not be permitted and selected meals are served by the staff. |
513 | hygiene:intensifiedroomcleaning | Intensified room cleaning | Rooms are cleaned intensively after each check-out and all contact surfaces are disinfected. |
527 | hygiene:hygienesetrooms | Hygiene set | Hygiene kits with protective masks, hand disinfectants and/or antibacterial wipes are provided in the rooms. |
523 | hygiene:nohightouchfurnishingsrooms | No high-touch furnishings | There are no high-touch items such as scatter cushions, decorative covers, magazines, newspapers, writing materials, decorative items etc. in the rooms. |
541 | hygiene:sealingaftercleaning | Sealing after cleaning | The accommodation/the guest rooms are sealed after cleaning and no one enters the room until the next guests arrive. |
499 | hygiene:roomservicefree | Room service free of charge | Room service is a service that delivers food and drinks to your room. The accommodation offers this service free of charge. |
498 | hygiene:contactlessroomservice | Contactless room service | Room service is ordered digitally or by telephone. Food and drinks are not brought to the room by staff, but may for example be left outside the room on a dining car. |
500 | hygiene:housekeepingonrequestonly | Housekeeping only upon request | Rooms are only cleaned and disinfected on guests' request. Depending on the safety standard, a seal on the door can inform guests that cleaning and disinfection have been completed and the room has not been entered since. |
510 | hygiene:standard_staysafe | staysafe® hygiene label (powered by cooperation partner of TÜV SÜD) | staysafe® is a digital management solution developed in cooperation with Flowtify and TÜV SÜD, which implements and accompanies hygiene concepts for hotels as part of self-assessment processes. |
512 | hygiene:standard_safetourism | SAFE TOURISM (Lloyd’s Register) | SAFE TOURISM is the safety standard of the Culture and Tourism Ministry of Turkey (issuer: Lloyd's Register). Details at: |
603 | hygiene:standard_healthfirst | Health First (Greece) | The accommodation is certified with the "Health First" certificate, developed by the Greek Chamber of Hotels. Details at: |
545 | hygiene:standard_intertekcristal | Intertek Cristal | The accommodation complies with the hygiene standards set out by Intertek Cristal (3rd party expert - Global). Details at: |
544 | hygiene:standard_covid19guidelines | COVID-19 Guidelines (CDC) | The accommodation complies with the hygiene recommendations set out by CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services). Details at: |
547 | hygiene:standard_safetravels | Safe Travels (WTTC – Global) | The accommodation complies with the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) Safe Travels hygiene concept. Details at: |
542 | hygiene:standard_commitmenttocleanchoice | Commitment to Clean (Choice) | The accommodation implements the cleaning procedures and hygiene standards set out by Commitment to Clean (Choice). Details at: |
534 | hygiene:standard_stcertified | Safe Tourism Certified (ICTE) | Safe Tourism Certified is the seal of the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality. Certified companies and institutions implement safety and hygiene protocols for service, cleaning, disinfection, maintenance and risk management to prevent the spread of COVID-19. More details at |
543 | hygiene:standard_commitmenttocleanmarriott | Commitment to Clean (Marriott) | The accommodation implements the cleaning procedures and hygiene standards set out by Commitment to Clean (Marriott). Details at: |
546 | hygiene:standard_safehospitalitynationalprotocol | Safe Hospitality National Protocol | The accommodation implements hygiene and cleaning measures in accordance with the certified guidelines for Italy. |
506 | hygiene:standard_clean20 | CLEAN 2.0 (FTI) | CLEAN 2.0 is a 6-point safety standard of the FTI Group. Details at: |
503 | hygiene:standard_safestay | Safe Stay (AHLA) | Safe Stay is the safety standard of the AHLA Group. Details at: |
502 | hygiene:standard_cleanstay | CleanStay (Hilton) | CleanStay is the safety standard of the Hilton Group. Details at: |
504 | hygiene:standard_10pointplan | 10-point plan (TUI) | The 10-point plan is TUI's own safety standard and comprises the following core areas: hotel organisation, capacity assessment, hygiene measures and training programmes for staff. Details at: |
505 | hygiene:standard_hygieneplan | Hygiene plan (Enchilada) | The Enchilada Hygiene Plan is mandatory for all catering facilities in the Enchilada Group and must be implemented in accordance with local regulations. Details at: |
501 | hygiene:standard_allsafe | ALLSAFE (Accor/Bureau Veritas) | ALLSAFE is the safety standard of the Accor Group. Details at: |
16 | objectinformation | Property info | Fact group / context |
511 | objectinformation:temporarilyclosed | Accommodation temporarily closed | The accommodation is temporarily closed to guests. No overnight stays or other services can be booked during this period. |
347 | objectinformation:elevation | Altitude AMSL | Specifies at what height above sea level the property is located. |
332 | objectinformation:url | URL | Specifies the website of the property. |
330 | objectinformation:fax | Fax | Specifies the number of the fax machine. |
331 | objectinformation:email | Specifies the address, which includes details such as name and provider, at which emails can be received. | |
329 | objectinformation:phone | Phone | Specifies the number of the property's telephone. |
328 | objectinformation:address | Address | Specifies the address of the property and generally includes street names, house number, postal code, place names and the country. |
327 | objectinformation:chain | Hotel chain | Specifies which hotel group (company) the property belongs to. |
481 | objectinformation:geoinfo | Geo-info | Specifies the geographic location of the property. |
15 | category | Category | Fact group / context |
533 | category:classification | Hotel classification (official) | Hotel classification provides the operator with a positioning in the market and the guests with a reliable summary of the features of the facilities and services offered by an accommodation. Classification is usually carried out by classification agencies on the basis of a fixed catalogue of criteria (in Europe, by the Hotelstars Union, among others). The classification is often represented by symbols such as stars, which are recognised by and familiar to international guests. |
326 | category:recommended | Category (recommended) | The recommended category classifies the property according to the operator or owner's standards. |
325 | category:official | Category (official) | The official category categorises the accommodation according to the official ranking of the respective country. The classification is based on the following attributes: quality, facilities and services and is generally carried out by an independent certification board. The possible categories range from 1 (lowest standards) to 7 (highest standards). |
5 | location | Location | Fact group / context |
89 | location:beach | Beach | There is a beach. A beach describes a natural or prepared stretch of coast. The composition can vary according to the coarseness and colour of the stone, vegetation and gradient. |
458 | location:beach_changingrooms | Changing rooms | Changing rooms are available on the beach in which visitors can get changed. |
439 | location:beach_wickerbeachchairs | Wicker beach chairs | Wicker beach chairs are provided on the beach. A beach chair generally seats two people and can generally be folded back creating a canopy and back support. As three sides of the chair are closed off it offers protection from the sun’s rays, wind, sand drifts and rain on the beach. |
604 | location:beach_pavillon | Gazebo/Beach pavillon | Beach pavillons with two sunloungers are available at the beach. |
336 | location:beach_beachbar | Beach bar | There is a beach bar. A beach bar is a food and beverage outlet on the beach, which mainly serves drinks. |
334 | location:beach_sunloungers | Sun loungers on the beach | Sun loungers are available on the beach. |
335 | location:beach_parasols | Parasols on the beach | Parasols are provided on the beach. |
90 | location:centrallysituated | Central location | The accommodation is located in the centre of the town/city. |
91 | location:quietlysituated | Quiet location | The accommodation is situated in a quiet location. |
350 | location:oldtown | Historic centre | The distance of the property from the old town. |
352 | location:outoftown | Out of town | The accommodation is located outside of a locality. |
351 | location:outskirts | In the outskirts | The property is located at the edge of the town or city. |
348 | location:livelylocation | Lively location | The accommodation is situated in a lively location. |
353 | location:rurallocation | Rural location | The accommodation is situated in a rural location. |
349 | location:carfreelocation | Car-free location | The accommodation is located in an area in which cars are not allowed or only allowed in very limited cases. |
323 | location:locatedonmainroad | Located on a main road | The accommodation is located on a main road. |
691 | location:healthresort | Health resort | A health resort is a place that is suitable for medical therapies due to its location and/or natural environment and other characteristics. |
13 | distance | Distances: transport & city | Fact group / context |
340 | distance:busstop | Bus stop | There is a bus stop. A bus stop is a scheduled stopping point along a bus route. |
307 | distance:trainstation | Train station | Specifies the distance from the accommodation to the next station. |
306 | distance:touristcentre | Tourist attractions | There is a tourist centre. A tourist centre is a place which is popular with tourists and which also tends to feature the corresponding tourist infrastructure. |
291 | distance:citycentre | City centre | There is a city centre. City centre refers to the inner part of the city, generally where all important transport and supply routes converge and where trade, services and administration is concentrated. Frequently it corresponds to the historical centre, so all the most important sights can be found here too. |
305 | distance:station | Metro station | There is an underground or suburban rail station. An underground or suburban rail station is a stopping point along an underground or suburban rail line. |
298 | distance:publictransport | Public transport connections | Public transport is available. Public transport is an umbrella term for ways to get around within a local transport system such as bus, tram, suburban trains, underground trains etc. |
290 | distance:busstation | Bus station | There is a bus station. A bus station is a central hub at which several bus lines meet. |
605 | distance:hospital | Hospital | Specifies the distance to the next hospital. The distance can be given by the user in metres or kilometres. |
562 | distance:marina | Marina | Indicates the distance from the marina. |
692 | distance:suburbantrainstation | Suburban train station | Specifies the distance to the suburban train station. |
693 | distance:subwaystation | Subway station | Indicates the distance to the nearest subway station. |
651 | distance:airport | Airport | Specifies the distance to the next airport. The distance can be given by the user in metres or kilometres. |
786 | distance:tradefair_congress_centre | Trade fair/congress centre | Indicates the distance to the nearest trade fair/congress centre. |
294 | distance:golfcourse | Golf course | Specifies the distance to the next golf course. The distance can be given by the user in m or km. |
296 | distance:nightclubs | Nightclub | Specifies the distance to the next discos/clubs. The distance can be given by the user in metres or kilometres. |
299 | distance:restaurants | Restaurant | Specifies the distance to the next restaurant. |
302 | distance:shopping | Shopping opportunities | Specifies the distance to the next shop. The distance can be given by the user in m or km. |
288 | distance:barspubs | Bar/pub | Specifies the distance to the next bars/pubs. The distance can be given by the user in metres or kilometres. |
444 | distance:internetcafe | Internet café | There is an Internet café. In an Internet café the guest can use a computer with Internet access for a certain period of time (generally for a charge). In addition drinks and snacks are often available. |
606 | distance:pharmacy | Pharmacy | Specifies the distance to the next pharmacy. The distance can be given by the user in metres or kilometres. |
787 | distance:archaeologicalsite | Archaeological site | Indicates the distance to the nearest archaeological site. |
295 | distance:lake | Lake | The accommodation is located close to a lake. Abstract or concrete distances can be entered. |
293 | distance:forest | Forest | The accommodation is located close to a forest. Abstract or concrete distances can be entered. |
297 | distance:park | Park | The accommodation is located close to a park. Abstract or concrete distances can be entered. |
301 | distance:sea | Sea | The accommodation is located close to the sea. Abstract or concrete distances can be entered. |
300 | distance:river | River | The accommodation is located close to a river. Abstract or concrete distances can be entered. |
289 | distance:beach | Beach | The accommodation is located close to a beach. Abstract or concrete distances can be entered. |
788 | distance:nationalpark | National Park | Indicates the distance to the nearest national park. |
304 | distance:skilift | Ski lift | Specifies the distance to the next ski lift. The distance can be given by the user in m or km. |
303 | distance:skiarea | Ski resort | The accommodation is a specific distance from a downhill ski resort/ski piste. |
292 | distance:crosscountryskiing | Cross-country ski resort | The accommodation is a specific distance from a cross-country ski resort. |
480 | distance:crosscountryskitrail | Cross-country ski trail | There is a cross-country ski trail. A cross-country ski trail is a track prepared in the snow for cross-country skiing. |
789 | distance:skischool | Ski school | Indicates the distance to the nearest ski school. |
12 | type | Accommodation types | Fact group / context |
278 | type:lodge | Lodge | Lodges are accommodation in mostly unspoilt nature, often close to or within natural parks or reserves. The facilities, dining options and fittings are often specific to the country or region and range from basic to luxurious. |
277 | type:hostel | Hostel | A hostel usually offers basic accommodation for young people or individuals who do not have high expectations regarding facilities. Value-for-money shared rooms often feature and the range of services provided and gastronomic offering is limited, e.g. food from vending machines, or not provided at all. However in larger cities in particular, hostels with hotel standards have been established, whose design and facilities are as a rule aimed at young people. |
281 | type:residence | Residence | Residences are old manor houses or stately homes. The accommodation type residence refers to accommodation which is oriented on prestigious design and/or a privileged location. The facilities can differ widely, from an apartment complex with limited communal amenities to a fully-equipped hotel. |
286 | type:villa | Holiday home villa | A villa refers in most cases to a freestanding house which is rented as a whole and is sometimes a part of a larger complex. Villas are generally substantial in size and feature high-end facilities, often with a garden and indoor or outdoor pool. Services and dining options are normally not provided, with guests catering for themselves in their well-equipped villa or visiting local dining establishments. |
287 | type:village | Holiday village | Holiday villages refer to large grounds home to tourist accommodation often in the form of bungalows, apartments or rooms. The accommodation is mostly spread across a large, mainly car-free and often green area, which due to its paths and streets often resembles a village. The facilities vary. A reception and dining options usually feature and the accommodation often includes self-catering facilities. |
283 | type:selfsupporter | Self-catering accommodation | This accommodation is equipped with the essential amenities required for self-catering. In contrast to an apartment, this can also refer to hotel rooms or rooms in private accommodation. |
274 | type:guesthouse | Guest house | Compared to many hotels guesthouses are rather small and as a rule feature only a few guestrooms and often limited leisure, service and dining options. Generally only breakfast is provided and the reception, if there is one, is mostly only staffed for a limited number of hours. |
264 | type:clubresort | Club resort | Club resorts stand out for their wide entertainment offering, mostly in the form of sports, entertainment and wellness for guests of all ages. A varied range of dining options is also typical of club resorts. |
271 | type:floatinghotel | Hotel ship | A hotelship is a hotel located on a ship which often travels on rivers or is permanently moored in order to provide additional accommodation capacity (e.g. during a trade fair). The facilities vary from basic to luxurious. |
266 | type:cruiser | Cruise ship | A cruise ship is a floating hotel on a large motor or sailboat. The guests stay in cabins which are booked for a specific journey. The facilities can be basic but on modern cruise ships they often meet the standard of club resorts with a wide-range of leisure and gastronomic offerings, pools and various sports facilities. On a cruise the ship and not the destination itself is the primary purpose of the trip. |
270 | type:finca | Finca | Classic fincas are rurally-situated properties made up of one or more buildings on the Spanish mainland or on the Balearic or Canary Islands. The buildings are often single-storey or only feature a small number of storeys and tend to be situated on a large plot, sometimes with an adjacent farm and in most cases with a pool and garden. |
261 | type:casinoresort | Casino resort | A casino hotel/resort is a complex featuring gaming outlets. A property in this category features the amenities and facilities found in a standard hotel or resort. Casino complexes are often relatively large properties with at least 100 rooms. |
254 | type:appartment | Apartment | An apartment is accommodation that usually features two rooms, basic self-catering facilities (e.g. kitchenette) and its own bath or shower/WC. As an accommodation type it refers to a single property that does not belong to an apartment complex (e.g. apartment hotel). In contrast to holiday apartments, apartments can normally be booked by the night. |
260 | type:campground | Campsite | Campsites offer plots for tents, camper vans or caravans. Optionally there are also communal/sanitary facilities plus basic dining options. |
258 | type:bungalowcomplex | Bungalow complex | In a bungalow complex numerous bungalows are located next to one another. Bungalows are mostly single-storey houses located at ground level, often with functional facilities, several sleeping options and its own entrance. |
253 | type:apartmenthotel | Apartment hotel | An apartment hotel offers accommodation in apartments and sometimes also in studios. The hotel features a reception or reception area, but only limited or no dining options and a limited number of communal facilities. As a rule the apartments offer self-catering facilities and in contrast to holiday apartments can normally be booked by the night. |
256 | type:bedandbreakfast | B & B | Bed & Breakfast (or B&B for short) refers to accommodation provided by private individuals mostly in Anglo-American countries featuring a small number of rooms and serving breakfast. |
429 | type:yacht | Yacht | Yachts are small to medium-sized vessels which are powered by a motor or sail and are generally hired by private individuals. Depending on the scope of the services provided, a skipper or crew may operate the boat. Passengers are accommodated in cabins. Yachts often feature high-end facilities. |
426 | type:ferry | Ferry | A ferry serves chiefly to transport people, vehicles and other goods by water. A restaurant and shops are often found on-board. Ferries which serve longer routes often also offer cabins for sleeping. |
427 | type:houseboat | House boat | A houseboat is a motorised vessel which is primarily used on inland waterways and serves as a form of transport and accommodation. Normally guests pilot it themselves and it offers space for several people. Facilities normally include cabins, a shower/WC and a kitchen. |
432 | type:mobilehome | Mobile home | Mobile homes are transportable accommodation containers which are larger than a caravan or camper van and whose interior fittings are comparable with those of a small flat. Mobile homes generally feature a bedroom, living space, kitchen and bathroom with WC and shower or bath. |
431 | type:caravan | Caravan | A caravan is a (non-motorised) mostly uniaxial trailer which as a rule is equipped with sleeping and cooking facilities, as well as a shower and toilet. Caravans are well suited to drivers looking for flexible accommodation on round trips. |
430 | type:campervan | Camper van | A camper van is a motor vehicle which as a rule is fitted with sleeping and cooking facilities, as well as a shower and toilet. Camper vans are well suited to drivers looking for flexible accommodation on round trips. |
428 | type:sailingboat | Sailing boat | Sailing boats are larger water-based vessels with sails that are predominantly wind-powered. Normally a team is on board to operate the vessel. Guests can sleep in cabins. Depending on the size and facilities, restaurants, bars and further amenities can be found on board. |
425 | type:shipboat | Ship/boat | Ships or boats are vessels which operate on inland waterways or on the sea/oceans and in addition to being a form of transport, also often offer accommodation, dining options and other additional services. |
424 | type:privateflat | Private flat | This type of accommodation refers to short or longer-term lodging in private apartments, predominantly in popular cities/neighbourhoods. Guests cater for themselves using the apartment’s cooking facilities. Catering is not provided. |
423 | type:igloo | Igloo | Igloos/snow huts are shelters for the Inuit people of the Arctic, which are built out of blocks of ice. As an accommodation form for tourists there are either individual igloos forming living units within the context of winter sports or so-called ‘igloo villages’. Both variations only exist for a limited period of time (mostly October to April) and also for longer in colder regions. The facilities are mostly very simple. In igloo villages additional features such as spa facilities (e.g. hot tub) or dining facilities can be found. |
416 | type:ranch | Ranch | A ranch is a commercial livestock operation in the countryside, mostly found in North America but now also across the world. This accommodation type generally features a small number of accommodation units with varying facilities, levels of comfort and dining options. Frequently ranches offer their guests riding holidays, and often they meet the demands of sustainable tourism. |
409 | type:motel | Motel | A motel refers to a type of accommodation which is specially aimed at those travelling by car or motorbike. Motels are often located on busy trunk roads and feature a reception as well as direct access to the accommodation unit from the parking space. They generally feature simple and functional furnishings. Dining facilities are not provided but can often be found in the vicinity. |
421 | type:cabin | Hut | A cabin offers simple overnight accommodation with mostly functional furnishings in remote natural surroundings, often in mountainous regions. Sometimes dining facilities are provided but mostly these are only cooking facilities for self-catering guests. |
414 | type:resort | Resort | Resorts stand out for their large offering of sport and/or entertainment options. They often offer their guests a wide range of dining options in various restaurants. |
407 | type:inn | Inn | An inn refers to a culinary establishment in a countryside or provincial setting whose principal offering is a selection of food and drink, is in most part furnished in a traditional style and offers a limited number of guest rooms. |
408 | type:countryhotel | Countryside hotel | A country hotel is located in a countryside setting close to the outdoors, which means that this accommodation type is above all aimed at guests looking for (active) relaxation, e.g. by hiking or cycling, and looking to enjoy the hotel’s natural setting. Country hotels generally feature the facilities typically found in ordinary hotels and their dining options usually include at least breakfast. |
415 | type:farm | Farm | A farm is an agricultural enterprise, which is run by the private-sector and in most cases is located outside of cities or larger towns and villages. For this type of accommodation the “experience” (nature and countryside living but also relaxation/wellness) plays a major role; it is often geared towards families with children. For guests the choice of accommodation is limited and comes mostly in the form of holiday apartments located on or close to the farm; the facilities can vary. Dining options vary: from just breakfast to self-catering, all variations are available. |
422 | type:residentialcave | Cave dwelling | Residential caves are man-made, self-supporting accommodation options, in many cases located on a hillside. Residential caves for tourists mostly feature basic amenities (electricity, water, possibly heating) and self-catering facilities or access to dining establishments nearby. Facilities vary from basic to luxurious. |
417 | type:horseranch | Horse ranch | An equestrian centre is a complex similar to a ranch, at which horses are kept and which hosts equestrian sports. As a form of accommodation it also offers overnight stays. In most cases dining options include at least breakfast. |
419 | type:holidayhouse | Holiday house | Holiday homes are freestanding tourist accommodation units, which either belong to a resort or are independently (often privately) rented. Generally no dining options are available, which is why cooking facilities are provided in the majority of this type of accommodation. |
412 | type:holidaycomplex | Holiday complex | Resorts are tourist establishments which offer their guests accommodation and often catering and other additional services. The accommodation mostly takes the form of rooms, studios, apartments and also often individual houses (e.g. bungalows). A resort is often larger in size and can include additional facilities such as a garden, outdoor pool etc. |
420 | type:holidayflat | Holiday flat | The holiday apartment accommodation type takes the form of a living unit with several rooms (often rented out privately) which does not belong to a holiday resort/complex. They are targeted at self-catering guests and therefore also feature a fully-equipped kitchen. Holiday apartments are mostly rented out for several days or a full week. |
418 | type:templemonastery | Temple/monastery | This form of accommodation can be understood as a place to retreat from everyday life, which is often surrounded by parkland or gardens. Stressed-out employees or those interested in religion come here to find peace and gain an insight into the simple life led by monks and nuns. Activities are mostly related to the spiritual and (martial art) sports fields. The number of accommodation units conforms to the size of the property and is normally confined to just a few. Facilities and comfort levels vary but are often on the more basic side. The food on offer tends to be vegetarian and alcoholic drinks are mostly not provided. |
413 | type:apartmentcomplex | Apartment complex | An apartment complex offers accommodation in the form of apartments and sometimes also studios. In contrast to an apartment hotel, an apartment complex is large in scale and in addition often offers a garden or park complex, an outdoor pool and additional amenities. Apartment complexes mostly do not offer dining options and if they do these are mostly limited. |
410 | type:pousadaparador | Pousada/Parador | This type of accommodation is found above all in Portugal and some former Portuguese colonies. It is mostly housed in historical buildings such as stately homes, castles, monasteries or palaces. The Spanish equivalent is “paradores”, hotels which can chiefly be found in buildings of historic value and historically significant areas. Distinct from the "pousada/parador" (hotel) there is a similar type of accommodation in Brazil which instead exhibits similarities to a B & B. |
411 | type:palacecastle | Palace/castle hotel | A palace or castle hotel is accommodation which is housed in a palace or castle, or in a building that resembles a palace or castle. Palace or castle hotels are generally run privately. They normally offer sweeping parkland or gardens, as well as in-house dining options. |
406 | type:bnb | Hotel garni | A bed & breakfast hotel refers to a hotel whose sole culinary offering is breakfast and which does not have a conventional restaurant. |
405 | type:romantichotel | Romantic hotel | Romantic hotel is a marketing term which refers to an accommodation type that is predominantly targeted at couples. These couples are generally looking for quiet hours/days in a relaxed and, in most cases, natural setting. The buildings are often marked by their historically recreated or traditional construction style and offer furnishings that radiate comfort and which aim to bring about a marked feeling of well-being in guests. Spa packages or candle-lit dinners are typical offerings provided by this type of accommodation. |
404 | type:hotel | Hotel | A hotel refers to a tourist operation which offers its guests accommodation and often catering and other additional services. The accommodation mostly takes the form of rooms, studios or apartments. |
774 | type:tent | Tent | A tent is a dwelling made of fabric or skins that can be easily erected and dismantled with the help of poles. |
338 | type:designhotel | Design hotel | Design hotels stand out for their unique and high-end design, which has often been carried out by renowned designers. The facilities are in line with the category. Most design hotels are however in the upper categories. |
282 | type:ruralhouse | Country house hotel | A country house is a stand-alone form of accommodation which has been adapted to match its rural setting. It often features its own garden or parklands. As a rule no dining options are available, rather a kitchen is provided for self-catering. |
284 | type:skihotel | Ski hotel | A ski hotel refers to a hotel whose facilities and services are aimed at the target group of skiers. Skiers can broadly include downhill skiers, cross-country skiers and snowboarders. |
285 | type:spacomplex | Spa hotel | Spa hotel guests are travellers who, in order to cure their illness or pain, have selected accommodation which offers a variety of healing therapies. In line with this spa hotels are often situated in areas of natural beauty. |
279 | type:mountainhotel | Mountain hotel | A mountain hotel is located on or near a mountain, mostly in a quiet, rural location. The target group is those looking for relaxation and active nature-lovers. |
280 | type:mountainlodge | Mountain cabin | A mountain cabin is a simple form of accommodation on a mountain, mostly at alpine altitudes. Hikers and mountain climbers will find basic accommodation, generally without much luxury. |
276 | type:historicalhotel | Historic hotel | Historic hotels are accommodation provided in historically important buildings, which often feature historic relics. This type of accommodation is often located in historic old towns. |
272 | type:gayhotel | Gay hotel | A gay hotel refers to a hotel whose facilities and services are aimed at the target group of homosexuals. |
268 | type:ecohotel | Eco hotel | Eco-hotels focus on meeting ecological standards in a range of areas. This could be in terms of energy supply, the use of local products or the responsible use of scarce resources. Eco-hotels are often situated in areas of natural beauty but some are also located in cities. |
273 | type:golfhotel | Golf hotel | A golf hotel refers to a hotel whose facilities and services are aimed at the target group of golfers. |
263 | type:cityhotel | Urban hotel | Urban hotels are located in the centre or in particularly interesting neighbourhoods of larger cities. The facilities vary according to the category and concentrate mostly on the hotel’s interior due to its urban setting. The outdoor grounds are often limited or non-existent. In warm areas city hotels are often equipped with a roof terrace, and possibly a pool. Special prices for leisure activities in the respective city are often provided. |
275 | type:hikershotel | Hiking hotel | A hiking hotel refers to a hotel whose facilities and services are aimed at the target group of hikers. Hikers are individuals who wish to go hiking during their stay. |
267 | type:cyclistshotel | Bike hotel | A bike hotel refers to a hotel whose facilities and services are aimed at the target group of cyclists. |
262 | type:charmhotel | Hotel de charme | A hotel de charme refers as a rule to smaller, cheaper form of accommodation with only a few accommodation units which stands out for its particularly pleasant and charming atmosphere and warm welcome. |
265 | type:conferencehotel | Conference hotel | A conference hotel refers to a hotel whose facilities and services are aimed at the target group of those travelling for seminars and meetings. |
269 | type:familyfriendlyhotel | Family-friendly hotel | Family-friendly hotels provide special facilities for children and parents, e.g. playgrounds, children’s pools, children’s menus, babysitting services or kids’ clubs, and often also provide spacious family rooms. The facilities vary according to the category and range from basic to comfortable to luxurious. |
255 | type:beachhotel | Beach hotel | A beach hotel refers to a hotel whose facilities and services are aimed at the target group of beach holidaymakers. |
259 | type:businesshotel | Business hotel | Business hotels are often located close to company buildings, government headquarters or trade fairs. The facilities are high-end and focus on allowing guests to work in the hotel rooms or in specific facilities (conference rooms or business centre). Often technical support and special services for business travellers are provided. |
252 | type:airporthotel | Airport hotel | An airport hotel is located within or next to an airport and in particular targets guests that are in town for a short trip (e.g. stopover). As a rule all typical hotel amenities are provided, including a reception and dining options. The journey to the terminal is particularly short. |
257 | type:boutiquehotel | Boutique hotel | Boutique hotel describes small hotels which place value on having an individual flair and which are often devoted to a specific theme. This expresses itself in particularly attractive exteriors and/or high-class interiors. The facilities are more often than not luxurious. |
251 | type:adultsonly | Adults-only hotel | An adults-only hotel refers to a hotel whose facilities and services are aimed exclusively at the target group of adults. This can also in some circumstances include individuals of a certain minimum age (e.g. 16 years). |
549 | type:vineyard | Vineyard | A vineyard is situated on the accommodation’s premises or adjacent to it. |
548 | type:nonsmokingaccommodation | Non-smoking accommodation | At the accommodation, smoking is prohibited in all guest rooms, in public areas as well as on the entire site. |
779 | type:riad | Riad | A riad is a hotel in a traditional Moroccan townhouse or palace with a courtyard or interior garden. The design of these courtyards in the coastal region of Morocco goes back to the local adoption of the construction of Roman villas (atrium house). |
780 | type:ryokan | Ryokan | A ryokan is a hotel designed in traditional Japanese style. Breakfast and dinner are usually included in the service and the food is usually traditional Japanese. Rooms feature traditional sliding walls (shoji), futon sleeping areas, and sometimes a veranda. Public areas usually include a reception, restaurant or dining room, and shared bathrooms (onsen). Ryokans are usually in the higher-priced segment. |
775 | type:chalet | Chalet | The term chalet describes a type of accommodation originally found in alpine/montane or ski regions in Europe but now also in North America. Increasingly, chalets are also used to describe types of accommodation around the world that are not located at higher altitudes. The characteristic feature is a wooden construction (mostly with a gable roof), sometimes mixed with tiles (e.g. South Africa) and actually in rural surroundings. The living area in chalets can be distributed over several floors. This type of accommodation, which has characteristics of the "cottage", is aimed at self-catering in its equipment, although comfort and size also vary depending on the region. |
777 | type:capsulehotel | Capsule hotel | A capsule hotel is a type of hotel that is particularly widespread in Japan, but also in Asia and Europe, which arose from the need for inexpensive accommodation in cities where space is at a premium. Most capsule hotels are located near large train stations and airports. Capsule hotels are particularly popular with business travellers, as the overnight costs are significantly lower than those of conventional hotels. Some hotels have a restaurant, or at least vending machines for drinks and snacks. In capsule hotels, the "rooms" usually consist of small plastic cabins with a floor area of around 2 m² and a height of 1.20 m. The capsules contain a mattress and sometimes a television and a radio. Some of them are also air-conditioned. There are communal facilities for toilets, washbasins and the like. |
778 | type:lovehotel_hotelbyhours | Love hotel/Hotel by hours | A love hotel / Hotel by hours is a special type of hour hotel in Japan. Similar concepts to Japanese Love Hotels can be found in motels in Latin America, the Philippines and New Zealand. Unlike regular hotels, rooms in Love Hotels contain a large double bed. Usually there is a built-in control system at the bed for light (different light scenarios, dimmers), radio and TV (always with porn channels). In addition, there is usually a luxurious bathroom, for example with a built-in whirlpool. |
776 | type:japanesestylebusinesshotel | Japanese-style business hotel | Business hotels in Japan (bijinesu hoteru) were conceived as a place to spend the night for the many salarymen travelling for work. They have western-style rooms, which are generally very small by western hotel standards, but well-equipped with all the comforts and services needed to get back to work the next day in the best possible way. They are the most popular hotel category among tourists in Japan, as they are found everywhere and generally have very affordable rates. |
42 | travellercategory | Traveller categories | Fact group / context |
397 | travellercategory:mountainholidaymakers | Mountain travelers | Mountain holidaymakers are relaxation seekers and active nature-lovers who spend their holiday on or near a mountain. |
381 | travellercategory:clubholidaymakers | Club travelers | Club holidaymakers spend the majority of their holiday within the accommodation itself. Accordingly their demands regarding the services provided in the complex are high. They value a large choice of restaurants, types of catering plans (half-board, full-board, all-inclusive), sport and leisure activities (including excursions) and shopping options. In addition a high level of service with excellent support from accommodation staff also plays an important role for them. |
385 | travellercategory:adultsonly | Adults only | Accommodation for the target group “Adults (only)” is targeted specifically at guests who want to enjoy their stay in a peaceful complex, i.e. without the noise created by children. Adults are individuals that are deemed of full age by the laws of the respective destination country and this is often specified in the provision of a minimum age for guests (e.g. “16 years and over”). In addition an offering is often provided which specifically targets adults (e.g. entertainment for adults). |
403 | travellercategory:singleswithchildren | Singles with child | The target group “Singles with children” refers to single individuals who are travelling with their child or children. For these individuals relevant facilities such as cribs, special options such as children’s entertainment or childcare and discounts (e.g. reductions to, or removal of, single-occupancy surcharges). |
438 | travellercategory:vegans | Vegans | Vegans consciously forego the consumption of foodstuffs derived from animals. In addition to meat or fish this also includes milk and egg products for example. Vegans also forego animal products more generally, e.g. the use of leather for the production of textile products. Accommodation targeted at vegans provides therefore vegan food (sometimes only vegan food) and refrains from using furnishings derived from animals. |
433 | travellercategory:shortstayholidaymakers | Short-term travelers | Short-stay holidaymakers are travellers that only spend a few days (1 to 3 nights) normally in destinations located close by. |
395 | travellercategory:singles | Singles | The target group singles includes individuals who are neither married nor in a relationship. They wish to make contact with other singles on their trip or during their stay at their destination. They welcome communal activities which are tailored to their needs. |
396 | travellercategory:cyclists | Cyclists | Cyclists are travellers whose main activity is cycling. They either bring their bike with them or hire one when they arrive. Cyclists are interested in areas of natural beauty (mountain bikers are particularly interested in mountainous areas) featuring infrastructure suited to cycling, e.g. bike paths, bike hire or bike repair shops. |
398 | travellercategory:naturists | Naturists | The most important request of this target group is to spend the majority of their holiday/stay naked. Accordingly the guests/travellers choose accommodation types/methods of travelling, as well as sport, leisure and relaxation options which allow them to do so. |
392 | travellercategory:gaytravellers | Gay-Friendly | The target group gay travellers in line with this definition includes lesbians, gay men and bisexuals. These guests expect at the very least to be accepted and to encounter complete open-mindedness and friendliness ("gay-friendly") and/or the explicit and sole desirability for their presence ("gay only") in the accommodation. |
399 | travellercategory:naturelovers | Nature lovers | For this target group a stay within nature is the priority, principally close to or within natural parks, reserves, or conservation areas. Nature lovers appreciate the peace of their travel destination and the opportunity to carry out sport and leisure activities above all outside. |
391 | travellercategory:gourmettravellers | Food travelers | Gourmet travellers visit a destination with the aim of discovering the local culinary specialities. In view of this in-house restaurants (in some cases with their own star chef), cooking courses or restaurants in the vicinity all play their part. |
394 | travellercategory:longstayholidaymakers | Long-term travelers | Long-stay holidaymakers are travellers that spend at least three weeks travelling or in a destination. They also include holidaymakers who spend an entire winter in a destination. This group often expects that their accommodation offers them a discounted price compared to short-term holidaymakers. |
400 | travellercategory:wellnessholidaymakers | Wellness travelers | The target group wellness holidaymakers wish to escape the stress of everyday life and are seeking spiritual and physical well-being. Accommodation for this target group should as a rule be situated in a peaceful location and feature a spa and a wide range of treatments to pamper guests such as massages, special baths, a sauna, pool and similar. In addition healthy, well-balanced food is also important for these guests. |
393 | travellercategory:honeymooners | Wedding travelers | Honeymooners include individuals who are either going on their honeymoon or are getting married. |
401 | travellercategory:conferencetravellers | Seminar and convention travelers | For seminar and conference travellers conference rooms of a sufficient size and with the relevant facilities are paramount. In addition the accessibility and comfort of the accommodation plus the facilities provided (e.g. Internet and business centre) are important factors for this target group. |
389 | travellercategory:families | Families | Families favour accommodation with facilities and offerings dedicated to children. Leisure and entertainment options should be provided for both adults and children. As a rule services such as childcare or a babysitting service are in demand. |
390 | travellercategory:golfers | Golf players | Golfers prefer accommodation which either has its own golf course or courses or is located close to golf courses. In addition they welcome the provision of equipment and services for golfers. |
380 | travellercategory:youngpeople | Young people | Young people are as a rule travellers of between 16 and 35 years of age. |
382 | travellercategory:beachholidaymakers | Beach travelers | The target group beach holidaymakers features individuals who seek out accommodation located directly at the beach and spend the majority of their holiday there. For such guests it is important that they have direct access to the beach from their accommodation without having to crossing a public road. |
386 | travellercategory:citytravellers | City travelers | City travellers are mostly interested in destinations that are large cities, where they can visit popular sights and cultural events. Accommodation for city travellers should therefore be situated in the centre or in interesting neighbourhoods of larger cities. Travellers should be able to visit the most popular tourist sightseeing spots on foot or quickly and easily by public transport. |
388 | travellercategory:cultureenthusiasts | Cultural travelers | This target group is first and foremost interested in the holiday destination’s cultural offering. These options are related to different cultural fields, e.g. art (concerts, painting, exhibitions of various types, architecture/buildings etc.), science, local history etc. but also to language, cuisine or nature. |
383 | travellercategory:backpackers | Backpackers | Backpackers typically travel with a rucksack and in many cases camping equipment. They prefer to stay in cheap accommodation (hostels, campsites, guestrooms etc.) in various places which they visit as part of a round-trip. |
387 | travellercategory:businesstravellers | Business travelers | Business travellers are individuals whose reason for travelling is to conduct business matters. Company buildings, government headquarters or trade fairs are of particular importance for them. Business travellers often prefer higher-end accommodation and expect their accommodation to provide the facilities and services they require to conduct their work, such as conference rooms, a business centre and Internet access. |
384 | travellercategory:sportsactivetravellers | Sports and active travelers | Active holidaymakers wish to spend the majority of their stay in an active manner, carrying out various types of sport. For this, the travellers have a preference for places and/or regions which offer the appropriate (natural) conditions to undertake these activities, ideally featuring the relevant surroundings and where the required equipment is provided. |
686 | travellercategory:travelerswithdisabilities | Travelers with disabilities | The accommodation is aimed, among others, at people with reduced mobility, disabilities or care needs and offers appropriate facilities and services. |
850 | travellercategory:womenonly | Women only | The accommodation is aimed exclusively at female guests and offers appropriate facilities and services. |
851 | travellercategory:menonly | Men only | The accommodation is aimed exclusively at male guests and offers appropriate facilities and services. |
781 | travellercategory:couples | Couples | For the target group of couples, the focus is on togetherness. Therefore, they often choose stays in accommodations whose offers are tailored to this target group. |
14 | buildinginformation | Building information | Fact group / context |
320 | buildinginformation:yearconstruction | Built in the year | Specifies in which year the property was built. |
321 | buildinginformation:yearrenovation | Year of last renovation | Specifies in which year the property was last renovated. |
308 | buildinginformation:annexebuildings | Auxiliary building | Specifies the number of auxiliary buildings. |
311 | buildinginformation:numfloorsannexe | Storeys - adjacent building | Specifies the number of floors/levels in the auxiliary building of an accommodation. If the accommodation features several auxiliary buildings, the highest number of floors is given. |
312 | buildinginformation:numfloorsmain | Storeys - main building | Specifies the number of floors/levels in an accommodation. If the accommodation features several buildings, the highest number of floors is given. |
316 | buildinginformation:numroomstotal | Number of rooms (total) | Refers to the number of rooms in the entire complex. |
318 | buildinginformation:numsuites | Number of suites | Refers to the number of suites in the entire complex. |
317 | buildinginformation:numstudios | Number of studios | Refers to the number of studios in the entire complex. |
310 | buildinginformation:numbungalows | Number of bungalows | Refers to the number of bungalows in the entire complex. |
309 | buildinginformation:numapartments | Number of apartments | Refers to the number of apartments in the entire complex. |
314 | buildinginformation:numroomsdouble | Number of double rooms | Refers to the number of double rooms in the entire complex. |
315 | buildinginformation:numroomssingle | Number of single rooms | Refers to the number of single rooms in the entire complex. |
313 | buildinginformation:numjuniorsuites | Number of junior suites | Refers to the number of junior suites in the entire complex. |
319 | buildinginformation:numvillas | Number of villas/houses | Refers to the number of villas/houses in the entire complex. |
782 | buildinginformation:numroomstriple | Number of triple rooms | Refers to the number of triple rooms in the entire complex. |
783 | buildinginformation:numroomsquadruple | Number of quadruple rooms | Refers to the number of quadruple rooms in the entire complex. |
51 | accessibility | Accessibility | Fact group / context |
550 | accessibility:automaticdoors | Automatic doors | The accommodation has doors which open automatically via a wheelchair-accessible button. |
556 | accessibility:hearingassistancesystems | Hearing assistance systems | Assistive hearing devices are available for guests with impaired hearing at the accommodation. |
555 | accessibility:handrailscorridors | Handrails in corridors | The corridors and passageways at the accommodation have handrails. |
552 | accessibility:levelaccessshower | Level-access shower | The accommodation offers level-access showers. |
558 | accessibility:assistanceanimalspermitted | Assistance animals permitted | The accommodation allows guests to bring assistance animals. |
560 | accessibility:visualalarmsystem | Visual alarm system | The accommodation is fitted with a visual alarm system. These are designed for hearing-impaired guests and send visual signals as a warning in alarm situations. |
557 | accessibility:wheelchairaccessibledoors | Wheelchair-accessible doors | The accommodation has doors which comply with the standard which stipulates a minimum width of 90cm and are therefore accessible to wheelchair users. |
554 | accessibility:handrailsstaircases | Handrails on staircases | The staircases at the accommodation have handrails. |
553 | accessibility:valetparkingwheelchairusers | Valet parking for wheelchair users | The accommodation offers valet parking for wheelchair users. In this case, it refers to a service for wheelchair user guests who arrive by car. The vehicle is taken by a member of staff near the entrance area and parked. |
559 | accessibility:stepfreeaccess | Step-free access | There is step-free access to the entrance area of the accommodation. |
561 | accessibility:accessupperfloorsviastairs | Access to upper floors via stairs only | The upper floors at the accommodation can only be accessed via staircases. |
551 | accessibility:brailleraisedscript | Braille or raised script | At the accommodation there are signs for blind or visually impaired guests in Braille or raised script - e.g. for room numbers, lifts or emergency exits. |
690 | accessibility:num_hearingaccessibleaccommodationunits | Hearing accessible accommodation units | Rooms for the hearing-impaired have features that make it easier for hearing-impaired guests to find their way around. These primarily include visual signals, e.g. for knocking at the room door, the fire alarm or fixed subtext on the TV set. |
687 | accessibility:showerseat | Shower seat | A shower seat is a seating aid for persons with reduced mobility. The shower seat can be free-standing or wall-mounted. |
688 | accessibility:emergencycallsystem_bathroom | Emergency call system (bathroom) | The bathroom has an emergency call system. It can be accessible either standing or lying down and can be mounted in various places, for example on the tub, shower or WC. |
689 | accessibility:hearingaccessibledoorbell | Hearing accessible doorbell | Doorbells for hearing-impaired guests emit optical light signals when activated. |
785 | accessibility:accessibletoilet | Accessible toilet | The accommodation features one or more accessible toilets. Accessible toilets offer various features for people with reduced mobility. These include, for example, raised seating, back support, grab rails, space for manoeuvring or an automatic flush. |
784 | accessibility:ada_compliantunit | ADA compliant unit | The accommodation features one or more accommodation units that are equipped in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The accommodation unit(s) are suitable for travellers with reduced mobility and, where applicable, for people with impaired sight and hearing. The facilities are designed in such a way that this group of people can use the various facilities independently. |
3 | facilities | Facilities | Fact group / context |
53 | facilities:pets | Pets | Specifies whether pets are allowed in the property. The term pet mostly refers to small animals, which are usually kept in homes, for example dogs or cats. |
74 | facilities:solarium | Solarium | Guests can use a solarium. A solarium is a facility which houses so-called sun beds. Sun beds are loungers equipped with lamps which produce ultraviolet rays to tan the skin. |
532 | facilities:checkouttime | Check-out time | Specifies the time period in which check-out is possible. |
531 | facilities:checkintime | Check-in time | Specifies the time period in which check-in is possible. |
853 | facilities:alarmsystem | Alarm system | An alarm system is a security system designed to protect buildings, vehicles or specific areas from burglary, vandalism, fire or other threats. It consists of various sensors that register unusual activities or movements and then trigger an alarm to alert residents, neighbours or security services. |
607 | facilities:checkinoption | Check-in option | Describes any check-in option. |
608 | facilities:checkoutoption | Check-out option | Describes any check-out option. |
88 | facilities:wifi | WiFi | WiFi is available in the accommodation. WiFi (a popular term for WLAN) refers to a technology which allows cable-free access to the Internet via radio waves. The user must ask, in most cases at the reception, for login data which they then enter into the settings of their device. |
87 | facilities:wheelchairaccessible | Disability-friendly | The accommodation is suitable for travellers with limited mobility: public areas and rooms are wheelchair-accessible and the service and personnel is prepared to meet special requirements. |
85 | facilities:cloakroom | Cloakroom | The accommodation features a cloakroom. A cloakroom is in most cases located in the foyer of the accommodation and is a space in which guests’ clothing can be stored. Guests receive a ticket which allows them to reclaim their piece of clothing again later. |
84 | facilities:wakeupservice | Wake-up service | The accommodation offers an alarm call service. An alarm call service is when guests at an accommodation are woken up by telephone at a specified time. |
81 | facilities:transfer | Transfer service | The accommodation offers a transfer service. A transfer service serves to transport guests from the airport/station/harbour to the accommodation and vice versa. Forms of transport include car, (mini) bus, suburban train, boat or other forms of transportation. |
72 | facilities:smokedetector | Smoke/fire detector | The accommodation features a smoke or fire alarm. Smoke or fire alarms are devices which give off a warning signal either automatically or manually when smoke or fire develops. The aim is to awaken and warn people as well as alerting and initiating the fighting of the fire. |
71 | facilities:shuttleservice | Hotel shuttle service | The accommodation offers a hotel shuttle service. A hotel shuttle service is aimed at the accommodation’s own guests and provides transfers between the accommodation and points of interest (POI) in the area, such as beaches, sights, shopping centres and events. |
69 | facilities:securityservice | Security service | The accommodation features a security service. A security service is responsible for maintaining the security of the property and people as well as for security at events. |
67 | facilities:safe | Safe | The accommodation has a hotel safe. A hotel safe is a cupboard that is specially secured and can only be accessed via special opening mechanisms (key, code, etc). It is used for the storage of valuable items such as money, jewellery and documents. The hotel safe can be found as a rule at the reception. |
62 | facilities:reception | Reception | A reception can be understood as a counter at which guests are welcomed and can check-in or out. In addition guests can also avail themelves of further services such as ordering taxis, wake-up calls, ticket purchases or restaurant reservations there. |
63 | facilities:receptionarea | Lobby | The accommodation features a lobby. In a lobby one generally finds a reception desk as well as further amenities such as seating etc. |
55 | facilities:physician | Hotel doctor | A hotel doctor tends in case of need to the physical wellbeing of one or more accommodation guests or patients. |
47 | facilities:medicalattendance | Medical assistance | Medical assistance is available. As a rule medical assistance includes at least basic medical care provided by a doctor or a nurse. They are engaged above all in spa clinics or (medical) spa hotels where they assist with medical treatments. In addition medical assistance is also provided on cruise ships and on some tours to far-flung regions. |
45 | facilities:laundry | Laundry service | A laundry service is provided. This service collects guests’ dirty clothing, washes it and then returns it to them clean. |
44 | facilities:internetaccess | Internet access | The accommodation offers Internet access. Internet access can be understood as the ability to gain access to the Internet (e.g. websites, email) via a computer. |
39 | facilities:garage | Garage | The accommodation features a garage. A garage is a lockable building with a roof for the storage of vehicles. |
38 | facilities:footboy | Bellboy service | The accommodation offers a bellboy service. This service, which is provided first and foremost at high-end hotels, allows guests to take advantage of the help of a bellboy. A bellboy undertakes activities such as the carrying of baggage, providing information, parking guests’ vehicles, running errands etc. |
34 | facilities:exchangeoffice | Currency exchange desk | A currency exchange desk is provided. A currency exchange desk is a facility at which a sum of money in one currency can be exchanged for another currency according to the specified daily exchange rate. The exchange is normally subject to a fee (commission). |
33 | facilities:elevators | Lift | The accommodation features a lift. A lift (also known as an elevator) is a piece of equipment with a moving cabin and fixed points of entry and exit for the transport of people and freight to various floors. |
27 | facilities:coinoperatedlaundry | Coin-operated laundry | A laundrette is provided. A laundrette (mostly coin-operated) is a facility at which guests can wash and dry their clothes themselves for a fee. Wachines are provided and the washing powder may or may not be included. |
25 | facilities:checkin | Check-in/out service | A check-in/out service is understood as the process of checking in or out in the lobby of an accommodation. During this process the personal details of guests are noted in a registration form or book and guests are given access to their accommodation unit. At check-out payment is made (if it has not been made previously) and the accommodation unit is returned to the accommodation. |
22 | facilities:carpark | Car park | There is a car park. A car park is a closed-off area in which vehicles can be parked away from road traffic. |
23 | facilities:cashmachine | Cash machine | There is a cash machine. A cash machine is a technical device which dispenses cash around the clock upon the presentation of a bank card and pin number. |
21 | facilities:carrental | Car rental | Car hire is a service provider that provides cars for use for a specified period of time. |
16 | facilities:bicyclestorageroom | Bicycle storage area | The accommodation features bicycle stands. Bicycle stands allow for the temporary storage of bicycles. The stands may be covered by a roof (e.g. a bicycle cellar or carport) or out in the open. |
17 | facilities:bilingualstaff | Multilingual staff | The staff, or some members of staff, at the accommodation speak in addition to the local language other foreign langauges, generally at least English. |
15 | facilities:bicyclerental | Bicycle hire | A bicycle rental service is available. A bicycle rental company is a service provider that provides bicycles for use for a specified period of time. |
11 | facilities:baggageroom | Baggage storage service | The accommodation offers a baggage storage service. This service allows guests to safely store their luggage in the period between their arrival and the point at which they occupy their accommodation unit or between their check-out and the point at which they depart. |
10 | facilities:babysitter | Babysitter | A babysitting service is provided in the accommodation. This service is targeted at parents who wish to leave their baby or toddler for a certain period of time in the care of another. |
8 | facilities:aircon | Air conditioning | The accommodation features air conditioning. Air conditioning generally serves to regulate room temperature, humidity and air quality. In public areas of an accommodation, the air conditioning is operated centrally by the staff. |
346 | facilities:accessible | Wheelchair-accessible | The accommodation features either entirely or in certain areas wheelchair-accessible facilities, i.e. rooms can be accessed by those in wheelchairs via ramps or lifts. This also means as a rule that the doors and entrances have a minimum width and handles or other operational elements have been placed at a corresponding height. |
322 | facilities:foyer | Foyer | A foyer refers to the hotel entrance area. Here guests will generally find a reception and sometimes also a bar, seating and/or Internet access. |
455 | facilities:lounge | Lounge | The accommodation features a lounge. This refers to an area with a peaceful atmosphere where one can relax and which is mostly equipped with sofas, armchairs and coffee tables. It often features a hip design and relaxing music. |
440 | facilities:smokingarea | Smoking area | The accommodation features a smoking area. This refers to an area in which smoking is permitted. |
449 | facilities:roofterrace | Roof terrace | The accommodation features a roof terrace. A roof terrace is a space on a roof of a building which can be used as a terrace. |
441 | facilities:nonsmokingarea | Non-smoking area | The accommodation features a non-smoking area. This refers to an area in which smoking is not permitted. |
573 | facilities:pcstation | PC station | The accommodation has one or more computers in the public area which are available for guests to use. |
565 | facilities:outdoorfurniture | Outdoor furniture | The accommodation has outdoor furniture on-site. |
568 | facilities:valetparking | Valet parking | The accommodation offers valet parking. A member of staff takes the guest’s car at a specified place and parks it in a designated parking area. The car key remains with the valet parking service and is handed over to the guest when the car is returned. |
567 | facilities:conciergeservice | Concierge service | A concierge service is available at the accommodation. This refers to a service predominantly offered by luxury hotels, whereby guests are attended to on an intensive and personal basis. The tasks undertaken by a concierge go far beyond making table reservations in restaurants or booking transfers and excursions. The main duty is to get to know the guests’ wishes and to cater to them, as well as to resolve any issues that may arise. |
571 | facilities:limousineservice | Limousine service | Guests can hire a limousine and chauffeur at the accommodation. |
572 | facilities:washrooms | Washrooms | The accommodation has publicly-accessible washrooms. |
863 | facilities:metalkeyaccess | Metal key access | The accommodation is accessible with a metal key. |
566 | facilities:illuminatedentrancearea | Illuminated entrance area | The entrance area of the accommodation or the route to the entrance is illuminated. |
574 | facilities:drycleaninglaundryservice | Dry cleaning/laundry service | A dry cleaning/laundry service is offered. Dirty items of clothing are collected from the guest, washed and returned to the guest. |
570 | facilities:electricvehicleschargingstation | Charging station for electric vehicles | A charging station is available for electric vehicles. |
569 | facilities:checkindeposit | Deposit required at check-in | A financial sum of a specified amount must be paid in the form of a deposit at check-in. This can either be taken as a cash payment or the amount is pre-authorised on a credit card for the duration of the guest’s stay. If no outstanding payments are due to the host, the sum will be refunded or released at check-out. |
652 | facilities:escooterrental | E-scooter rental | An e-scooter rental service is available. An e-scooter is similar in design to a motor scooter, but is powered by a traction battery. |
653 | facilities:scooterrental | Scooter rental | A scooter rental service is available. A scooter is a type of motorbike that lacks a knee joint. The engine runs on petrol. |
862 | facilities:telephone | Telephone | The accommodation features telephones. |
856 | facilities:fireextinguisher | Fire extinguisher | The accommodation features fire extinguishers. A fire extinguisher is a portable extinguishing device that contains extinguishing agent additives mixed with water and is used to fight small fires. |
861 | facilities:lockbox_key | Key lock box | A key box/key safe is a small, lockable container that is used for the secure storage of keys and can be secured with a combination lock, a key or electronically (e.g. PIN pad, fingerprint, app, Bluetooth, QR code). |
855 | facilities:firstaidkit | First aid kit | The accommodation has a first aid kit. A first aid kit or first aid kit contains dressing materials, medication and instruments for wound or emergency care. |
857 | facilities:airportshuttle | Airport shuttle | The accommodation offers a shuttle service to or from one or more neighbouring airports. The service may be free of charge or subject to a charge. |
860 | facilities:shoeshineservice | Shoeshine service | A shoe shine service shines and cleans shoes. The service can be included or subject to a charge. |
854 | facilities:babysafetygates | Baby safety gates | The accommodation offers baby safety gates. |
859 | facilities:postalservice | Postal services | Postal services include the dispatch and receipt of letters, parcels and other postal items. |
858 | facilities:stroller | Stroller | The accommodation offers pushchairs. A pushchair is a vehicle that transports babies and toddlers comfortably and safely. It usually consists of a sturdy frame, wheels and a seat or carrycot in which the child can sit. Many pushchairs can be customised as required: Some have a flat lying surface for newborns (known as ‘carrycots’), while other seats are adjustable and can be used for older babies or toddlers. |
790 | facilities:ironingservice | Ironing service | The accommodation offers an ironing service. An ironing service is available to iron guests' clothes. |
73 | facilities:snackbar | Snack bar | A snack bar is a food and beverage outlet which serves small and light meals that are simple to prepare, plus drinks. |
66 | facilities:roomservice | Room service | Specifies whether room service is provided. Room service is a service in which food and drinks are delivered to guests’ rooms. |
64 | facilities:refectory | Dining area | A dining room is as a rule a simple room similar to a restaurant with tables and chairs with a small catering service attached to it. |
65 | facilities:restaurant | Restaurant | A restaurant is a dining establishment at which food and drink are served. Guests are seated at individual tables and can select their food or drink from a menu or buffet. |
61 | facilities:pub | Pub/Tavern | A pub is a food and beverage outlet in an English/Irish style. It typically includes wood panelling of the interiors and bar and carpeting. It primarily serves drinks but also food. |
20 | facilities:cafe | Café | A café describes a food and beverage outlet in a public area of an accommodation which serves drinks and snacks. In addition to various tea and coffee options and cold drinks, a café usually also offers cake, baked goods and various desserts. A café is primarily open during the day and can feature both an indoor and outdoor area. |
18 | facilities:breakfastroom | Breakfast room | A breakfast room is a room in which guests of an accommodation can consume their booked dining option “breakfast”. |
14 | facilities:bar | Bar/pub | A bar is an establishment at which alcohol and other types of drink are served. |
450 | facilities:lobbybar | Lobby bar | The accommodation features a lobby bar. This bar can be found in the lobby area of an accommodation and serves alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. |
451 | facilities:pianobar | Piano bar | There is a piano bar. This refers to a bar at which alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are served and background music is played by pianists (sometimes accompanied by singing). |
443 | facilities:drinksmachine | Drinks machine | The accommodation features a drinks machine. At a drinks machine (cold) drinks such as water, soft drinks and juice can be purchased around the clock. |
579 | facilities:microwave | Microwave | A microwave is available for guests to use in the public area. |
580 | facilities:picnicarea | Picnic area | The accommodation has a picnic area for relaxing and for the outdoor consumption of food and drink which guests have brought with them. |
582 | facilities:waterdispenser | Water dispenser | The accommodation has water dispensers in the public areas. |
581 | facilities:vendingmachine | Vending machine | The accommodation has one or more vending machines. Drinks, snacks, microwaveable meals, cigarettes or other items can be purchased. |
575 | facilities:bar_lounge | Bar/lounge | The accommodation has a bar/lounge. A bar is defined as a gastronomic establishment where alcoholic drinks and other refreshments are served. A lounge is defined as an area for relaxing with a quiet atmosphere, generally furnished with sofas, armchairs and sofa tables. |
576 | facilities:barbecuearea | Barbecue area | The accommodation has a barbecue area. |
578 | facilities:fridge | Fridge | A fridge is available for guests to use in the public area. |
577 | facilities:coffeetea | Coffee/tea | The accommodation offers tea or coffee in the public areas either free of charge or for a fee. |
694 | facilities:foodcourt | Food court | A food court/food market is an area where various food stalls or sales counters offer food and beverages. |
695 | facilities:foodtruck | Food truck | A food truck is a mobile kitchen in which mostly regional dishes can be prepared in smaller quantities self-sufficiently. |
655 | facilities:creperie | Creperie | There is a creperie in the accommodation or in the surrounding area. A creperie is a shop or stall where crepes (flat pancakes) are sold in different variations. |
657 | facilities:patisserie | Patisserie | There is a patisserie in the accommodation or in the vicinity. A patisserie is a specialised business that produces pastries and other desserts. |
654 | facilities:chocolaterie | Chocolaterie | There is a chocolaterie in the accommodation or in the vicinity. A chocolaterie is a chocolate manufacturing plant with sales facilities or a shop that sells chocolate products. |
656 | facilities:icecreamparlour | Ice cream parlour | There is an ice cream parlour in the accommodation or in the vicinity. An ice cream parlour is a shop that primarily sells or serves ice cream. |
864 | facilities:sharedkitchen | Shared kitchen | The accommodation features a shared kitchen. A shared kitchen is a kitchen that is used by several people or groups and where guests can prepare their own meals. |
865 | facilities:grocerydelivery | Grocery delivery | A food delivery service is a service provided by the accommodation and that enables customers to order food and other everyday goods and have them delivered. |
83 | facilities:tvroom | TV room | A TV room is a room which features one or more TV receivers and/or playback devices. |
79 | facilities:tourdesk | Tour desk | A tour desk is a service facility which offers and organises various types of tours and events. |
77 | facilities:supermarket | Supermarket | A supermarket is a large retail outlet which sells foodstuffs, health and beauty products and other everyday necessities, plus clothes, electronic items etc. |
75 | facilities:souvenirshop | Souvenir shop | A souvenir shop is a small stand or shop at which reminders of events, places, people etc. can be purchased. |
70 | facilities:shops | Shops | Shops offer you the chance to purchase a variety of things. |
57 | facilities:playroom | Playroom | A playroom is a room which children can use for playing or entertainment. Various toys or equipment for children to play with are provided. |
56 | facilities:playground | Playground | A playground is as a rule an area which includes various equipment for children to play on. |
49 | facilities:nightclub | Nightclub | A nightclub is an entertainment venue which is open until late at night or early in the morning. Its serves drinks and sometimes also food. |
48 | facilities:newsstand | Newspaper stand | A newspaper stand is a small sales outlet or stand at which alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks, treats and papers or magazines etc. can be purchased. |
46 | facilities:library | Library | A library is an establishment at which all types of media, in particular books, can be borrowed for a fee (and/or upon presentation of a form of ID). |
42 | facilities:hairdresser | Hairdressing salon | A hairdresser styles, cuts and treats hair and facial hair. |
41 | facilities:golfdesk | Golf desk | A golf desk is a service facility which organises golf tournaments, golf courses or golf holidays. |
36 | facilities:fireplace | Fireplace | A fireplace is an open or closed hearth in a room which serves to provide warmth and a sense of cosiness from the fire's flames thanks to the fireplace’s transparent doors. |
32 | facilities:dvdrental | DVD hire service | Specifies whether a DVD rental service is provided. A DVD rental service allows people to borrow from a selection of DVDs for a fee. |
31 | facilities:disco | Disco | A disco is a room in which people can dance to music. The music is organised by a disc jockey and in addition drinks are served in a bar area. |
24 | facilities:casino | Casino | A casino is an establishment at which state-controlled gambling is carried out. |
12 | facilities:balcony | Balcony | Specifies whether there are balconies. A balcony is an open platform accessible from the inside of a flat which protrudes from floor of a building. |
13 | facilities:banquethall | Banquet hall | A banquet hall is a room in which banquets are held mainly for a large number of people, which features rows of tables and chairs which can be flexibly arranged and a small podium with lectern. Banquet halls can often be used and/or hired without having to book overnight accommodation. |
9 | facilities:auditorium | Theatre hall | A theatre hall is normally a large room with a stage and seating for an audience in which plays or similar stage events are staged. Theatre halls can be found either inside the accommodation building or outdoors within the complex’s grounds. |
456 | facilities:dailynewspaper | Daily newspaper | Daily newspapers are provided in the lobby. A daily newspaper is printed material which is published several times a week (as a rule daily from Monday to Saturday) and which contains the day’s news and reports. |
453 | facilities:cinema | Cinema | There is a cinema. In a cinema films are played on a screen for an audience. |
584 | facilities:firepit | Firepit | The accommodation has one or more firepits in the outdoor area. Generally, guest seating is also available. |
585 | facilities:weddingservices | Wedding services | The accommodation offers various wedding services. This could range from the organisation of an entire wedding or services designed for married couples who are on their honeymoon. |
583 | facilities:arcade_gamingroom | Arcade/gaming room | The accommodation has one or more arcade/gaming rooms with slot machines and/or video game facilities. |
867 | facilities:chapel_shrine | Chapel/shrine | A chapel is a smaller, often independent room or building for religious ceremonies, devotions or prayers. It can be part of a larger church, a hospital, a monastery or even a private property. Shrines are usually sacred places dedicated to a particular religious figure, saint or deity, e.g. in the form of a statue, image or other type of symbol of the figure or deity being worshipped. |
868 | facilities:temporaryartgalleries | Temporary art galleries | The accommodation offers temporary art galleries. |
866 | facilities:boardgamespuzzles | Board games/puzzles | The accommodation offers board games/puzzles. |
792 | facilities:minimarket | Minimarket | The accommodation offers a minimarket. A minimarket is a shop where you can buy food, clothing and other items. |
791 | facilities:internetterminal | Internet terminal | The accommodation offers an Internet terminal. An internet terminal (surf station) has computers or other devices that guests can use to access the internet. The service may be free of charge or subject to a charge. |
82 | facilities:translator | Translator | A translator is a language mediator who translates a fixed, i.e. final text into another language. |
68 | facilities:secretarialservice | Secretarial service | A secretarial service undertakes general office duties (telephone service, electronic correspondence, scheduling, writing services etc.) the results of which they then inform their clients of (clients as a rule tend to be small or medium-sized companies). |
60 | facilities:projector | Beamer | A projector is a technical device with which audiovisual data can be enlarged and projected onto a screen. |
54 | facilities:photocopier | Photocopier | A photocopier is an electronic device with which documents can be duplicated. |
51 | facilities:overheadprojector | Projector | An overhead projector is an electronic device with which text and graphics etc. on transparent sheets can be enlarged and presented on a screen. |
37 | facilities:flipchart | Flip chart and pens | A flipchart is a stand upon which a large pad of paper that can be flipped over or a blackboard is attached. On this information can be illustrated using marker pens. A flipchart serves as a visual aid during presentations or meetings. |
35 | facilities:fax | Fax | A fax machine is an electronic device which allows documents to be sent or received via the telephone network in the form of lines or pixels. |
28 | facilities:conferencerooms | Conference room | This refers to a room in which presentations, meetings and conferences can be held. It features tables, chairs and lectern(s) as well as devices and equipment for audiovisual media. |
29 | facilities:congressfacilities | Congress services | Convention services plan and organise events such as symposia, meetings, conferences etc. In addition to selecting the location and the actual room they also first and foremost take care of the catering for the event. |
19 | facilities:businesscenter | Business centre | The accommodation features a separate room or area which is geared towards the needs of business travellers. As a rule electronic devices and external and virtual methods of communication are provided, including computers with Internet access, fax machines, printers, copiers, scanners, telephones, projectors etc. The room is often staffed at certain hours by members of the accommodation’s staff who support guests with their business activities and offer advice. |
587 | facilities:coworkingspace | Co-working space | The accommodation provides co-working spaces. |
86 | facilities:waterslide | Waterslide | A waterslide is generally a specially-formed slide at the bottom of which there is a pool filled with water. Waterslides can be found in indoor, outdoor and leisure pools. |
80 | facilities:towels | Bath towels | A bath towel is a piece of fabric made from specific raw materials which is mostly rectangular in shape and which is used to dry the body. |
78 | facilities:terrace | Terrace | The accommodation features a terrace. A terrace is a platform which as a rule can be found on the ground floor of a building. It can be partially or completely covered or it may feature no roof at all. |
76 | facilities:sunterrace | Sun terrace | A sun terrace/sun deck is a platform without a roof which is in most cases southward-facing. |
59 | facilities:poolbar | Poolside bar | A poolbar is an amenity situated directly at the pool which mainly serves drinks. |
58 | facilities:pool | Pool | A pool is a man-made basin filled with water. |
52 | facilities:parasols | Parasols | A parasol comprises of an umbrella of various size and form which is attached to a stand. It protects against the sun’s rays and offers shade. |
50 | facilities:outdoorpool | Outdoor pool | An outdoor pool is a man-made basin filled with water which is only accessible outside and which does not feature a roof. |
43 | facilities:indoorpool | Indoor pool | An indoor pool consists of one or more swimming pools in enclosed spaces. |
40 | facilities:garden | Garden | A garden is a demarcated green area in which agricultural or ornamental plants are planted. In the field of tourism one mainly finds ornamental gardens which serve to underline the sense of recreation and relaxation. |
30 | facilities:deckchairs | Sun loungers | Sun loungers are available at the pool. |
26 | facilities:childrenspool | Children's pool | A children's pool is a man-made basin filled with shallow water . |
457 | facilities:sunbathingarea | Sunbathing area | The accommodation features a sunbathing area. A sunbathing area refers to a grassy piece of open space on which guests can relax. Sun loungers and parasols are also often provided. |
459 | facilities:changingrooms | Changing rooms | There are changing rooms at the pool in which visitors to the pool can get changed. |
609 | facilities:gazebopavillon | Gazebo/Pavillon | Pavillons with two sunloungers are available at the pool. |
588 | facilities:waterpark | Water park | A water park featuring water attractions is situated on the accommodation’s premises or nearby. Water parks are often an additional feature of amusement parks. |
698 | facilities:swimup_bar | Swim-up bar | A swim-up bar is a bar right by a pool, with shallow water and seating below the water's surface. |
697 | facilities:infinitypool | Infinity pool | An infinity pool is a pool harmoniously integrated into the landscape without a visible pool edge. This creates the impression that the pool merges with the surroundings. |
696 | facilities:rooftoppool | Rooftop pool | A rooftop pool is located on the roof of an accommodation. The view from the pool varies depending on the construction. |
869 | facilities:plungepool | Plunge pool | A plunge pool is a small pool of cold water that is often found in saunas, wellness centres or spas. It is used to cool the body down quickly after a sauna session or other heat treatment. |
870 | facilities:pooltoys | Pool toys | The accommodation offers pool toys. |
793 | facilities:balibed | Bali bed | A Bali bed is usually a canopy bed designed for outdoors, typically set up near a swimming pool or beach. It consists of a mattress elevated on a platform that's big enough for two people to share. |
794 | facilities:splasharea | Splash area | A splash park has various areas (splash pads) with very little or no standing water, a non-slip surface and structural elements that release water in various forms. Water playgrounds are primarily aimed at small children and can be part of an aqua park or a public area. |
454 | facilities:pharmacy | Pharmacy | There is a pharmacy. In a pharmacy different kinds of drugs or medicines can be purchased. |
586 | facilities:shoppingcentre | Shopping centre | A shopping centre is situated on the accommodation’s premises. |
9 | rooms | Rooms | Fact group / context |
182 | rooms:wheelchairaccessible | Wheelchair-accessible rooms | The accommodation features wheelchair-accessible accommodation units. The amenities and facilities in wheelchair-accessible accommodation units are geared towards the requirements of wheelchair users – they are often on the ground floor or accessible via lift. In addition they feature wider doors/entrances and special fixtures in the bathroom and living and sleeping areas. The entire accommodation unit has in most cases been designed to be step-free and does not feature obstructions on the ground. |
170 | rooms:smoking | Smoking room | The accommodation features smoking rooms in which smoking is permitted. |
158 | rooms:nonsmoking | Non-smoking room | The accommodation features non-smoking rooms in which smoking is not permitted. |
141 | rooms:familyrooms | Family room | This refers as a rule to one or more bedrooms which can sleep at least three people and which is equipped with a bath or shower/WC. |
852 | rooms:allergyfriendly | Allergy friendly rooms | The accommodation offers allergy-friendly rooms. These rooms are designed to be suitable for people with allergies such as house dust, pollen or animal hair allergies. Instead of carpets, smooth and easy-to-clean floors such as wood, laminate or tiles are often used. The beds are equipped with hypoallergenic mattresses, pillows and blankets; mattresses and pillows often have special protective covers that are impermeable to allergens. The rooms are cleaned by frequent vacuuming with special filters (e.g. HEPA filters) and thorough cleaning of surfaces; fragrances and aggressive chemicals are avoided. Air conditioning and ventilation systems are equipped with special filters that filter dust, pollen and other particles from the air, and some rooms also have air purifiers or humidifiers to improve air quality. The rooms are usually ‘pet-free’, which means that no animals are allowed there to avoid pet hair allergies. |
341 | rooms:balconyorterrace | Balcony or terrace | The accommodation unit features a balcony or terrace. |
173 | rooms:terrace | Terrace | The accommodation features a terrace. A terrace is a platform which as a rule can be found on the ground floor of a building. It can be partially or completely covered or it may feature no roof at all. |
167 | rooms:size | Size in sqm | Specifies the approximate size of the accommodation unit in square metres. |
153 | rooms:lounge | Lounge | The accommodation unit features a seating area. A seating area as a rule is composed of a sofa or armchair and a (coffee) table. |
152 | rooms:livingroom | Living room | A living room is a separate room within an accommodation where one can spend free time during a stay. Living rooms mostly feature a coffee table, sofa or other form of seating and a TV. |
123 | rooms:balcony | Balcony | The accommodation unit features a balcony. A balcony is an accessible open platform which protrudes from the building over the ground level. |
125 | rooms:bathroom | Bathroom | The accommodation unit features a bathroom. A bathroom is a separate room used for personal hygiene purposes which is equipped with a washbasin (often with a mirror), a toilet and a shower and/or bath. |
448 | rooms:loggia | Loggia | The accommodation unit features a loggia. This refers to a covered room which is open to the outside but does not stick out beyond the façade and which allows guests to spend time outside. A loggia offers better protection from the weather than a balcony. |
447 | rooms:veranda | Veranda | The accommodation unit features a veranda. This refers to a half-open, covered extension to a building mostly found at ground level. |
442 | rooms:diningarea | Dining area | The accommodation unit features a dining area. A dining area can be understood as a part of a room which is equipped with a dining table and chairs and where guests can eat. |
445 | rooms:roofterrace | Roof terrace | The accommodation unit features a roof terrace. A roof terrace is a space on a roof of a building which can be used as a terrace. |
446 | rooms:communalterrace | Communal terrace | The accommodation unit features a communal terrace. This refers to a terrace which can be used jointly by several guests staying at the accommodation. |
614 | rooms:privatepool | Pool (private) | Die Wohneinheit verfügt über einen privaten Pool, der ausschließlich von den Gästen der Wohneinheit genutzt werden kann. |
615 | rooms:sharedpool | Pool (shared) | Die Wohneinheit verfügt über einen Pool, der mit Gästen anderer Wohneinheiten gemeinsam genutzt werden kann. |
613 | rooms:maxoccupancychildren | Maximum occupancy (children) | Gibt die Maximalbelegung mit Kindern für die Wohneinheit an. |
612 | rooms:maxoccupancyadults | Maximum occupancy (adults) | Gibt die Maximalbelegung mit Erwachsenen für die Wohneinheit an. |
589 | rooms:barbecuearea | Barbecue area | The accommodation unit has a barbecue area. |
590 | rooms:soundinsulation | Sound insulation | The accommodation has soundproofed accommodation units. |
660 | rooms:sauna | Sauna | The accommodation unit has a sauna. A sauna is a heatable room (usually wooden planks are installed) in which various forms of heat/sweat baths (by hot air, steam, water) can be taken. The heat is generated by pouring water onto hot stones. |
659 | rooms:maxoccupancytotal | Maximum occupancy (total) | Indicates the maximum occupancy for guests in an accommodation unit. Maximum occupancy represents either the number of adults or the number of adults plus children. |
874 | rooms:dressingroom | Dressing room | A dressing room is a room where clothes can be put on and taken off. |
875 | rooms:womenonly | Women only | The accommodation unit is bookable for women only. |
878 | rooms:menonly | Men only | The accommodation unit is bookable for men only. |
877 | rooms:patio | Patio | The accommodation unit features a patio. |
876 | rooms:sharedbathroom | Shared bathroom | The accommodation unit either does not have a private bathroom built into the layout or one bathroom is accessible to multiple units, so shower/bathing facilities, toilet and sink must be shared with other guests. |
879 | rooms:privateentrance | Private entrance | The accommodation unit features a private entrance. |
803 | rooms:garden | Garden | The accommodation unit offers a garden. A garden is a demarcated green area where useful or ornamental plants are grown. In the tourism sector, ornamental gardens are generally used to emphasise the leisure and recreational character of the property. |
804 | rooms:num_bedrooms | Bedrooms (number) | Indicates the number of bedrooms in the accommodation unit. |
805 | rooms:connectingrooms | Connecting room | The accommodation unit is a connecting room. A connecting room consists of two or more adjoining rooms that are connected by internal doors, making it possible to move between the rooms. Depending on the layout, there is at least one separate external entrance. |
121 | rooms:alarmclock | Alarm clock | The accommodation unit features an alarm clock. An alarm clock is an analogue or digital clock which emits, in most cases an acoustic, signal at a specified time in order to awaken someone or to remind them of an appointment. |
122 | rooms:backgroundmusic | Background music | Background music is provided in the accommodation unit. This refers to music, generally instrumental, which helps to create a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere. |
120 | rooms:aircon | Air conditioning | The accommodation unit features air conditioning. Air conditioning serves to regulate room temperature, humidity and air quality. |
118 | rooms:adapterplug | Plug socket adapter | The accommodation unit features a plug socket adapter. This refers to a plug-in connection which serves to connect one type of plug to another type of plug socket. A plug socket adapter with integrated transformer also allows electrical appliances to be used with different voltages of currents. |
185 | rooms:wifi | WiFi | WiFi is provided in the accommodation unit. WiFi (a popular term for WLAN) refers to a technology which allows cable-free access to the Internet via radio waves. The user must ask, in most cases at the reception, for login data which they then enter into the settings of their device. |
186 | rooms:writingdesk | Desk | The accommodation unit features a desk. This refers to a table which can be used to carry out writing and paperwork. It generally features drawers or compartments in which files, stationery etc. can be stored. |
179 | rooms:voltage | Voltage | Specifies the voltage in volts of plug sockets in the accommodation unit. |
176 | rooms:tv | TV | The accommodation unit features a TV. A TV is a device which can receive and play TV programmes. The signals are transmitted in various ways (e.g. cable or satellite). |
168 | rooms:slippers | Slippers | Slippers are provided for guests in the accommodation unit. |
177 | rooms:ventilator | Fan | The accommodation unit features a fan. A fan is an appliance (usually electrical) with rotating arms which creates wind and which is installed to ventilate and cool rooms when temperatures are high. |
169 | rooms:smokedetector | Smoke alarm | The accommodation unit features a smoke alarm. This refers to devices which set off an alarm when there is a build up of smoke in closed rooms. |
175 | rooms:trouserpress | Trouser press | The accommodation unit features a trouser press. This refers to a device which serves to iron trousers. It consists of two hot plates between which the trousers are placed and ironed flat. |
174 | rooms:tiled | Tiled floor | The accommodation unit features a tiled floor. |
178 | rooms:videogames | Games console | The accommodation unit features a games console. A games console can be understood as a device (similar to a computer) which is hooked up to a TV and with which videogames can be played. |
181 | rooms:welcomegift | Welcome gift | A welcome gift is provided in the accommodation unit to welcome guests. |
162 | rooms:radio | Radio | The accommodation unit features a radio. A radio can be understood as a device which can receive and play radio programmes. |
159 | rooms:phone | Telephone | The accommodation unit features a telephone. This refers to a device which allows sounds and spoken word to be transmitted over long distances via electric signals. |
156 | rooms:minibar | Minibar | The accommodation unit features a minibar. A minibar is a small refrigerator which contains drinks and snacks for guests. |
345 | rooms:heatingstove | Stove | The accommodation unit features a heating stove. A heating stove is a piece of equipment made out of fire-resistant materials which is used to generate heat in a controlled manner by burning wood or other fossil fuels. |
155 | rooms:minifridge | Mini fridge | The accommodation unit features a mini fridge. This much smaller version of a normal refrigerator also serves to keep food cool and fresh. |
163 | rooms:safe | Safe | The accommodation unit features a safe. This refers to a cupboard that is specially secured and can only be accessed via special opening mechanisms (key, code, etc). It is used for the safe storage of valuable items (money, jewellery and documents etc.). |
157 | rooms:newspaper | Daily paper | A daily paper is provided in the accommodation unit. A daily newspaper is printed material which is published several times a week and which contains the day’s news and reports. |
146 | rooms:heating | Heating | The accommodation unit features heating. This refers to a facility which warms rooms. |
139 | rooms:electriciron | Ironing set | The accommodation unit features an ironing set. This is used for ironing pieces of clothing and generally comprises an ironing board and an iron. |
138 | rooms:dvdplayer | DVD player | The accommodation unit features a DVD player. This refers to a device on which digital versatile discs can be played. |
142 | rooms:finalcleaning | Cleaning on departure | Final cleaning is offered. This refers to the cleaning of the accommodation unit at the end of the stay which is carried out by the accommodation. |
147 | rooms:hifi | Stereo system | The accommodation unit features a stereo system. A stereo system consists of at least source, amplifier and volume components and serves to play music etc. from various media (e.g. cassettes or CDs). |
148 | rooms:internetaccess | Internet access | The accommodation unit features Internet access. This access can be via a cable or cable-free (WiFi). |
144 | rooms:goodnightservice | Turndown service | A turndown service is a service which offers guests an extra level of comfort. In the evening the room is prepared for sleep: generally the curtains are closed, the bed covers pulled back and a night light switched on. Further services are also potentially provided. |
130 | rooms:cdplayer | CD player | The accommodation unit features a CD player. This refers to a device on which compact discs can be played. |
129 | rooms:carpet | Carpeted floor | The accommodation unit features a carpeted floor. A carpeted floor is a textile floor covering which covers the floorboards of a room from wall to wall. |
461 | rooms:kettle | Kettle | The accommodation unit features a kettle. A kettle is an electrical appliance which boils water in a relatively short time to be used to prepare for example tea or coffee. |
452 | rooms:parquetfloor | Parquet floor | The accommodation unit features a parquet floor. With parquet flooring the floorboards are covered with wood or imitation wood which is laid according to a specific pattern. |
460 | rooms:toaster | Toaster | The accommodation unit features a toaster. A toaster is an electrical appliance which is used to toast bread. |
591 | rooms:outdoorfurniture | Outdoor furniture | The accommodation unit has outdoor furniture for balconies, terraces or gardens. |
703 | rooms:babyphone | Babyphone | The accommodation offers baby monitors. A baby monitor/ baby phone is a device that acoustically can monitor babies and young children. |
662 | rooms:laminate | Laminate | The accommodation unit has laminate flooring. Laminate is a multi-layered floor covering with a wood look. |
661 | rooms:wood_parquet | Wood/Parquet | The accommodation unit has wooden/parquet flooring. |
883 | rooms:ipad | iPad | The accommodation unit features an iPad. |
893 | rooms:lockers | Lockers | A locker is a small, lockable cupboard or locker, usually for storing personal belongings. Lockers are usually made of metal, wood or plastic and are often found in public or semi-public facilities, such as schools, universities, gyms, swimming pools, railway stations or airports. A locker can come in different sizes and designs, but is basically designed to provide security and privacy by being lockable and often requiring individual access control (e.g. a key or code). |
894 | rooms:tatami | Tatami | Tatami are traditional Japanese mats used as flooring in Japanese houses, temples and teahouses. They typically consist of rice straw as the core material and a surface of woven igusa grass (rushes). Some modern tatamis today also have synthetic cores or surfaces, but the original design remains the same. |
890 | rooms:pyjamas | Pyjamas | The accommodation units feature pyjamas. |
886 | rooms:readinglight | Reading light | The accommodation features a reading light. |
892 | rooms:smartphone | Smartphone | The accommodation unit features a smartphone. |
889 | rooms:earplugs | Earplugs | In the accommodation unit earplugs are provided. |
888 | rooms:mosquitonet | Mosquito net | The accommodation unit features a mosquito net. |
887 | rooms:airpurifier | Air purifier | An air purifier is installed in the living unit. An air purifier filters pollutants and articles from the air, such as dust, pollen, smoke, animal hair and certain bacteria or viruses. It uses various filters such as HEPA filters, activated carbon filters or UV light to remove impurities from the air. The aim is to achieve clean air that is free from allergens and other airborne pollutants. |
896 | rooms:clothes_drying_rack | Drying rack | The accommodation unit features a drying rack. |
891 | rooms:cleaningproducts | Cleaning products | The accommodation unit offers cleaning products. |
882 | rooms:conciergeservice | Concierge services | A concierge service is available when booking the accommodation unit. This is a service, particularly in luxury hotels, where guests receive intensive and personalised attention. The tasks of a concierge go far beyond reserving tables in restaurants or booking transfers and excursions. The main tasks include recognising and responding to guests' wishes and resolving any disagreements. |
895 | rooms:entertainmentmedia | Entertainment media | The accommodation unit features entertainment media. This can be books, CDs or DVDs. |
884 | rooms:wardrobecloset | Closet/wardrobe | The accommodation unit features a closet/wardrobe. |
885 | rooms:carbonmonoxidedetector | Carbon monoxide detector | The accommodation unit features a carbon monoxide detector. |
880 | rooms:blurayplayer | Blu-ray player | The accommodation unit features a Blu-ray player. This refers to a device on which digital Blu-ray discs can be played. |
881 | rooms:computer | Computer/Laptop | The accommodation unit features a computer. This can be a PC or a laptop. |
811 | rooms:marble_tile_floor | Marble floor | The accommodation features a tiled or marble floor. The term marble includes limestone and sedimentary rocks, which are used in architecture and for sculptures due to their material properties and their surfaces. |
806 | rooms:babymonitor | Baby monitor | There are baby monitors available on request at the reception for the guests of the accommodation unit. A baby monitor is a small portable screen that can be used to visually and acusticly monitor babies and small children. |
808 | rooms:fireextinguisher | Fire extinguisher | The accommodation unit offers a fire extinguisher. A fire extinguisher is a portable extinguishing device that contains extinguishing agent additives mixed with water and is used to fight small fires. |
812 | rooms:mineralwater | Mineral water | The accommodation unit offers mineral water. |
810 | rooms:clothesrack | Clothes rack | The accommodation unit features a clothes rack. |
807 | rooms:firstaidkit | First Aid Kit | The accommodation unit features a first aid kit. A first aid box or first aid kit contains dressing materials for emergency care. |
813 | rooms:usbchargers | USB chargers | The accommodation unit features USB charging facilities. |
814 | rooms:blackoutcurtains | Blackout curtains | The accommodation unit offers a blackout curtain. A blackout curtain is used to darken living units or areas in a living unit. |
809 | rooms:international_channels | International channels | International channels can be received via the devices in the accommodation unit. |
119 | rooms:additionalbed | Extra bed | An extra bed is available in the accommodation unit. An extra bed is an additional temporary sleeping option which can be provided in the accommodation for an additional person (e.g. a child) upon request. |
171 | rooms:sofabed | Sofa-bed | The accommodation unit features a sofa bed. A sofa bed is a couch which can be folded out to create a surface on which guests can sleep, similar to a bed. |
161 | rooms:queensizebed | Queen-size bed | The accommodation unit features a queen-size bed. A queen-size bed is a double bed consisting of one mattress and which, depending on the region, is between 150 cm and 160 cm wide and between 195 cm and 203 cm long. |
137 | rooms:doublebed | Double bed | The accommodation unit features a double bed. This refers to a bed for two people which comprises one large mattress or two narrower mattresses lying next to one another and the width of which is generally between 140 cm and 180 cm. |
149 | rooms:kingsizebed | King-size bed | “Kingsize” beds are usually the largest type of bed available in an accommodation. Single beds of this size are, depending on the region, between 90 cm and 99 cm wide and between 190 cm and 200 cm long. Double beds are mostly between 180 cm and 193 cm wide (exception United Kingdom/Ireland: 150 cm) and between 200 cm and 210 cm long. |
131 | rooms:childrensbed | Cot | The accommodation unit features a cot. A cot is a small bed for children and toddlers which may feature side rails to prevent them from falling out. |
132 | rooms:choicepillow | Pillow selection | A pillow menu is available. From this a guest can choose their preferred pillow from a selection of several different options. |
127 | rooms:bedroom | Separate bedrooms | Separate bedrooms generally refers to at least 2 sleeping options in an accommodation for more than one person (e.g. holiday home) situated on the same floor. In higher end categories separate bedrooms may also belong to individual accommodation units. Separate bedrooms may also have additional features such as their own bathrooms etc. |
610 | rooms:bunkbed | Bunk bed | The accommodation unit has one or more bunk beds. A bunk bed is a piece of furniture with beds placed one above the other. |
611 | rooms:twinbed | Twin beds | The accommodation unit has twin beds (2 single beds). A twin bed is a single bed that usually measures between 75 x 190 cm and 120 x 220 cm. The exact dimensions of the twin beds may vary depending on the region. |
700 | rooms:singlebed | Single bed | The accommodation unit has a single bed. This is a bed featuring a mattress usually measuring 90 cm x 200 cm, possible sizes are up to 120 cm x 200 cm. |
658 | rooms:socketnearbed | Socket | There are one or more sockets in the room by the bed. |
872 | rooms:electricblanket | Electric blanket | The accommodation unit features an electric blanket. |
800 | rooms:babybed | Baby bed | The accommodation unit features a baby cot. A baby cot is a small bed consisting of a mattress, usually 60x120 cm in size, and a rail to prevent it from falling out. |
801 | rooms:bedlinen | Bed linen | The accommodation unit features bed linen. |
802 | rooms:doublebed_or_twosinglebeds | Double bed or 2 single beds | The accommodation unit features a double bed or 2 single beds. |
184 | rooms:whirlpool | Whirlpool bath | The bathroom features a whirlpool bath. A whirlpool bath refers to a bath with a whirlpool system comprising massage streams and jets. |
183 | rooms:wheelchairaccessiblebathroom | Wheelchair-accessible bathroom | The accommodation unit features a wheelchair-accessible bathroom. A wheelchair-accessible bathroom is adapted for travellers with limited mobility and in some cases for those with limited vision or hearing. The amenities have been designed so that individuals from these groups are able to use the amenities independently. |
166 | rooms:shower | Shower | The bathroom features a shower. A shower is a fixture which serves to clean the body via artificial rainfall. Showers are mostly fixed to the wall and feature a detachable or fixed showerhead. |
165 | rooms:shavingmirror | Magnifying mirror | The bathroom features a vanity mirror. A vanity mirror is small mostly circular mirror with strong magnification which is used for applying make-up, shaving and other cosmetic treatments to the face. |
160 | rooms:phonebathroom | Telephone | Specifies whether there is a telephone in the bathroom. |
145 | rooms:hairdryer | Hairdryer | The bathroom features a hairdryer. A hairdryer is an electrical appliance which uses warm air to dry wet hair. |
140 | rooms:electricshaver | Electric shaver | The bathroom features an electric shaver. An electric shaver is a small appliance which is mainly used for shaving beards and moustaches. |
128 | rooms:bidet | Bidet | The bathroom features a bidet. A bidet is an elongated basin to sit in placed at a low height. It is used for cleaning one’s feet and genital area. |
126 | rooms:bathtub | Bathtub | The bathroom features a bathtub. A bathtub is a container which is filled with water and in which the guest immerses their entire body for personal hygiene reasons and relaxation. |
124 | rooms:bathrobe | Bathrobe | The accommodation unit features one or more bathrobes. A bathrobe is a coat or wrap generally made out of absorbent, terry cloth style material. Bathrobes are mainly used after a shower or bath to dry off and warm up or worn in swimming pools or spa areas. |
135 | rooms:cosmetics | Personal care products | The bathroom features cosmetic products. These generally include soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste, shower gel and shampoo, cotton wool sticks, hand and body lotion, and disposable combs and razors. The selection can differ according to the standard of the hotel. |
133 | rooms:choicetowel | Towel selection | The bathroom features a selection of towels. From this guests can generally choose between towels of different sizes, materials and colours. |
402 | rooms:babybath | Baby tub | The bathroom features a baby bath. This refers to a small bath in which babies can be bathed. They are generally made out of man-made materials and in contrast to a normal bath are not permanently installed. |
897 | rooms:lowbathroomsink | Low bathroom sink | There is a low washbasin in the accommodation unit. |
816 | rooms:shower_and_bathtub | Shower and bathtub | The bathroom features a bathtub and a shower. |
815 | rooms:shower_or_bathtub | Shower or bathtub | The bathroom features either a bathtub or a shower. |
898 | rooms:toilet | Toilet | The bathroom features a toilet. |
180 | rooms:washingmachine | Washing machine | The accommodation unit features a washing machine. A washing machine is an electrical appliance which mechanically cleans washing of various types (in particular clothing). |
172 | rooms:teacoffeemaker | Tea and coffee making equipment | The accommodation unit features a tea/coffee station. A tea/coffee station is a vessel to which coffee powder or tea leaves can be added and then covered with hot water. A filter that moves up and down separates the coffee grinds/tea leaves from the drink itself. |
154 | rooms:microwave | Microwave | The accommodation unit features a microwave. A microwave is an electrical appliance in which food and drink can be warmed up in a short period of time via electromagnetic waves. |
150 | rooms:kitchen | Kitchen | The accommodation unit features a kitchen. A kitchen is a separate room in which food is prepared and stored. A kitchen is generally fitted with a fridge, sink, stove, cupboards and worktops. |
151 | rooms:kitchenette | Kitchenette | The accommodation unit features a kitchenette. A kitchenette refers to a small kitchen or kitchen unit which is normally located in the living area. It is generally fitted with the necessary amenities (refrigerator, sink and stove). |
143 | rooms:fridge | Fridge | The accommodation unit features a refrigerator. A refrigerator is an electrical cupboard-shaped appliance which due to the cool temperature of its interior can be used to keep food and drinks cool and fresh. |
136 | rooms:dishwasher | Dishwasher | The accommodation unit features a dishwasher. A dishwasher is an appliance which mechanically cleans crockery, glasses, cutlery, pans and other kitchen utensils. |
134 | rooms:cooker | Stove | The accommodation unit features a stove. A stove is an appliance with electrically-heated plates or gas burners on which food can be prepared in pots and pans. |
343 | rooms:oven | Oven | The accommodation unit features an oven. An oven is a tube-like appliance which is used to warm up and bake foodstuffs. |
344 | rooms:freezer | Freezer | The accommodation unit features a freezer. A freezer is generally a compartment of a refrigerator with a temperature that is below freezing. It is used to freeze and store foodstuffs, in particular frozen foods. |
462 | rooms:tumbledryer | Tumble dryer | The accommodation unit features a tumble dryer. A tumble dryer is a household appliance which is used to dry wet washing. |
663 | rooms:espressomachine | Espresso machine | There is an espresso machine in the room. Usually a few units/pads per stay are provided free of charge. |
817 | rooms:highchair | High chair | The accommodation unit offers one or more highchairs for children. A high chair is a seating option for babies and children sitting at the same tables as parents or adults. |
900 | rooms:wineglasses | Wine glasses | Wine glasses are available in the accommodation unit. |
899 | rooms:kitchenware | Kitchenware | The accommodation unit features cookware. This may include bowls, plates, cutlery and various utensils for cooking. |
164 | rooms:seaview | Sea view | The accommodation unit has a view of the sea. |
364 | rooms:lakeview | Lake view | The accommodation unit has a view of the lake. |
375 | rooms:forestview | Forest view | The accommodation unit has a view of the forest. |
363 | rooms:countrysideview | Countryside view | The accommodation unit has a view of the countryside. |
365 | rooms:mountainview | Mountain view | The accommodation unit has a view of the mountain/mountains. |
366 | rooms:parkview | Park view | The accommodation unit has a view of the park. |
368 | rooms:poolview | Pool view | The accommodation unit has a view of the pool. |
370 | rooms:riverview | River view | The accommodation unit has a view of the river. |
374 | rooms:beachview | Beach view | The accommodation unit has a view of the beach. |
367 | rooms:pisteview | Piste view | The accommodation unit has a view of the pistes. |
371 | rooms:streetview | Street view | The accommodation unit has a view onto the street. |
362 | rooms:lagoonview | Lagoon view | The accommodation unit has a view of the lagoon. |
369 | rooms:pyramidview | Pyramid view | The accommodation unit has a view of the pyramids. |
372 | rooms:airportview | Airport view | The accommodation unit has a view of the airport. |
373 | rooms:marinaview | Marina view | The accommodation unit has a view of the promenade. |
356 | rooms:cityview | City view | The accommodation unit has a view of the city. |
361 | rooms:harborview | Harbor view | The accommodation unit has a view of the harbour. |
358 | rooms:duneview | Dune view | The accommodation unit has a view of the dunes. |
354 | rooms:bayview | Bay view | The accommodation unit has a view of the bay. |
359 | rooms:gardenview | Garden view | The accommodation unit has a view of the garden. |
355 | rooms:castleview | Castle view | The accommodation unit has a view of the castle. |
357 | rooms:courtyardview | Courtyard view | The accommodation unit has a view of the courtyard. |
360 | rooms:golfcourseview | Golf course view | Golf accommodation unit has a view of the golf course. |
701 | rooms:canalview | Canal view | The accommodation unit has a view of the canal. |
702 | rooms:panoramicview | Panoramic view | A panoramic view is a view with a large viewing angle. |
873 | rooms:landmarkview | Landmark view | The accommodation unit has a view of a landmark. |
621 | rooms:matterportdigitaltwin | Matterport Digital Twin | A Matterport digital twin is a 3D representation of a space or physical object created using specialised camera software and hardware that allows the space to be explored virtually. |
699 | rooms:promotionalvideo | Promotional video | Offers the possibility to embed a link to a video of the accommodation unit. |
871 | rooms:detached_unit | Detached | The accommodation unit is detached. |
795 | rooms:groundfloor_unit | Ground floor | The accommodation unit is located on the ground floor. |
799 | rooms:executiveloungeaccess | Executive lounge access | Booking the room category includes access to an exclusive lounge where guests can relax, work or enjoy light snacks and drinks. These lounges often offer separate check-in and check-out services as well as additional amenities. |
796 | rooms:upperfloor_unit | Upper floor | The accommodation unit is located on the upper floors. |
797 | rooms:lowerfloor_unit | Lower floor | The accommodation unit is located on the lower floors. |
798 | rooms:nearlift_unit | Near lift | The accommodation unit is located near the lift. |
11 | sports | Sports | Fact group / context |
234 | sports:safari | Safaris | A safari is an excursion to certain regions (generally in Africa) to hunt or photograph big game. |
242 | sports:squash | Squash | Squash is a racquet sport in which a ball must be hit forwards against a wall in a way which means that the opponent is unable to return it after the first bounce. |
245 | sports:tennis | Tennis | Tennis is a racquet sport in which the ball must be hit with a racquet over the net and into the opponent’s court. |
231 | sports:paragliding | Paragliding | Paragliding is an air-based sport in which one is transported by a paraglider which sails through the air. |
244 | sports:tabletennis | Table tennis | Table tennis is a racquet sport using small bats in which a small ball is played across a shallow net which divides the table-tennis table into two halves. |
230 | sports:paddletennis | Paddle | Paddle tennis is a form of tennis, the paddles are however smaller than normal tennis racquets and they are solid rather than strung. The court is also smaller than that used for tennis. |
233 | sports:puttinggreen | Putting green | A putting green is a practise area for golf where one can practise hitting the ball along the ground in a targeted manner. |
219 | sports:golf | Golf | Golf is a ball game in which a small ball is played into holes on a lawn using the smallest number of hits possible. |
217 | sports:darts | Darts | Darts is a precision sport in which darts are thrown at a disc which is divided into various fields. |
218 | sports:fishing | Fishing | Angling is offered at the accommodation. Angling generally refers to catching fish for sport or as a leisure activity. |
223 | sports:horsebackriding | Horse riding | Horse riding refers to propelling oneself on the back of an animal. |
216 | sports:curling | Curling | Curling is a precision sport played on ice, the aim of which is to slide stones from one side of the field to the other, in order then to place them in the middle of the playing surface. |
222 | sports:handball | Handball | Handball is a sport in which two teams play against one another and try to get the ball in the rival team’s goal using their hands. |
227 | sports:miniaturegolf | Crazy golf | Crazy golf is played on a small golf course and the aim is to play the ball into the hole at the end of the course. |
221 | sports:gymnastics | Gymnastics | Callisthenics is a sequence (sometimes choreographed) of various sporting exercises to stretch and strengthen the body’s muscles. |
229 | sports:nordicwalking | Nordic walking | Nordic walking is an endurance sport in which walking sticks are used to support the walker’s rhythm. |
220 | sports:gym | Gym | A gym consists of one or more rooms in which equipment for weight or cardio training can be found. |
212 | sports:boccia | Boccia | Boccia is a precision sport the aim of which is to get your balls to land as close as possible to the target ball or to get your balls to push the opposition’s balls as far away as possible from the target ball. |
211 | sports:billiard | Pool/billiards | In billiards the cue ball must cause the so-called object balls to be pocketed into the holes in the billiard table. |
213 | sports:bowling | Bowling | Bowling is a variation of skittles. Ten pins are placed at the end of a wooden alley and must be knocked down by a ball which has holes in which the players’ fingers can be placed. |
202 | sports:aerobics | Aerobics | Aerobics is offered at the accommodation. Aerobics is a gymnastics and dance-based form of fitness training led by an instructor which is mostly carried out in groups and to music. |
206 | sports:badminton | Badminton | Badminton is offered at the accommodation. Badminton is a racquet sport played over a net in which a shuttlecock must be hit from one side to the other. The aim is to return the shuttlecock without breaking any rules. |
208 | sports:basketball | Basketball | Basketball is offered at the accommodation. Basketball is a ballgame in which two teams attempt to throw the ball in their oponent’s net. |
205 | sports:archery | Archery | Archery is a sport in which you fire at a disk with a bow and arrow. The aim is to hit the disk in the middle. |
210 | sports:biking | Cycling/mountain biking | Cycling is the action of propelling oneself on a bike. |
250 | sports:yoga | Yoga | Yoga is an umbrella term for exercises which strengthen the body and soul. The exercises combine meditation and breathing exercises with stretching and fitness exercises. |
246 | sports:volleyball | Volleyball | Volleyball is a ball game which is played over a wide net located some distance above the floor. The net divides the court into two halves. The aim is to play the ball so that the opposing team is unable to return the ball back before it bounces on the floor. In attempting to do so the ball may only be touched for a very short time. |
477 | sports:hiking | Hiking | The area surrounding the accommodation is suitable for hiking. Hiking is a sport and leisure activity in which individuals cover routes of various length in natural surroundings on foot and often carrying luggage. |
478 | sports:jogging | Jogging | The area surrounding the accommodation is suitable for jogging. Jogging is a form of endurance running in the outdoors with the aim of increasing physical stamina and promoting physical health. |
463 | sports:pilates | Pilates | Pilates is offered at the accommodation. Pilates is a systematic form of training which stretches and strengthens the entire body. The aim is to strengthen the stomach, pelvic floor and back muscles. |
464 | sports:tablefootball | Table football | Table football is offered at the accommodation. Table football (also known as foosball) is a game requiring dexterity, the aim of which is to get the ball into the opponent’s goal on a table using toy figures. The formation of the toy figures which are attached to rotating rods and the table’s surface are recreated to resemble a football pitch. |
616 | sports:airhockey | Air hockey | Air hockey is a Pong-like tabletop sport where two opposing players try to score goals against each other on a table using two hand-held discs and a lightweight plastic puck. |
594 | sports:hikingcycling | Hiking and cycling opportunities | Hiking and cycling routes can be found in close proximity to the accommodation. |
593 | sports:tenniscourt | Tennis court | The accommodation offers one or more tennis courts. |
592 | sports:mountainbiking | Mountain biking | The immediate vicinity of the accommodation is particularly suited to mountain biking. |
704 | sports:zumba | Zumba | Zumba is a form of fitness that combines aerobic exercises with dance movements from Latin American and international dances. |
664 | sports:personaltrainer | Personal Trainer | Personal trainers are available if needed. Personal trainers create training plans and provide assistance with exercises, the selection of sports equipment and nutrition plans. |
818 | sports:football | Football | There are one or more football pitches in the accommodation or in the immediate vicinity that can be used by the guests. In addition, football training and competitions can be offered and necessary equipment can be provided. |
902 | sports:guided_walkingtours | Guided walking tours | The accommodation offers guided walks. |
901 | sports:guided_biketours | Guided bike tours | The accommodation offers guided bike tours. |
235 | sports:sailing | Sailing | Sailing refers to propelling boats or ships on water using the wind’s energy. |
236 | sports:scubadiving | Diving | Diving is a watersport which is carried out below the surface of the water. Diving equipment includes breathing apparatus, flippers, wetsuits and goggles. |
240 | sports:snorkelling | Snorkelling | To snorkel is to dive without using breathing apparatus—necessary air is inhaled through a snorkel. Generally further equipment such as flippers and diving goggles are used. |
243 | sports:surfing | Surfing | Surfing involves gliding across the water’s surface on a so-called surfboard. The surfer stands on the board and speed is generated by gliding down the steepest side of the wave. |
232 | sports:pedalboat | Paddle boating | A paddle boat is a small boat which is moved forwards or backwards using muscle power to turn pedals in the hull. |
226 | sports:kitesurfing | Kitesurfing | Kitesurfing is a modified form of surfing. The kitesurfer stands on a board and manoeuvres a stunt kite which is kept in the air or is moved through the air by the wind and which pulls the surfer and board along the water. |
214 | sports:canoe | Canoeing | Canoe is the umbrella term for boats seating one or more people which are propelled forward in the direction of the user’s vision using either a single or double paddle. |
225 | sports:kayak | Kayaking | A kayak is generally a canoe with one seat which is propelled forward in the direction of the user’s vision using a double paddle. |
224 | sports:jetski | Jet skiing | A jet ski is a motorised boat with one seat, the configuration of which is derived from a motorbike. It is commonly known as a “jet ski” or “PWC” in English. |
215 | sports:catamaran | Catamaraning | A catamaran is a boat which comprises two hulls placed in parallel to one another. A catamaran is powered by motors or with the aid of oars or the wind (in the latter case with a sail). |
228 | sports:motorboat | Motorboat | A motorboat is a large boat seating several people which is powered by one or more motors. |
204 | sports:aquafitness | Aquafit | Aquafit is an form of training using the entire body carried out in water and consisting of exercises taken from different types of sport (e.g. aerobics, pilates etc.). |
203 | sports:aquaaerobics | Aqua aerobics | Water aerobics refers to exercises or fitness training led by an instructor which is carried out in shallow water to music. |
209 | sports:beachvolleyball | Beach volleyball | Beach volleyball is a ball game which is played over a wide net located some distance above the sand. The net divides the court into two halves. The aim is to play the ball so that the opposing team is unable to return the ball back before it bounces on the floor. In attempting to do so the ball may only be touched for a very short time. |
207 | sports:bananaboat | Banana boat | A banana boat is a long unmotorised float on which people can sit behind one another. The shape and colour resembles banana and the float is pulled along by a motorised boat. |
249 | sports:windsurfing | Windsurfing | In windsurfing the sportsperson glides across the water on a so-called surfboard. The surfboard is equipped with a sail which can be rotated or tilted and which the windsurfer, standing upright, holds on to. Speed is generated from the wind’s energy which propels the sail. |
247 | sports:waterski | Water skiing | In waterskiing the individual stands on two skis as in the wintersport skiing and is pulled by a motorised boat or waterski cable at speed across the water’s surface. |
465 | sports:parasailing | Parasailing | Parasailing is offered. Parasailing is a sport and leisure activity in which a person is towed behind a boat with a rope and is lifted up and across the water by a parachute which can be steered. |
819 | sports:standup_paddling | Stand-up paddling | The accommodation offers stand-up paddling. SUP / stand-up paddling is a water sport in which the person stands on a buoyant board and moves across the water with a paddle. |
248 | sports:watersports | Other watersports | Water sports is the umbrella term for all types of sport carried out on or in the water. |
237 | sports:skipass | Ski pass | A ski pass is a ticket issued for a ski resort which allows the holder to use ski lifts and gondolas. |
238 | sports:skiing | Skiing | Skiing is possible in the surrounding area. In skiing a skier glides over the snow on a ski piste or unprepared area on two skis. |
241 | sports:snowboarding | Snowboarding | Snowboarding involves the snowboarder travelling on a board down a snow-covered slope or performing jumps on prepared ramps. |
239 | sports:sleighing | Sledging | A sledge is a piece of winter sports equipment with a frame or seat for one or more people, which glides down a snow-covered slope or run on skis/runners |
597 | sports:skishuttle | Ski shuttle | A shuttle service operates between the accommodation and the ski slopes. |
596 | sports:pisteaccess | Piste access | The accommodation offers direct access to the ski slopes from the hotel entrance. |
595 | sports:skistorage | Ski equipment storage | The accommodation has a storage room which can be used to store winter sports equipment e.g. skis. |
10 | spa | Wellness | Fact group / context |
198 | spa:steambath | Steam bath | The accommodation features a steam bath. In contrast to a standard sauna the temperature of a steam bath (around 50°C) is far lower and the humidity far higher. It helps to stimulate circulation and relax the muscles. |
201 | spa:whirlpool | Hot tub | There is a hut tub. A hot tub is a (seated) bath filled with water which is equipped with massage jets. These produce jets of water which are targeted at tense areas with the aim of releasing this tension. |
200 | spa:treatments | Cure treatments | Various treatments are offered during a regimen. These internal or external physical therapies help the healing process or promote the well-being of guests. Examples include Schroth therapy or Kneipp treatments. |
199 | spa:thalasso | Thalassotherapy | Thalassotherapy is offered. In Thalassotherapy treatments elements of the ocean are applied: sea water (cold/warm), sea salt, silt, algae and sand. |
197 | spa:spa | Spa | There is a spa area. Spa (from the Latin "Sanus Per Aquam"/"Salus Per Aquam"/"Sanitas Per Aquam" meaning health through water) is an umbrella term for health and wellness treatments which are based on the healing powers of water. |
193 | spa:healthresort | Health cure | A regimen refers to a stay of a certain length in an accommodation at which healing or preventative therapies are provided under medical supervision. |
192 | spa:hammam | Hammam | The accommodation features a hammam. A hammam is an oriental steam bath generally made out of marble which has a heated area in the middle on which guests can lie and receive massages using soap from an attendant. |
196 | spa:sauna | Sauna | A sauna is a heated room (generally built from wooden planks) in which visitors can be exposed to various forms of heat or steam (via hot air, steam or water). Heat is generated by pouring water on to the hot stones. |
190 | spa:beautyfarm | Beauty centre | The accommodation features a spa. A spa is an establishment which offers cosmetic and wellness treatments in particular for women. It often also features a sauna. |
191 | spa:beautysalon | Beauty salon | A beauty salon is an establishment at which first and foremost cosmetic treatments are carried out, these include manicures, pedicures, face masks etc. |
195 | spa:massage | Massage treatments | Massages are offered at the accommodation. Massage is the mechanical application of pressure (touching, kneading, pressing, stretching and pulling) on the skin, connective tissue and muscles in order to facilitate healing or relaxation. |
189 | spa:ayurveda | Ayurveda | Ayurvedic treatments are offered at the accommodation. Ayurveda is a holistic Indian healing method which includes massage and purification techniques, nutrition, relaxation exercises and herbal medicine. |
188 | spa:antiaging | Anti-ageing treatments | Anti-ageing treatments are offered at the accommodation. Anti-ageing is a marketing term for all treatments which have the general aim of slowing down the body’s ageing process. This generally refers to cosmetic treatments but sometimes also to medical treatments. |
187 | spa:acupuncture | Acupuncture | Acupuncture is offered at the accomommodation. Acupuncture therapy is a part of traditional Chinese medicine. Patients are treated with needles which are stuck into various points of the body in order to remove blockages to the body’s energy flows. |
194 | spa:hydrotherapy | Hydrotherapy | Hydrotherapy is offered at the accommodation. Hydrotherapy can be understood as a therapy which uses water in all three of its physical states, i.e. ice, temperate water and steam. Typical therapy forms include washes, poultice/compresses and showers. |
474 | spa:therapeuticdrinkingregimen | Therapeutic drinking regimen | A therapeutic drinking regimen is offered at the accommodation. A therapeutic drinking regimen involves drinking healing or thermal waters over a certain period of time. Commonly offered in conjunction with thermal baths or other balneo-therapeutic procedures, therapeutic drinking regimens are often prescribed to those with stomach or kidney ailments. |
472 | spa:cleopatrabath | Cleopatra bath | A cleopatra bath is available at the accommodation. This involves the guest taking a warm bath of water with the addition of extras such as milk, honey and oil in order to make the skin soft and silky. |
479 | spa:wellnesscentre | Wellness centre | There is a wellness centre. A wellness centre offers various wellness treatments (e.g. massages, baths and sauna) and aims to boost visitors’ physical and mental well-being. |
476 | spa:hydrojetmassage | Hydrojet massage | Hydrojet massages are offered at the accommodation. For this the guest lies in a massage tub filled with warm water and is massaged from below by numerous jets. Because the body is separated from the water by synthetic film, it is possible to be massaged whilst wearing light clothing. |
473 | spa:fangotreatments | Fango treatments | Fango treatments are offered at the accommodation. This is a therapy used to prevent pain for those with rheumatism and other conditions. A layer of warm, mineral-filled volcanic mud is applied to the affected body parts and wrapped with film or cloth in order to lock in the warmth. |
475 | spa:reflexologymassage | Reflexology massage | Reflexology massages are offered at the accommodation. This refers to a massage in which certain reflex points on the foot are massaged. This provides relaxation for the entire body and activates self-healing. |
467 | spa:qigong | Qigong | Qigong is offered at the accommodation. Qigong (also known as Qi Gong or Chigong) refers to a technique for meditation, concentration and movement which is part of traditional Chinese medicine and which serves to harmonise energy flows in the body. This process aims to relieve stress and improve overall well-being. |
466 | spa:acupressure | Acupressure | Acupressure is offered at the accommodation. Acupressure (or acupunct massage) is a part of traditional Chinese medicine and involves massaging certain pressure points in order to remove blockages to the body’s energy flows. |
469 | spa:aromatherapy | Aromatherapy | Aromatherapy is offered at the accommodation. Aromatherapy is a form of naturopathy in which essential oils are used for healing purposes. |
470 | spa:medicinalbaths | Medicinal baths | Medicinal baths are offered at the accommodation. Various types of medicinal baths follow different approaches and accordingly serve different aims. While an exercise pool is used for movement within water which trains the muscles and promotes circulation, other baths can thanks to their contents such as salts, heal skin diseases or alleviate physical problems. Inhalation baths on the other hand can help people with respiratory ailments. |
468 | spa:autogenictraining | Autogenic training | Autogenic training is offered at the accommodation. This refers to a method used in psychotherapy in which relaxation is generated from within. |
471 | spa:cellulitetreatment | Cellulite treatment | Cellulite treatments are offered at the accommodation. Cellulite treatments generally include peelings and massages which promote circulation and prevent cellulite. |
823 | spa:waxing | Waxing | Waxing is the removal of body hair including the hair root with the help of slightly hardened wax. |
821 | spa:lighttherapy | Light therapy | Light therapy is a form of treatment in which the body is irradiated with light of different wavelengths. |
822 | spa:hotspringbath | Hot spring bath | The accommodation offers one or more thermal pools. A thermal pool is a pool with warm and usually mineralised water that is used for therapeutic purposes, among other things. A thermal spa uses mineralised groundwater or spring water to relax muscles, stimulate circulation or treat chronic and rheumatic joint diseases. |
820 | spa:facialtreatments | Facial treatments | Cosmetic facial treatments serve to refine the appearance of the facial skin. Instrument-assisted forms of treatment such as abrasion and needling methods are used as well as such skin care treatments such as facial masks, peelings or massages. |
903 | spa:footbaths | Foot baths | In a foot bath, the feet are immersed in warm water to stimulate blood circulation. |
909 | spa:relaxation_room_area | Relaxation area | The spa/wellness area offers an area to relax, which could be equipped with hanging chairs, water beds and long pile sofas and could be indoors or outdoors. |
908 | spa:pedicure | Pedicure | Pedicure is the care and treatment of the feet. |
906 | spa:manicure | Manicure | Manicure is the care and treatment of the hands. |
907 | spa:massagechair | Massage chair | A massage chair is a piece of furniture that massages different parts of the body, depending on its equipment. |
904 | spa:bodywrap | Body wrap | Body wraps are offered in the accommodation. A body wrap is a cosmetic treatment in which the entire body or certain parts of the body are covered with nourishing or healing substances (e.g. mud, clay, honey, algae, herbs or oils) and then wrapped in foil, warm blankets or special cloths. The aim of this treatment is to intensively nourish the skin, detoxify the body and promote well-being. |
905 | spa:bodyscrub | Body scrub | Body scrubs are offered in the accommodation. A body scrub is a cosmetic treatment in which the body is exfoliated with abrasive materials or substances (salt, sugar, herbs, ground nuts, but also fruit acids or enzymes) to remove dead skin cells and reveal fresh, new skin underneath. |
2 | entertainment | Entertainment | Fact group / context |
7 | entertainment:miniclub | Kids' club | States whether a kids’ club is offered. A kids’ club is generally aimed at young children and offers childcare by the hour. During the childcare the aim is first and foremost to encourage the children to take part in creative and sometimes sporting activities. |
5 | entertainment:livemusic | Live music | Live music is offered at the accommodation. Live music can be understood as the performance of songs either by individuals or several people. |
6 | entertainment:minidisco | Kids' disco | States whether a kids’ disco is offered. A kids’ disco is targeted at children. The children are encouraged by (children’s) entertainers to dance to the music being played. |
4 | entertainment:entertainmentchildren | Entertainment programme for children | An entertainment programme for children is offered. It refers to an entertainment programme which is aimed at children and which encourages them to take part. The programme can include sporting, musical or artistic activities. |
3 | entertainment:entertainmentadults | Entertainment programme for adults | An entertainment programme for adults is offered. It refers to an entertainment programme which is aimed at adults and which encourages them to take part. The programme can include sporting, musical or artistic activities. |
1 | entertainment:childcare | Childcare service | Guests can take advantage of a childcare service. A childcare service can be understood as adults looking after the children of others for a period of time, mostly only for a couple of hours. As a rule the adults in charge often provide creative or sports activities during this time. |
2 | entertainment:entertainment | Entertainment programme | An entertainment programme is run by so-called entertainers and includes various forms of entertainment. These include sports (also in water) and creative activities such as quizzes, dance evenings, shows etc. Entertainment programmes are targeted at various age groups: children, young people, adults and senior citizens. |
824 | entertainment:karaoke | Karaoke | Karaoke is a form of entertainment that is especially common in Asian culture, where amateur singers sing along to the instrumental version of well-known songs. While in Europe karaoke tends to be a public event in front of an audience, in the Asian region special karaoke booths of various sizes are available. These are usually equipped with a karaoke machine, microphones, television, sofas and coffee table. In addition, drinks and sometimes snacks are offered. |
910 | entertainment:bingo | Bingo | Bingo is a lottery game in which, depending on the game type, five or nine numbers must be marked in a row vertically, horizontally or diagonally. |
911 | entertainment:cookingclass | Cooking class | The accommodation offers cooking classes. |
913 | entertainment:pubcrawls | Pub crawls | The accommodation offers pub crawls. |
914 | entertainment:standupcomedy | Stand-up comedy | The accommodation offers stand-up comedy shows. |
912 | entertainment:livesport_broadcast | Life sport broadcasting | Live sports events are shown. |
915 | entertainment:tours_localregionalculture | Tours (local/regional culture) | The accommodation offers tours/courses about local/regional culture. |
6 | meals | Board | Fact group / context |
96 | meals:breakfast | Breakfast | Guests receive breakfast. Breakfast refers to the first meal of the day and can differ depending on the country and culture. |
105 | meals:lunch | Lunch | Lunch can be understood as a meal which is consumed at around midday and which is normally warm. |
100 | meals:dinner | Dinner | Dinner is usually the last meal of the day. |
95 | meals:bedandbreakfast | B & B | The board option bed & breakfast only includes breakfast. |
94 | meals:allinclusivespecial | All-inclusive plus | The all-inclusive plus (or all-inclusive ultra) board option generally includes, in addition to all the standard all-inclusive benefits, various additional benefits such as à la carte meals, shuttle services, use of saunas, tennis courts, entrance tickets and vouchers for parks and other activities and international alcoholic drinks etc. |
92 | meals:ai | All-inclusive | Guests receive all-inclusive board. In addition to the meals generally offered in full-board (breakfast, lunch and dinner) this also includes a selection of snacks offered between meals, plus cake and coffee/tea in the afternoon. At certain hours non-alcoholic and local alcoholic drinks are included. Imported alcoholic drinks are sometimes not included and must be paid for at the accommodation. As a rule a selection of various entertainment and sporting options are included in the package price. |
705 | meals:ai_light | All-inclusive light | All Inclusive Light is a reduced all-inclusive offer. The corresponding services can vary from accommodation to accommodation. As a rule, only the meal/buffet is included as well as a single drink, sometimes also small snacks. |
101 | meals:fullboard | Full board | The board option full board includes three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Drinks are generally not included. |
103 | meals:halfboard | Half board | Guests receive half board. Half board refers to a type of board which includes two meals a day (breakfast and lunch or dinner). Drinks are generally not included. |
617 | meals:halfboardplus | Half board plus | With half board plus, guests can usually choose whether they want to have lunch or dinner in addition to breakfast. |
97 | meals:brunch | Brunch | Brunch is offered. Brunch can be understood as a meal which combines components of breakfast and lunch and which is mostly served in the morning and early afternoon. Warm and cold foods are served, often in buffet form. |
111 | meals:snacks | Snacks | Guests receive snacks. A snack is a light refreshment which serves as a bite to eat between meals. Snacks can include cold or warm foods. |
324 | meals:drinksincluded | Drinks included | Guests receive a certain range of drinks for free. |
706 | meals:drinksnotincluded | Drinks not included | Guests do not receive drinks for free. |
115 | meals:welcomedrink | Welcome drink | Guests are welcomed to the accommodation with a welcome drink. This usually comes in the form of a drink that is typical of the country or region that the accommodation is situated in. |
114 | meals:vegetarian | Vegetarian meals | Vegetarian food is offered at the accommodation. No meat or fish are used in the production of vegetarian food. |
112 | meals:softdrinks | Alcohol-free drinks | Guests receive non-alcoholic beverages. Non-alcoholic beverages are drinks that do not include alcohol, such as soft drinks, juice, spritzers etc. |
113 | meals:specialoffers | Special deals | Special catering options can be understood as food which has been prepared in a certain way or using of certain ingedients and which meets certain dietary requirements. |
110 | meals:showcooking | Live cooking | Live cooking is offered. In live cooking (also known as show cooking) the food is prepared live in front of the guests. |
108 | meals:picnic | Picnic | The term picnic refers to a meal eaten in the outdoors. It is often possible to order a picnic basket which contains various food and drinks. |
109 | meals:roomservice | Room service | Room service is a service in which food and drinks are delivered to the room. |
106 | meals:minibar | Minibar | A minibar in the room is filled with drinks; other features can also be listed. |
107 | meals:ownbrand | Own brands | At the accommodation drinks from the house-favourite brand are served. A house-favourite brand refers to the brand of a small retail company which is marketed as a "speciality of the house". |
104 | meals:internationalbrands | International brands | International brands of drinks are served at the accommodation. International brands are generally globally-distributed brands such as Coca-Cola. |
102 | meals:glutenfree | Gluten-free meals | Guests can select gluten-free meals. Gluten-free food does not contain gluten and is for example appropriate for those suffering from coeliac disease. |
98 | meals:childrensmenu | Children's meals | Younger guests receive children’s meals. The food and presentation of children’s meals are geared towards children and the portions are generally smaller than regular meals. |
99 | meals:dietary | Diet meals | Diet meals are offered. Diet meals generally include low-fat and low-calorie foods. |
93 | meals:alcoholicdrinks | Alcoholic drinks | Guests receive alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages are drinks that include alcohol, such as beer, wine, spirits etc. |
376 | meals:halal | Halal meals | Halal food is offered at the accommodation. Food certified as halal has been produced according to Islamic religious laws regarding food. |
377 | meals:kosher | Kosher meals | Kosher food is offered at the accommodation. Kosher food is produced according to Jewish food laws. |
434 | meals:foodcombining | Food combining | Food combining is offered. This refers to a nutrition method in which foods containing protein and carbohydrates are not consumed during the same meal. |
436 | meals:organicfood | Organic food | Organic food is offered. Organic food is prepared from products which are certified as organic. In the production of these foods chemicals such as synthetic fertilisers and genetic modification are not used. In animal products no antibiotics or growth hormones are used and the animals are kept in conditions appropriate to their species. |
437 | meals:babyfood | Baby food | Baby food is offered. This refers to food which has been specially designed to feed to babies. |
435 | meals:wholeunprocessedfoods | Whole/Unprocessed foods | Whole/unprocessed foods are offered. This refers to a form of nutrition which favours the use of fresh and unprocessed foodstuffs and wholegrain products. Fruit and vegetables are therefore consumed raw or at least prepared in a sparing manner (e.g. using only a little fat). Egg, milk and meat products are only used in small measures. |
378 | meals:vegan | Vegan meals | Vegan food is offered at the accommodation. No products of animal origin are used in the production of vegan food. |
379 | meals:lactosefree | Lactose-free meals | Lactose-free food is offered at the accommodation. Lactose-free food contains either no lactose or only very small amounts, making it suitable for people who are lactose-intolerant. |
598 | meals:privatedining | Couples/private dining | The accommodation offers couples/private dining. It is aimed at couples or groups who wish to dine in a separate area with a high degree of privacy. It is often requested for honeymoons, birthday celebrations, team-building events or business meetings. |
825 | meals:allergyfriendlycuisine | Allergy-friendly cuisine | The allergy-friendly cuisine prepares meals tailored to guests who avoid certain ingredients. |
7 | misc | Miscellaneous | Fact group / context |
116 | misc:carrental | Hire car | A rental car is a vehicle which one can use (mostly subject to a fee) for a certain period of time. |
333 | misc:minimumguestage | Minimum age | Stipulates the minimum age guests must be to stay in the hotel. |
619 | misc:tourismfee | Tourism fee | A tourism tax is a levy that tourist destinations can charge to cover the costs of using various facilities or events. The amount of the tax is usually based on the number of days of stay. The tax is usually paid at the accommodation. It is levied in Martinique, Guadeloupe, Morocco, Tunisia and Malaysia, for example. |
618 | misc:visitorstax | Visitor's tax | A visitor's tax/city tax is a levy that resorts and cities can charge to cover the costs of using various facilities or events. The amount of the tax is usually based on the number of days of stay. The tax is usually paid at the accommodation. |
602 | misc:groundsenclosed | Grounds enclosed | The accommodation’s grounds are fully enclosed. |
601 | misc:events_partiesnotpermitted | Events/parties not permitted | In the interests of protecting guests from noise disturbance, large events and parties are not permitted at the accommodation. |
599 | misc:alcoholnotpermitted | Alcohol consumption not permitted | The consumption of alcoholic drinks is prohibited at the accommodation and in the grounds. |
600 | misc:arrivalbycar | Arrival by car | The accommodation is particularly suited to guests who are travelling in their own car. |
709 | misc:minimumstay_days | Minimum stay (days) | Indicates the minimum length of stay in the accommodation in days. |
707 | misc:childrenstayforfree | Children stay for free | In the accommodation children stay free of charge regardless of their age. |
710 | misc:discountforchildren_age | Discount for children up to (age) | Children up to the specified age get a discount on the stay in the room. |
708 | misc:childrenstayforfree_age | Children stay for free up to (age) | The stay in the accommodation is free of charge for children up to the indicated age. |
826 | misc:petbasket | Pet basket | The accommodation offers pet baskets. A pet basket is a sitting/lying area for pets and may be free of charge or subject to a charge, depending on the service booked. |
827 | misc:videosurveillance | Video surveillance | The accommodation uses video cameras for surveillance. |
8 | payment | Payment options | Fact group / context |
117 | payment:payment | Payment options | Stipulates which payment options the property accepts. |
Code | Name | Label | Value Type | Definition |
190 | name | Name | STRING | The name of the facility or service can be provided. |
201 | classificationagency | Classification agency | STRING | A classification agency is usually a company commissioned by hotel industry umbrella associations (e.g. DEHOGA) to evaluate and classify accommodation, which often also cooperate with tourism organisations and/or regional chambers of commerce and industry. |
202 | ratingvalue | Rating | STRING | The rating indicates the classified category of the accommodation (stars/key). Ratings between 1 and 5 are standard in Europe. For a more detailed distinction, additions such as “Garni” or “Superior” may also be possible. |
203 | superioraddition | “Superior” addition | The rating for this accommodation includes the addition “Superior”. Additional benefits and services are offered that exceed the usual offering in this category. | |
97 | nudist | Nudist | Nudity is permitted. | |
96 | dependingonservicebooked | Depending on the scope of service booked | The service/amenity depends on the scope of service booked. | |
94 | flipflopsrecommended | Flip-flops recommended | The wearing of flip-flops is recommended in the given location or amenity. | |
93 | hotelownedprivate | Hotel-owned/private | The amenity is clearly separated from areas accessible to non-guests and its use is reserved solely for guests staying at the accommodation. | |
92 | public | Public | The amenity/service is freely accessible/available to everybody, including non-guests. | |
27 | nonsmoking | Non-smoking | Smoking is not permitted in the amenity. | |
204 | wheelchairaccessible | Wheelchair accessible | The facility has been adapted for wheelchairs and is fully accessible for wheelchair users. | |
206 | levelaccess | Level-access | The facility can be accessed without steps (e.g. the shower). | |
210 | wheelchairadapted | Wheelchair adapted | Various areas of the accommodation have been adapted for use by wheelchair using guests. This can refer to the reception or lobby, specific areas in reserved rooms, sports equipment or similar. | |
230 | rampaccess | Access via ramp | The facility can be accessed via a wheelchair-accessible ramp. | |
231 | lift_liftingplatformaccess | Access via lift/lifting platform | The facility can be accessed via a wheelchair-accessible lift or lifting platform. | |
57 | smoking | Smoking | There is a smoking area in the amenity. | |
91 | numberholes | Number of holes | INTEGER | Specifies the number of holes that can be played at the golf course. |
324 | personaltrainer | Personal Trainer | One or more personal trainers are available for the service. Personal trainers create training plans and provide assistance with exercises, the selection of sports equipment and nutrition plans. | |
90 | sportsequipmenthire | Sports equipment hire | Sports equipment can be hired for a certain period of time. | |
89 | subjecttoavailability | Subject to availability | The provision of the service/amenity is subject to availability. | |
74 | aroundtheclock | Around the clock | The service/amenity is available around the clock (24 hours a day). | |
75 | bythehour | By the hour | The attribute “by the hour” specifies that the service/amenity is not available around the clock, rather only for certain periods of time (e.g. also half-hourly). | |
302 | daily | daily | The service is offered daily. | |
218 | seasonal | Seasonal | The service/facility may only be used at certain times of the year and not all year round. The use of the service or facility may be possible on a daily, weekly or monthly basis at specific times. | |
199 | time | Time | STRING | Specifies the time in 24-hour format, in hours, minutes and seconds. |
232 | servicetimes | Service times | HOURS | Specifies one or more time periods for the weekdays, each with start and end times in 24-hour format in hours and minutes. |
235 | fromtime | from (time) | TIME | The service/facility is available from the time indicated. |
236 | totime | to (time) | TIME | The service/facility is available up to the time indicated. |
234 | express | Express | The service can be provided in a formless express way without any contact to the staff of the accommodation. | |
77 | subjecttoweather | Subject to weather conditions | This attribute specifies that the service/amenity is subject to weather conditions. | |
64 | value | Value | STRING | The attribute “value” specifies the value that belongs to a fact. This may be numeric or non-numeric. For numeric values the inclusion of a unit may be required. |
69 | onsite | On-site | The amenity can be found within the property. | |
14 | directly | Direct | The amenity can be found in the immediate vicinity of the property. | |
26 | nearby | Nearby | The amenity can be found close to the accommodation and can be reached quickly on foot. | |
340 | intheneighbouringaccommodation | In the neighboring accommodation | The facility is located in the neighboring accomodation or the service takes place there. | |
35 | sepbypromenade | Separated by a promenade | The amenity is separated from the accommodation by a promenade. | |
36 | sepbystreet | Separated by a street | The amenity is separated from the accommodation by a street. | |
70 | locally | Locally | The amenity can be found in the same locality as the property. | |
15 | distance | Distance | STRING | Specifies the distance from the accommodation to the given place in metres or kilometres. |
71 | timeonfoot | Journey time (on foot) | STRING | Specifies the distance from the accommodation to the given place on foot in minutes or hours. |
72 | timebycarbus | Journey time (by car or bus) | STRING | Specifies the distance from the accommodation to the given place by car or bus in minutes or hours. |
73 | timebypublictransport | Journey time (by public transport) | STRING | Specifies the distance from the accommodation to the given place by public transport in minutes or hours. |
81 | depositrequired | Deposit required | The guest can use an amenity or hire something subject to the payment of a sum of money which will be returned at the end of the period of usage. | |
20 | forafee | For a fee | The amenity/service is available for a fee. | |
21 | freeofcharge | Free of charge | The amenity/service is available free of charge. | |
28 | onrequest | On request | The amenity/service is available on request. | |
39 | thirdpartyoperator | Third-party operator | The amenity/service is run by a third-party operator. | |
405 | viamobileapp | Via mobile app | The service is available via mobile app. | |
219 | treatmentrooms | Treatment rooms | The facility has one or more rooms designated for medical or spa treatments. | |
78 | healhinsurancesubsidy | Subsidy from health insurance provider | The guest’s health insurance provider may subsidise the use of a service/amenity in the accommodation. | |
22 | gentlysloping | Gently sloping | On a gently-sloping beach the water close to the shore is very shallow making it particularly well-suited to children. | |
95 | steepsloping | Steep sloping | On a steep-sloping beach even the water close to the shore is very deep making it not well-suited to children. | |
33 | sandy | Sandy | A sandy beach is comprised mainly of sand. | |
55 | rocky | Stony | A stony beach is comprised mainly of stones. | |
54 | pebbles | Pebbly | A pebbly beach is comprised mainly of course sand. | |
79 | sandsurface | Sand surface | There is at least one amenity which has a sandy surface (e.g. tennis court or football pitch) | |
459 | hardcourt | Hard court | A hard court usually consists of solid materials such as asphalt or concrete. For sports, such as tennis, these surfaces are sealed with acrylic resins to mark out playing lines and provide the players with a certain amount of cushioning. | |
458 | artificialturf | Artificial turf | Artificial turf is a material made from synthetic, artificial fibres that resembles real grass. The blades of artificial turf are usually green and can come in different pile heights. Similar to carpet, artificial turf consists of a solid base with machine-stitched blades. | |
80 | lawnsurface | Lawn surface | There is at least one amenity which has a lawn surface (e.g. tennis court or football pitch) | |
63 | addresslines | Address lines | STRING | An address can be entered. |
65 | pobox | Post box | STRING | A Post Office (PO) box can be entered. |
58 | street | Street | STRING | A street can be entered. |
59 | streetnumber | House number | STRING | A house number can be entered. |
61 | postalcode | Postcode | STRING | A postcode can be entered. |
60 | cityname | Place name | STRING | A location name can be entered. |
62 | country | Country | STRING | A country can be entered. |
303 | url | URL | URL | A URL can be entered. |
56 | rating | Rating | RATING | A category for the property (stars/keys) can be entered. |
50 | year | Year | INTEGER | A year can be entered. |
67 | warm | Warm | Warm food is offered as part of this meal. | |
37 | separate | Separate | The amenities/rooms are separated from one another. | |
43 | satcable | Satellite/cable | Satellite/cable channels can be received. | |
389 | bluetoothspeaker | Bluetooth speaker | Bluetooth speakers are speakers that have a Bluetooth receiver. Sound signals, usually sent from a cell phone, tablet or notebook, are received via this receiver and then played. They are powered by a rechargeable battery. | |
612 | via_bluetooth | via Bluetooth | The function / service is available through (mobile) Bluetooth communication technology. | |
574 | via_mobile_data | Via mobile data | The function/service is available through mobile Data. | |
575 | via_pin_code | Via pin code | The function/service is available through Pin Code. | |
576 | via_qr_code | Via qr code | The function/service is available through a QR Code. | |
34 | sat | Satellite TV | The TV reception is via satellite which often means international TV channels can be received. | |
30 | payperview | Pay-per-view | Guests can view pay-per-view services. | |
8 | cable | Cable | The TV reception is via cable. | |
325 | smarttv | Smart TV | The accommodation has a Smart TV. With smart TVs, you can usually access apps and streaming services and surf the internet. Often, you can also get information about the facilities and services offered by the accommodation. | |
326 | streamingservices | Streaming services | The TV set in the accommodation provides access to streaming services. Streaming is the simultaneous transmission of video and audio data via data streams. | |
328 | amazonprimevideo | Amazon Prime Video | The accommodation's TV provides access to Amazon's Prime Video streaming service. | |
329 | disneyplus | Disney+ | The accommodation's TV provides access to the Disney+ streaming service. | |
327 | netflix | Netflix | The TV in the accommodation offers access to the Netflix streaming service. | |
330 | sky | Sky | The accommodation's TV offers access to the Sky streaming service. | |
19 | flatscreen | Flat-screen | The appliance features a flat-screen. This refers to a screen with a much shallower depth than a conventional CRT monitor. The most common technologies are LCD, plasma and LED. | |
456 | screensize_inches | Screensize (inches) | INTEGER | Specifies the screensize in inches. |
13 | directdial | Direct-dial | Direct-dial is available. Direct-dial allows the person making the call to place calls directly, i.e. without going via an intermediary (usually reception). | |
402 | textphone_deaf_hearing_impaired | Text phone (deaf/hearing impaired) | The accommodation unit has a text telephone for the deaf and hearing impaired. | |
401 | suitable_for_hearing_impaired | Suitable for the hearing impaired | The accommodation unit has a telephone for the hard of hearing. | |
404 | handrails | Handrails | The amenity has handrails. | |
84 | localchannelsonly | Only local channels | Only local channels can be received which are normally in the respective country's language. | |
449 | aljazeera | Al Jazeera | Al Jazeera is received. | |
448 | bbc | BBC | BBC is received. | |
452 | cna | CNA | CNA (Channel News Asia) is received. | |
410 | cnn | CNN | CNN is available. | |
450 | dw | DW | DW (Deutsche Welle) is received. | |
451 | euronews | Euronews | Euronews is received. | |
453 | france24 | France 24 | France 24 is received. | |
409 | tv_channels_children | TV channels for children | The TV receives children's TV channels. | |
85 | germanchannels | German channels | German channels can be received. | |
331 | internationaltvchannels | International TV channels | The accommodation's TV offers access to international TV channels. | |
400 | nespresso | Nespresso | A Nespresso is a simple coffee preparation with aluminium capsules. Compared to an espresso, more water is required. | |
44 | size | Size | INTEGER | You can give the size of an amenity/room in square metres. |
379 | wifi_highspeed | WiFi (High speed) | Indicates that the usable WiFi enables a high data transfer rate. This service is usually subject to a charge. | |
463 | wifi_limited | WiFi (limited) | Indicates that the usable WiFi only allows a limited data transfer rate. This service is usually free of charge. | |
403 | oversize | Oversize | The reference object is oversized or overlong. | |
38 | sideways | Side | The guests have a side/restricted view | |
16 | earlyriser | Early-riser | Breakfast is served particularly early. | |
23 | lateriser | Late-riser | Breakfast is served until particularly late. | |
48 | central | Central | The service/amenity is controlled centrally. | |
7 | buffet | Buffet | The meal is available in buffet form. | |
2 | alacarte | À la carte | The meal is available à la carte. | |
25 | menu | Menu | The meal is available as a set menu. | |
307 | sustainablefishing_msc | Sustainable fishing (MSC) | All or part of the facility's seafood is certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). | |
308 | sustainablefishing_asc | Sustainable fishing (ASC) | All or part of the facility's seafood is Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) certified. | |
309 | noendangeredfishspecies | No endangered fish species | The facility refrains from offering endangered fish species. | |
10 | continental | Continental | A continental breakfast can be understood as a simple breakfast which generally includes bread/bread rolls, butter, jam and tea/coffee/milk/hot chocolate. Sausage, cheese, yoghurt and juice and/or fruit may also be served. | |
18 | english | English | This refers to a hearty breakfast that includes mainly warm foods such as fried/scrambled egg, sausages, bacon and baked beans. In addition fried vegetables or potatoes may be served. Toast with jam and/or breakfast cereals may also be offered. Drinks normally include tea, coffee and juice. | |
82 | american | American breakfast | An American breakfast is an elaborate breakfast featuring both sweet (e.g. pancakes, breakfast cereals, jam, toast, butter) and savoury dishes (e.g. sausages, bacon, fried eggs). The drinks offered include coffee, milk and juices. | |
311 | chocolaterie | Chocolaterie | There is a chocolaterie in the facility. A chocolaterie is a chocolate manufacturing plant with sales facilities or a shop that sells chocolate products. | |
312 | creperie | Creperie | There is a creperie in the facility. A creperie is a shop or stall where crepes (flat pancakes) are sold in different variations. | |
313 | icecreamparlour | Ice cream parlour | There is an ice cream parlour in the facility. An ice cream parlour is a shop where ice cream is primarily sold or served. | |
310 | patisserie | Patisserie | There is a patisserie in the facility. A patisserie is a specialised business that produces pastries and other desserts. | |
205 | packedbuffetoptions | Packed buffet options | Buffet items can be packed upon request. | |
208 | individuallypackedmeals | Individually-packed meals | Meals which are offered are individually packed. | |
593 | plasticbottles | Plastic bottles | Plastic water bottles are available. | |
592 | plasticcups | Plastic cups | Plastic cups are available. | |
594 | plasticcutlery | Plastic cutlery | Plastic cutlery is available. | |
595 | plasticstirrers | Plastic stirrers | Plastic stirrers are available. | |
596 | plasticstraws | Plastic straws | Plastic straws are available. | |
6 | attended | Attended | The amenity features surveillance by security guards and/or video cameras. | |
88 | videosurveillance | Video-camera surveillance | The amenity features video-camera surveillance. | |
584 | fenced | Fenced | The reference object is secured with a fence. | |
211 | covered | Covered | The facility is covered/has a roof | |
212 | openair_roofless | Open-air/roofless | The facility is not covered. | |
460 | awning | Awning | An awning is a foldable or rollable frame construction that serves as sun, privacy or rain protection. | |
213 | outdoor | Outdoor | The facility is situated in the outdoor area of the accommodation or the service is offered in the outdoor area. | |
406 | onthepremises | On the premises | The service takes place on the premises. | |
407 | outsidethepremises | Outside the premises | The service takes place outside the premises. | |
408 | inpublicareas | In public areas | The service takes place in public areas. | |
214 | indoor | Indoor | The facility is situated in the indoor area of the accommodation or the service is offered in indoor areas. | |
221 | maxvehicleheight | Max. vehicle height | STRING | Vehicles belonging to guests who wish to use the accommodation’s parking facilities must not exceed the specified vehicle height. |
222 | suitableformotorhomescaravans | Suitable for motorhomes and caravans | The accommodation provides parking facilities for motorhomes and caravans. | |
223 | suitableforbuses | Suitable for buses | The accommodation provides parking facilities for buses. | |
224 | suitableforlorries | Suitable for lorries | The accommodation provides parking facilities for lorries. | |
398 | onlyincluded_aiplus | Only included in AI Plus | The service/amenity is included only in an all-inclusive plus booking. | |
1 | ai | Only included in All-Inclusive | The service/amenity is included in an all-inclusive booking. | |
605 | included_executiveloungeaccess | Only included with access to Executive Lounge | The service is only included with access to the Executive Lounge. | |
68 | age | Age | INTEGER | You can enter an age in years. |
45 | aircon | Air conditioning | The amenity/room is air conditioned. | |
399 | officechair | Office chair | An office chair is a work chair for desks. The chairs are usually swivel and height-adjustable, and the backrest and armrests can usually also be adjusted. | |
332 | tiles | Tiles | The facility has a tiled floor. | |
334 | wood_parquet | Wood/parquet | The facility has a wooden/parquet floor. | |
333 | laminate | Laminate | The facility has a laminate floor. | |
411 | marblefloor | Marble floor | The amenity or unit features a marble floor. | |
306 | thermostats | Thermostats | The accommodation uses thermostats to regulate heating and cooling periods in rooms and/or public areas. | |
83 | underfloorheating | Underfloor heating | There is heating under the floorboards – the room is heated through the floor. | |
3 | allowed | Allowed | Guests may bring pets. | |
373 | petsallowed | Pets allowed | Pets are allowed in the facility or during the service. | |
363 | nopetsallowed | No pets allowed | Indicates that pets are not allowed in the facility. | |
601 | width | Width | NUMBER | Indicates the width of the reference object in metres. |
600 | length | Length | NUMBER | Indicates the length of the reference object in metres. |
603 | maximaldepth | Maximal depth | NUMBER | Indicates the maximal depth of the reference object in metres. |
602 | minimaldepth | Minimal depth | NUMBER | Indicates the minimal depth of the reference object in metres. |
599 | shallowend | Shallow end | The reference object has a non-swimmer area. | |
604 | snaketrap_snakeguard | Snake trap | The reference object features a snake guard. | |
17 | en | English | English is spoken. | |
11 | de | German | German is spoken. | |
417 | afrikaans | Afrikaans | Afrikaans is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Afrikaans. | |
519 | albanian | Albanian | Albanian is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Albanian. | |
520 | armenian | Armenian | Armenian is spoken in the accommodation or the services are available in Armenian. | |
418 | azerbaijani | Azerbaijani | Azerbaijani is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Azerbaijani. | |
521 | basque | Basque | Basque is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Basque. | |
419 | belarusian | Belarusian | Belarusian is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Belarusian. | |
522 | bengali | Bengali | Bengali is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Bengali. | |
523 | berber | Berber | Berber is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Berber. | |
524 | bosnian | Bosnian | Bosnian is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Bosnian. | |
420 | bulgarian | Bulgarian | Bulgarian is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Bulgarian. | |
525 | burmese | Burmese | Burmese is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Burmese. | |
447 | chinese_traditional | Chinese (Traditional) | Traditional Chinese is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Traditional Chinese. | |
424 | estonian | Estonian | Estonian is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Estonian. | |
527 | farsi | Farsi | Farsi is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Farsi. | |
526 | faroese | Faroese | Faroese is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Faroese. | |
425 | finnish | Finnish | Finnish is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Finnish. | |
528 | georgian | Georgian | Georgian is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Georgian. | |
529 | greenlandic | Greenlandic | Greenlandic is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Greenlandic. | |
530 | hausa | Hausa | Hausa is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Hausa. | |
426 | hebrew | Hebrew | Hebrew is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Hebrew. | |
427 | hindi | Hindi | Hindi is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Hindi. | |
430 | indonesian | Indonesian | Indonesian is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Indonesian. | |
531 | irish | Irish | Irish is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Irish. | |
431 | icelandic | Icelandic | Icelandic is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Icelandic. | |
532 | kannada | Kannada | Kannada is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Kannada. | |
421 | catalan | Catalan | Catalan is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Catalan. | |
432 | khmer | Khmer | Khmer is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Khmer. | |
433 | korean | Korean | Korean is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Korean. | |
428 | croatian | Croatian | Croatian is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Croatian. | |
434 | lao | Lao | Laotian is spoken in the accommodation or the services are available in Laotian. | |
436 | latvian | Latvian | Latvian is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Latvian. | |
435 | lithuanian | Lithuanian | Lithuanian is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Lithuanian. | |
533 | malayalam | Malayalam | Malayalam is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Malayalam. | |
437 | malay | Malay | Malaysian is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Malaysian. | |
534 | maltese | Maltese | Maltese is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Maltese. | |
535 | marathi | Marathi | Marathi is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Marathi. | |
536 | montenegrin | Montenegrin | Montenegrin is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Montenegrin. | |
397 | norwegian | Norwegian | Norwegian is spoken in the accommodation or as part of a service. | |
537 | odia | Odia | Odia is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Odia. | |
538 | punjabi | Punjabi | Punjabi is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Punjabi. | |
439 | romanian | Romanian | Romanian is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Romanian. | |
396 | swedish | Swedish | Swedish is spoken in the accommodation or as part of a service. | |
442 | serbian | Serbian | Serbian is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Serbian. | |
440 | slovak | Slovak | Slovakian is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Slovakian. | |
441 | slovenian | Slovenian | Slovenian is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Slovenian. | |
539 | swahili | Swahili | Swahili is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Swahili. | |
443 | tagalog | Tagalog | Tagalog is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Tagalog. | |
540 | tamil | Tamil | Tamil is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Tamil. | |
541 | telugu | Telugu | Telugu is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Telugu. | |
444 | thai | Thai | Thai is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Thai. | |
422 | czech | Czech | Czech is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Czech. | |
445 | ukrainian | Ukrainian | Ukrainian is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Ukrainian. | |
429 | hungarian | Hungarian | Hungarian is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Hungarian. | |
542 | urdu | Urdu | Urdu is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Urdu. | |
446 | vietnamese | Vietnamese | Vietnamese is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Vietnamese. | |
543 | welsh | Welsh | Welsh is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Welsh. | |
544 | xhosa | Xhosa | Xhosa is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Xhosa. | |
545 | yoruba | Yoruba | Yoruba is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Yoruba. | |
546 | zulu | Zulu | Zulu is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Zulu. | |
357 | arabic | Arabic | Arabic is spoken in the accommodation or as part of a service. | |
423 | argentine_spanish | Argentine Spanish | Argentinean Spanish is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Argentinean Spanish. | |
438 | brazilian_portuguese | Brazilian Portuguese | Brazilian Portuguese is spoken in the accommodation or the offer is available in Brazilian Portuguese. | |
355 | chinese_cantonese | Chinese (Cantonese) | Cantonese Chinese is spoken in the accommodation or service. | |
356 | chinese_mandarin | Chinese (Mandarin) | Mandarin is spoken in the accommodation or as part of a service. | |
349 | danish | Danish | Danish is spoken in the accommodation or as part of a service. | |
66 | fr | French | French is spoken | |
352 | greek | Greek | Greek is spoken in the accommodation or as part of a service. | |
348 | italian | Italian | Italian is spoken in the accommodation or as part of a service. | |
350 | japanese | Japanese | Japanese is spoken in the accommodation or as part of a service. | |
347 | dutch | Dutch | Dutch is spoken in the accommodation or in the context of a service. | |
351 | polish | Polish | Polish is spoken in the accommodation or as part of a service. | |
353 | portuguese | Portuguese | Portuguese is spoken in the accommodation or as part of a service. | |
346 | russian | Russian | Russian is spoken in the accommodation or as part of a service. | |
345 | spanish | Spanish | Spanish is spoken in the accommodation or as part of a service. | |
354 | turkish | Turkish | Turkish is spoken in the accommodation or in the context of a service. | |
51 | freshwater | Freshwater | The pool/tub is filled with freshwater. | |
52 | saltwater | Saltwater | The pool/tub is filled with sea water. | |
53 | heated | Heated | The amenity/pool is heated. | |
229 | outdoorarea | With outdoor area | The facility has an outdoor area. | |
47 | individual | Individual | The service/amenity is individually controlled. | |
215 | catsonly | Cats only | Only cats are permitted at the accommodation. | |
216 | dogsonly | Dogs only | Only dogs are permitted at the accommodation. | |
220 | foodwaterbowls | Food and water bowls | Food and water bowls are available for pets brought by guests. | |
457 | maximumweight_kg | Maximum weight (kg) | INTEGER | Specifies the maximum weight in kilograms. |
46 | highchair | Highchair | The amenity features a high chair. A high chair is an elevated and secured chair in which babies and small children can sit at the table and eat their meals at the same height as their parents. | |
597 | childsafetydevice | Child safety device | A child safety lock is a protective device designed to protect children from danger or injury. | |
9 | cashcard | Debit cards | Payments by debit card are accepted. | |
336 | eftpos | Eftpos | The accommodation offers EFTPOS as a payment option. Electronic funds transfer at point of sale (EFTPOS) is an electronic payment system that enables electronic funds transfers based on the use of payment cards, such as debit or credit cards, at point-of-sale payment terminals. EFTPOS technology was developed in the 1980s. In Australia and New Zealand, it is also the brand name of a specific system used for such payments; these systems are mainly country-specific and not interconnected. In Singapore, it is known as NETS. | |
335 | westernunion | Western Union | The accommodation offers Western Union as a payment option. Western Union is an American service provider for payment instructions such as invoice, money transfers or foreign transfers. | |
41 | visa | Visa | Payments by VISA card are accepted. | |
501 | affirm | Affirm | The accommodation offers Affirm as a buy-now-pay-later payment option. Affirm offers buy-now-pay-later service that allows customers in shops and online to take out credit for purchases. Affirm offers its credit solutions to consumers through a variety of methods, including a payment link at the online checkout, a virtual card or a physical card. The company generates revenue by charging merchants a service fee, charging consumers interest, or both. Affirm states that its credit underwriting process involves evaluating transactions using credit scores and other relevant factors, while also incorporating machine learning. Affirm is available in Australia, Canada and the United States. More at | |
471 | airplus | AirPlus | Accommodation offers AirPlus as a payment option. AirPlus is a business travel management solution that offers travel expense management and business travel analysis through a variety of tools. More at | |
515 | americanexpress_virtualcreditcard | American Express (virtual credit card) | The accommodation offers American Express (virtual credit card) as a payment option. Credit card number, verification number and validity date are already stored with the provider and can therefore be retrieved in real time when paying. As a rule, payment with a virtual credit card requires a previously loaded credit. | |
490 | othercards | Other Cards | The accommodation accepts other cards. | |
468 | argencard | Argencard | The accommodation offers Argencard as a payment option. Argencard is one of the most used credit cards in Argentina and Uruguay for online payments. | |
483 | bc_card | BC-Card | The accommodation offers BC Card as a payment option. BC Card is South Korea's largest payment processing company and local brand network headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. The company provides end-to-end payment services mainly to financial institutions as well as to merchants through its subsidiary Smartro. | |
465 | bancontact | Bancontact | The accommodation offers Bancontact as a payment option. Bancontact, formerly also known as Bancontact/Mr Cash, was introduced in 1979 and is a leading payment method in Belgium. More at | |
487 | bankaxept | BankAxept | The accommodation offers BankAxept as a payment option. BankAxept is the Norwegian card payment system and the most widely used card for point-of-sale payments. Payments are approved in real time via chip and PIN, using contactless NFC technology or by cell phone. Most BankAxept cards are co-branded cards. | |
509 | bankcard | Bankcard | The accommodation offers Bankcard as a payment option. The Bankcard service network is largely an association of co-operative banks that enable their customers to withdraw cash free of charge within this network. | |
477 | bcash_bitcoin_cash | Bcash/Bitcoin Cash | The accommodation Bcash (Bitcoin Cash) as a payment option. Bitcoin Cash is a cryptocurrency that was created by splitting off from Bitcoin. The difference with Bitcoin is that Bitcoin Cash allows more transactions per time. More at | |
497 | blik | Blik | The accommodation offers Blik as an online payment option. BLIK is a payment system in Poland that allows users to make instant payments and withdraw cash using only their standard mobile banking app. More at | |
469 | cabal | Cabal | The accommodation offers Cabal as a payment option. Cabal is one of the most widely used cards in Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Paraguay and Uruguay. Cabal members, usually banks and cooperatives, issue a range of credit, debit, prepaid, business and virtual cards. | |
467 | cartasi | CartaSi | The accommodation offers CartaSi as a payment option. CartaSi is the most widely used credit card in Italy for online payments. With around 8 million cardholders, this Italian credit card has a 42% market share. More at | |
517 | carteblanche_dinersclub | Carte Blanche (Diners Club) | The accommodation offers Carte Blanche (Diners Club) as a payment option. Carte Blanche is a Diners Club International credit card that offers cardholders various benefits, in particular discounts on various services. More at | |
479 | chequevacances | Chèque-Vacances | The accommodation offers vacation vouchers (ANCV) as a payment option. In France, so-called "chèques-vacances" ("vacation checks") were introduced by the government as early as 1982 to enable employees to take vacation. They serve as a vacation allowance. The vacation vouchers can be used for travel (including train fares and tolls), hotels and youth hostels, gastronomy and other cultural and sporting activities. The vacation checks can be redeemed at around 160,000 service providers in the tourism industry and other leisure providers. | |
464 | discover | Discover | The accommodation offers Discover Card as a payment option. The Discover Card is a credit card issued almost exclusively in the United States by Discover Financial Services. Most Discover Cards are issued by Discover Bank, but payment processing is handled by the Discover Network. A Discover debit card has also been issued and accepted since February 2006. For further information see | |
491 | dragonpay | Dragonpay | The accommodation offers Dragonpay as a payment option. Dragonpay is a payment platform for private individuals and companies in the Philippines. More at | |
474 | elo | Elo | The accommodation offers the Elo credit card as a payment option. Elo is one of Brazil's major domestic debit and credit card brands. It supports credit, debit and prepaid transactions, has the third largest market share in Brazil after Visa and Mastercard, and offers international acceptance through the Discover network. | |
505 | euro6000 | Euro6000 | The accommodation offers EURO 6000 as a payment option. Euro 6000 is a payment method within a network of various Spanish banks whose customers can access their accounts and carry out transactions via the network. The payment method is comparable to Visa or Masercard. More at | |
481 | greatwall | Greatwall | The accommodation offers Great Wall International Debit Card as a payment option. Great Wall International Debit Card is a combo card that supports both UnionPay International (UPI) and the local Malaysian debit card MyDebit, which is the largest payment network accepted in mainland China and Malaysia worldwide. | |
472 | hipercard | Hipercard | The accommodation offers Hipercard as a payment option. Hipercard is a widely accepted Brazilian card system. Hipercards are issued by Itaú Bank and allow for one-time and instalment payments to be accepted, but do not support a debit function. | |
484 | interac_e_transfer | Interac e-Transfer | The accommodation offers Interac e-Transfer as a payment option. Interac e-Transfer is a transfer service between personal and business accounts at participating Canadian banks and other financial institutions. | |
504 | jinsui_kinscard | Jin Sui/Kins Card | The accommodation offers Jin Sui/Kins Card as a payment option. Jin Sui/Kins Card is a generic term for various credit and debit cards issued by the Agricultural Bank of China for different customer segments. Further information can be found at | |
510 | kh_szechenyi_piheno_kartya | K&H Széchényi Pihenõ kártya | The accommodation offers K&H Széchényi Pihenõ kártya as a payment option. This card, also known as the SZÉP card, is a type of fringe benefit card used in Hungary. It allows employees to claim up to 450,000 forints per year in tax relief for leisure purposes and can be used for various leisure activities such as restaurant visits, cultural services and accommodation costs. More at | |
494 | klarna | Klarna | The accommodation offers Klarna as an online payment option. Klarna's buy-now-pay-later products such as purchase on account or payment by instalments are integrated on many websites and make it easy to buy immediately and pay later. In contrast to traditional credit cards, no credit check is carried out below the 200 euro limit, which is actually intended to protect customers. More at | |
485 | knet | Knet | The accommodation offers KNET as a payment option. KNET is the main card-based payment method in Kuwait. All debit cards issued must carry this local branding. Currently, KNET debit cards account for 80% of the total five million cards issued. | |
508 | directdebitpayment | Direct debit payment | The accommodation offers the direct debit payment as a payment option. In contrast to the classic bank transfer, where the activity is initiated by the debtor, the direct debit procedure is initiated by the creditor. The payee is authorised to debit money directly from an account by direct debit authorisation, which specifies the amount. The direct debit procedure can be used for almost anything, whether for online purchases or monthly payments. | |
476 | mpesa | M-Pesa | The accommodation offers M-Pesa as a payment option. M-Pesa is a mobile money platform that provides digital payment services through a user's SIM card. M-Pesa is similar to the peer-to-peer payment platform in that it also allows users to send, receive, and hold money in their accounts. However, M-Pesa transactions are sent via SMS messages, and no bank account is required to use the service. | |
511 | mkb_szechenyi_piheno_kartya | MKB Széchényi Pihenõ kártya | The accommodation offers MKB Széchényi Pihenõ kártya as a payment option. This card, also known as the SZÉP card, is a type of fringe benefit card used in Hungary. It allows employees to receive up to 450,000 forints per year in tax relief for leisure purposes and can be used for various leisure activities such as restaurant visits, cultural services and accommodation costs. More at | |
24 | mastercard | MasterCard | Payments by MasterCard are accepted. | |
516 | mastercard_virtualcreditcard | MasterCard (virtual credit card) | The accommodation offers MasterCard (virtual credit card) as a payment option. Virtual cards work like regular cards, but they are only available digitally on a smartphone and not physically. | |
466 | nicos | Nicos | The accommodation offers NICOS as a payment option. Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS is a leading credit card company in Japan, offering various services through its credit card brands MUFG, DC and NICOS. It is a subsidiary of Mitsubishi UJF Financial Group. | |
512 | otp_szechenyi_piheno_kartya | OTP Széchényi Pihenõ kártya | The accommodation offers OTP Széchényi Pihenõ kártya as a payment option. This card, also known as the SZÉP card, is a type of fringe benefit card used in Hungary. It allows employees to receive up to 450,000 forints per year in tax relief for leisure purposes and can be used for various leisure activities such as restaurant visits, cultural services and accommodation costs. More at | |
492 | pacific | Pacific | The accommodation offers Pacific as a payment option. Pacific is a payment platform for private individuals and companies in Poland. More at | |
473 | pagseguro | PagSeguro | The accommodation offers PagSeguro as a payment option. PagSeguro Digital Ltd. (Brazil) offers several digital payment solutions, personal payments through POS devices it sells to customers, free digital accounts and account balance payouts. | |
506 | payplug | Payplug | The accommodation offers PayPlug as a payment option. Payplug is a French omnichannel payment solution, working online and physical. It enables customers to accept or make payments made via cards or digital payment solutions.More at | |
488 | paysera | Paysera | The accommodation offers Paysera as a payment option. Paysera is an online payment service. This was founded in Lithuania and has been on the market since 2008. Paysera works similarly to the payment service Paypal. This account can be opened without a Schufa check. One of the most important features is a credit card from Paysera. More at | |
482 | peony | Peony | The accommodation offers Peony as a payment option. Peony HNA Credit Card is a national co-branded card jointly launched by ICBC and HNA Group. It integrates the functions of HNA FFP Fortune Wings Cards and ICBC Credit Cards and takes the form of a card with two numbers (credit card number and Fortune Wings card number). It offers financial functions such as consumer credit, money transfer and settlement, and cash deposit and withdrawal. | |
475 | postepay | Postepay | The accommodation offers Postepay as a payment option. Postepay belongs to the service of the Italian Post and is based on the Visa Electron interface, so it can be easily offered as a credit card in the store. The same applies to payments with Postepay through Paypal. | |
470 | redcompra | RedCompra | The accommodation offers Redcompra as a payment option. Redcompra is a popular debit card payment option in Chile. The card service is managed by Transbank. | |
493 | reka_cheque | Reka-Cheque | The accommodation offers Reka-Checks as a payment option. The Swiss Travel Fund is a non-profit company organised as a cooperative that offers discounted travel and accommodation as part of social tourism. More at | |
507 | sadad | Sadad | The accommodation offers Sadad as a payment option. SADAD Payment System (SADAD) is the national Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP) service provider for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). It is a comprehensive payment system and works with all banks and digital wallets in the Kingdom, ensuring a single channel for bill payments regardless of the bank used. More at | |
503 | sofort | Sofort | The accommodation offers SOFORT as an online payment option. It is a payment method where payments can be authorised via online banking. SOFORT is only available for some banks in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Slovakia and Switzerland. More at | |
478 | squarecash_cashapp | Square Cash (Cash App) | The accommodation offers Cash App as a payment option. Formerly known as Square Cash, Cash App is a peer-to-peer mobile payment app founded in 2013 by mobile payment platform Square. Cash App allows you to send money to someone with only a phone number, email address, or an individual $ cashtag (Cash App ID). | |
489 | tenpay | Tenpay | The accommodation offers Tenpay as a payment option. Tenpay is the second largest online payment platform in China. It was launched in 2005 by Tencent, China's leading Internet company. Tenpay supports online, in-app and in-store payments both in China and abroad. Tenpay users can make transfers to other users' Tenpay accounts or to their bank accounts. | |
495 | trustly | Trustly | The accommodation offers Trustly as an online payment option. Trustly Group AB is a Swedish payment institution based in Stockholm. The company specialises in so-called payment initiation services. In addition to initiating direct online transfers from the customer's bank account to the payee, Trustly also supports refunds and direct debits. Trustly is only available within the eurozone for bank accounts in Estonia and Finland in the eurozone and outside the eurozone only for bank accounts in Sweden and Denmark. More at | |
500 | twint | Twint | The accommodation offers Twint as a payment option. Twint is a Swiss payment system for cashless payments and collections and offers the option of storing cards from various customer loyalty programmes within the TWINT app. With every payment, the relevant information is transmitted to the checkout and the customer automatically benefits from the loyalty programme with every purchase. More at | |
480 | unionpay_credit_debitcard | UnionPay credit/debit card | The accommodation offers UnionPay Credit Card as a payment option. UnionPay - also known as China UnionPay and CUP - is the Chinese answer to Visa and Mastercard. The company is the only credit card organisation in the People's Republic. The UnionPay Credit Card is a classic credit card that can be used to pay for purchases either immediately or later. | |
518 | universalcredit | Universal credit (UC) | The accommodation offers UC (Universal credit) as a payment option. Universal Credit is a United Kingdom social security payment that is means-tested and is designed to help with living costs. It replaces and combines six benefits for working-age people with a low income. More at | |
499 | venmo | Venmo | The accommodation offers Venmo as an online payment option. Venmo is a mobile payment service from PayPal, currently only available to users in the USA. Registered users can use the app to send and receive money and pay for purchases. The app utilises typical social media elements. More at | |
498 | vipps | Vipps | The accommodation offers Vipps as an online payment option. Vipps is a Norwegian mobile payment service. Transfers via Vipps can be made using mobile numbers. Since its launch in 2015, it has become the most popular mobile payment service in Norway. More at | |
513 | virtualcreditcard | Virtual credit card | The accommodation offers virtual credit cards as a payment option. Virtual credit cards are prepaid credit cards on a credit basis, which are usually not issued in physical form. Instead, owners of the card receive only the credit card number, expiration date and verification number. | |
514 | visa_virtualcreditcard | Visa (virtual credit card) | The accommodation offers Visa (virtual credit card) as a payment option. Credit card number, verification number and validity date are already stored with the provider and can therefore be retrieved in real time when paying. As a rule, payment with a virtual credit card requires a previously loaded credit. | |
496 | wechatpay | WeChat Pay | The accommodation offers WeChat Pay as an online payment option. This is a digital wallet service from the Chinese social media giant WeChat, which allows users to make mobile payments and online transactions. More at | |
502 | zippay | ZipPay | The accommodation offers ZipPay as a buy-now-pay-later payment option. ZipPay is an interest-free instant purchase service with a credit limit of up to $1000. Repayment is based on a minimum monthly payment of $10 per week. There is a monthly account fee of $9.95, which is waived if the closing balance is paid in full by the due date. ZipPay is available in Australia, New Zealand and the USA. More at | |
486 | i_deal | iDeal | The accommodation offers iDEAL as a payment option. iDEAL is an online payment system from the Netherlands. The method allows customers to pay with direct transfer from the bank account. It is based on online banking and works like giropay, paydirekt and Sofortüberweisung. | |
4 | amex | American Express | Payments by American Express are accepted. | |
225 | paypal | PayPal | The accommodation accepts payment via PayPal. | |
226 | alipay | Alipay | The accommodation accepts payment via Alipay. | |
227 | applepay | Apple Pay | The accommodation accepts payment via Apple Pay. | |
228 | googlepay | Google Pay | The accommodation accepts payment via Google Pay. | |
12 | diners | Diners | Payments by Diners Club are accepted. | |
5 | amexco | AMEXCO | Payments by AMEXCO are accepted. | |
42 | jcb | JCB | Payments by JCB are accepted. | |
32 | robinsoncard | ROBINSON Card | Payments by ROBINSON Card are accepted. | |
40 | tuicard | TUI Card | Payments by TUI Card are accepted. | |
31 | prevalentcreditcards | Major credit cards | Payments by major credit cards are accepted. | |
395 | cash | Cash | Cash payment is accepted. | |
412 | cashonly | Cash only | Cash payment only | |
588 | invoicesprovided | Invoices provided | The accommodation issues invoices. | |
49 | number | Number | INTEGER | The attribute "number" specifies a whole number. |
217 | maxnumber | Max. number | INTEGER | Indicates the maximum permitted number of a subject or object referred to (e.g. pets). |
76 | maxcapacity | Capacity max. | STRING | The attribute “max. capacity” specifies the capacity of a reference object in whole numbers. Reference objects could be e.g. conference rooms or car parks. Depending on the reference object the value entered could refer accordingly to the number of people or the number of parking spaces. For more than one reference object the value of the object with the highest value is entered. |
305 | share_percentage | Share (percentage) | INTEGER | Indicates the share in a reference object in %. |
323 | frequency_stay | Frequency/stay | INTEGER | Indicates how often the service can be used during the stay. |
29 | operatinghours | Opening hours | STRING | You can enter the opening times in numbers. |
86 | kingsize | King-size | A king-size bed is a particularly large bed, normally the largest bed available. The width is normally between 180 and 200 cm. | |
87 | queensize | Queen-size | A queen-size bed is a double bed which comprises one mattress and the minimum dimensions of which are 150 x 200 cm. | |
98 | latlong | Lat/Lon | LAT_LONG | Specifies the latitude/longitude (floating point numbers) of the property. |
237 | africanfood | African food | The facility offers African food. | |
238 | americanfood | American food | The facility offers American food. | |
239 | argentinianfood | Argentinian food | The facility offers Argentinian food. | |
240 | asianfood | Asian food | The facility offers Asian food. | |
322 | coldcuts | Cold cuts | Cold cuts are part of the service. | |
242 | australianfood | Australian food | The facility offers Australian food. | |
243 | belgianfood | Belgian food | The facility offers Belgian food. | |
244 | brazilianfood | Brazilian food | The facility offers Brazilian food. | |
245 | britishfood | British food | The facility offers British food. | |
558 | bread | Bread | Bread products are part of the service. | |
559 | butter | Butter | Butter is part of the service. | |
301 | bohemianfood | Bohemian food | The facility offers Bohemian food. | |
566 | champagne | Champagne | Champagne is part of the service. | |
246 | chinesefood | Chinese food | The facility offers Chinese food. | |
556 | cocktailhour | Cocktail hour | The interval before the evening meal during which cocktails and other alcoholic beverages are traditionally served. | |
247 | germanfood | German food | The facility offers German food. | |
561 | eggs | Eggs | Eggs are part of the service. | |
314 | icecream | Ice cream | Ice cream is part of the service. | |
248 | europeanfood | European food | The facility offers European food. | |
249 | fastfood | Fast food | The facility offers fast food. | |
319 | fingerfood | Finger Food | Finger food is part of the service. | |
250 | fishseafood | Fish/seafood | The facility offers fish and/or seafood. | |
251 | frenchfood | French food | The facility offers French food. | |
557 | fruitjuice | Fruit juice | Fruit juice is part of the service. | |
315 | pastries | Pastries | Pastries are part of the service. | |
252 | greekfood | Greek food | The facility offers Greek food. | |
253 | grillbbqfood | Grill/BBQ food | The facility offers grill/barbecue food. | |
296 | halalfood | Halal food | The facility offers Halal food. | |
565 | hotchocolate | Hot chocolate | Hot chocolate is part of the service. | |
555 | hightea | High Tea | High tea is an early evening meal with sweet and savoury snacks. | |
254 | indianfood | Indian food | The facility offers Indian food. | |
255 | indonesianfood | Indonesian food | The facility offers Indonesian food. | |
257 | irishfood | Irish food | The facility offers Irish food. | |
258 | italianfood | Italian food | The facility offers Italian food. | |
259 | japanesefood | Japanese food | The facility offers Japanese food. | |
562 | yogurt | Yogurt | Yogurt is part of the service. | |
563 | coffee | Coffee | Coffee is part of the service. | |
260 | cambodianfood | Cambodian food | The facility offers Cambodian food. | |
261 | canarianfood | Canarian food | The facility offers Canarian food. | |
262 | cantonesefood | Cantonese food | The facility offers Cantonese food. | |
577 | catalanfood | Catalan food | The facility offers Catalan food. | |
578 | middleeasternfood | Middle eastern food | The facility offers Middle Eastern food. | |
263 | koreanfood | Korean food | The facility offers Korean food. | |
264 | creolefood | Creole food | The facility offers Creole food. | |
265 | croatianfood | Croatian food | The facility offers Croatian food. | |
560 | cheese | Cheese | A variety of cheeses are part of the service. | |
554 | dairyfree | Dairy-free | The accommodation offers Lactose-free food. Lactose-free food contains either no lactose or only very small amounts, making it suitable for people who are lactose-intolerant. | |
266 | latinamericanfood | Latin-American food | The facility offers Latin-American food. | |
267 | lebanesefood | Lebanese food | The facility offers Lebanese food. | |
269 | malaysianfood | Malaysian food | The facility offers Malaysian food. | |
321 | jam | Jam | Jam is part of the service. | |
270 | moroccanfood | Moroccan food | The facility offers Moroccan food. | |
300 | mediterraneanfood | Mediterranean food | The facility offers Mediterranean food. | |
271 | mexicanfood | Mexican food | The facility offers Mexican food. | |
567 | cereal | Cereal | Cereals/mueslis are part of the service. | |
272 | nepalesefood | Nepalese food | The facility offers Nepalese food. | |
273 | dutchfood | Dutch food | The facility offers Dutch food. | |
320 | fruits | Fruits | Fruits are part of the service. | |
274 | orientalfood | Oriental food | The facility offers Oriental food. | |
276 | peruvianfood | Peruvian food | The facility offers Peruvian food. | |
317 | pancakes | Pancakes | Pancakes/crepes are part of the service. | |
277 | pizza | Pizza | The facility offers pizza. | |
278 | polishfood | Polish food | The facility offers Polish food. | |
279 | portuguesefood | Portuguese food | The facility offers Portuguese food. | |
280 | russianfood | Russian food | The facility offers Russian food. | |
318 | sandwiches | Sandwiches | Sandwiches are part of the service. | |
316 | chocolate_biscuits | Chocolate/Biscuits | Chocolate/biscuits are part of the service. | |
281 | scottishfood | Scottish food | The facility offers Scottish food. | |
282 | sichuanfood | Sichuan food | The facility offers Sichuan food. | |
283 | singaporeanfood | Singaporean food | The facility offers Singaporean food. | |
284 | spanishfood | Spanish food | The facility offers Spanish food. | |
285 | steak | Steak | The facility offers steaks. | |
287 | sushi | Sushi | The facility offers sushi. | |
286 | southafricanfood | South African food | The facility offers South African food. | |
564 | tea | Tea | Tea is part of the service. | |
288 | teppanyaki | Teppanyaki | The facility offers teppanyaki. | |
289 | texmexfood | Texmex food | The facility offers Texmex food. | |
290 | thaifood | Thai food | The facility offers Thai food. | |
291 | turkishfood | Turkish food | The facility offers Turkish food. | |
292 | hungarianfood | Hungarian food | The facility offers Hungarian food. | |
295 | vietnamesefood | Vietnamese food | The facility offers Vietnamese food. | |
415 | arabicfood | Arabic food | The facility offers Arabic food. | |
298 | glutenfreefood | gluten-free food | The facility offers gluten-free food. | |
256 | internationalfood | international food | The facility offers international food. | |
299 | caribbeanfood | Caribbean food | The facility offers Caribbean food. | |
297 | kosherfood | kosher food | The facility offers kosher food. | |
268 | localfood | local food | The facility offers local food. | |
293 | veganfood | vegan food | The facility offers vegan food. | |
294 | vegetarianfood | vegetarian food | The facility offers vegetarian food. | |
241 | ethiopianfood | Ethiopian food | The facility offers Ethiopian food. | |
275 | austrianfood | Austrian food | The facility offers Austrian food. | |
392 | aperitifs | Aperitifs | An aperitif is usually an alcoholic drink that is consumed before a meal. | |
393 | cocktails | Cocktails | A cocktail is a mixed drink mostly containing alcohol. | |
391 | miscellaneousdrinks | Miscellaneous drinks | A selection of drinks is available. | |
606 | happyhour | Happy hour | A happy hour is a fixed period in bars, restaurants or other catering establishments during which drinks and sometimes food are offered at reduced prices. | |
607 | michelinstars | Michelin stars | INTEGER | Indicates the number of Michelin stars for the facility. |
462 | slowfood | Slow food | Slow Food as a counter-movement to fast food focuses on the use of home-grown and species-appropriate products, local and sustainable production and conscious enjoyment. | |
579 | wine | Wine | Wine is offered. | |
598 | scenicview | Scenic view | The accommodation unit has a scenic view. | |
304 | label | Label | STRING | A label can be used to describe the underlying fact in short form. For example, the title of a rich media element can be specified. |
191 | extendedtimes | Extended times | Access to areas and facilities of the accommodation, as well as the duration of service offers such as sports, wellness, leisure or gastronomy are extended beyond the usual operating hours. | |
233 | availablefromto | Available from (date) to (date) | DATE_RANGE | Specifies the dates of availibility of the facility or service. |
192 | notavailablefromto | Not available from (date) to (date) | DATE_RANGE | Certain areas and facilities of the accommodation are temporarily inaccessible. Guests will be informed of the duration of these restrictions. |
207 | withoutrestrictions | Without restrictions | The service is provided without any form of restrictions. | |
193 | limitedusagetime | Limited usage time per guest | In areas and facilities where there may be contact between guests and/or between guests and staff, the length of stay or use by guests is limited in duration. This can be implemented, for example, through bookable time slots. | |
194 | admissionwithmaskonly | Admission only with protective mask | Access to areas and facilities where there may be contact between guests and/or between guests and staff is only permitted with a protective mask. | |
195 | limitednumberofpeople | Limited number of people | Access to areas and facilities where there may be contact between guests and/or between guests and staff is limited to a maximum number of guests. | |
196 | guestplacement | Guest placement | Staff will show guests to seats or tables in the hotel's dining areas. | |
197 | reservationrequired | Reservation necessary | Guests are required to make a reservation in order to use of the accomodation's dining areas. | |
198 | takeawayoption | Takeaway option | The accommodation offers the option of collecting meals and eating them outside the dining areas. | |
209 | electrostaticspray | Electrostatic spray | Usable surfaces at the accommodation are disinfected with an electrostatic spray. | |
337 | blueflag | Blue Flag | Blue Flag is a seal of quality awarded to beaches, inland waters and port facilities whose operators implement the criteria for sustainable tourism, environmental protection and education, and the fight against social inequality. | |
338 | freestanding | Freestanding | Indicates that a reference object is freestanding. | |
339 | wallmounted | Wall mounted | Indicates that a reference object is wall mounted. | |
590 | foldable | Foldable | Indicates that a reference object is foldable. | |
573 | suitable_for_laptops | Suitable for laptops | The reference object is suitable for laptops. | |
341 | detached | Separate | Indicates that a reference object exists separately. | |
549 | footmassage | Foot massage | Foot massages are offered in the accommodation. Massages are mechanical applications of pressure (touching, kneading, palpating, stretching, pulling) to the skin, connective tissue and muscles used for healing or relaxation. | |
553 | fullbodymassage | Full body massage | Full body massages are offered in the accommodation. Massages are mechanical applications of pressure (touching, kneading, palpating, stretching, pulling) to the skin, connective tissue and muscles used for healing or relaxation. | |
548 | neckmassage | Neck massage | Neck massages are offered in the accommodation. Massages are mechanical applications of pressure (touching, kneading, palpating, stretching, pulling) to the skin, connective tissue and muscles used for healing or relaxation. | |
552 | handmassage | Hand massage | Hand massages are offered in the accommodation. Massages are mechanical applications of pressure (touching, kneading, palpating, stretching, pulling) to the skin, connective tissue and muscles used for healing or relaxation. | |
551 | headmassage | Head massage | Head massages are offered in the accommodation. Massages are mechanical applications of pressure (touching, kneading, palpating, stretching, pulling) to the skin, connective tissue and muscles used for healing or relaxation. | |
550 | couplesmassage | Couples' massage | Couples' massages are offered in the accommodation. Massages are mechanical applications of pressure (touching, kneading, palpating, stretching, pulling) to the skin, connective tissue and muscles used for healing or relaxation. | |
547 | backmassage | Back massage | Back massages are offered in the accommodation. Massages are mechanical applications of pressure (touching, kneading, palpating, stretching, pulling) to the skin, connective tissue and muscles used for healing or relaxation. | |
342 | inthespaarea | In the spa area | The facility is located in the spa area or the service takes place there. | |
372 | inthemainbuilding | In the main building | The facility is located in the main building or the service takes place there. | |
364 | inthepoolarea | In the pool area | The facility is located in the pool area or the service takes place there. | |
365 | inthelobby | In the lobby | The facility is located in the lobby or the service takes place there. | |
461 | lounge | Lounge | The accommodation features a lounge. A lounge is an area with a peaceful atmosphere where one can relax and which is mostly equipped with sofas, armchairs and coffee tables. It often features a hip design and relaxing music. | |
343 | minimumage | Minimum age | INTEGER | Indicates the minimum age at which the facility may be used or the service received. |
344 | maximumage | Maximum age | INTEGER | Indicates the maximum age up to which the facility may be used or the service received. |
358 | guestsonly | Guests only | Access to the facility or use of the service is allowed only for guests of the accommodation. | |
362 | bathingcapsmandatory | Bathing caps mandatory | Bathing caps are mandatory. | |
380 | casual_dresscode | Casual (Dress code) | A casual dress code applies. | |
381 | formal_dresscode | Formal (Dress code) | A formal dress code applies. | |
360 | longpants_dresscode | Long pants (dress code) | Long pants are required to be worn as part of the service or to visit the facility. | |
359 | longsleevedshirt_dresscode | Long sleeved shirt (dress code) | Long-sleeved shirts are required to be worn as part of the service or to visit the facility. | |
361 | noswimwear_dresscode | No swimwear (dress code) | Wearing swimwear is not permitted as part of the service or for visiting the facility. | |
368 | forfamiliesonly | For families only | The facility or service is accessible/bookable for families only. | |
369 | foradultsonly | For adults only | The facility or service is accessible/bookable for adults only. | |
370 | forwomenonly | For women only | The facility or service is accessible/bookable for women only. | |
413 | adultsonlyarea | Adults only area | There is an adults-only area in the facility. Only adults are allowed to stay there. | |
414 | childrensarea | Children's area | The facility features a children's area. | |
371 | forcouplesonly | For couples only | The facility or service is accessible/bookable for couples only. | |
367 | kidsonly | Kids only | The facility or service is accessible/bookable for kids only. | |
366 | menonly | Men only | The facility or service is accessible/bookable for men only. | |
394 | showergel | Shower gel | Cosmetic items include shower gel. | |
378 | showercap | Shower cap | Cosmetic items include a shower cap. | |
377 | conditioner | Conditioner | Cosmetic products include conditioner. | |
374 | soap | Soap | Cosmetic products include soap. | |
376 | shampoo | Shampoo | Cosmetic products include shampoo. | |
375 | toothbrush | Toothbrush | Cosmetic items include a toothbrush. | |
591 | toiletpaper | Toilet paper | Toilet paper is available. | |
382 | sheetset_100percent_cotton | 100% cotton sheet set | The bed linen is made of 100% cotton. | |
383 | mattressprotector | Mattress protector | A mattress protector is an overlay that serves to protect the mattress from soiling. | |
589 | featherpillow | Feather pillow | A feather pillow is a pillow that is filled with natural feathers (usually from geese or ducks). | |
572 | pillow | Pillow | A cushion is a padded, usually rectangular or square object that is mainly used for comfort, especially when sleeping, sitting or relaxing. It consists of a soft filling material enclosed in a cover. | |
384 | fibrepillows | Fibre pillows | Fibre pillows are filled with natural or synthetic textile fibres. | |
385 | premiummattresstype | Premium mattress type | A premium mattress is made of high-quality materials and is more durable and ergonomic than conventional mattresses. | |
568 | fitted_sheet | Fitted sheet | A fitted sheet is a bed sheet with elasticated corners so that it can be stretched tightly and smoothly over the mattress. The elastic ensures that the sheet does not slip and stays on the mattress, even if you move around in your sleep. | |
569 | top_sheet | Top sheet | A top sheet is a large piece of fabric that is placed over the mattress to protect it and create a clean, comfortable sleeping surface. It is placed between the mattress and the sleeper and is often made of materials such as cotton, linen or microfibre, which are comfortable against the skin. | |
570 | blanket | Blanket | A blanket is a large, rectangular piece of fabric that is used to cover up and keep warm when sleeping or relaxing. It is made from various materials such as cotton, wool, polyester, fleece or down. | |
571 | extra_blanket | Extra blanket | An extra blanket is available. | |
386 | hypoallergenicpillow | Hypoallergenic pillow | Pillows for allergy sufferers are available. | |
387 | chromecast | Chromecast | With casting technology, an adapter with an HDMI connection is connected to the TV set, to which media files are transferred via WLAN. These can then be played on the TV set. | |
388 | googletv | Google TV | Google TV is a user interface for smart TVs and provides content from various streaming services. | |
390 | rainshower | Rain shower | A rain shower is a large flat shower head with many small openings that distributes water evenly over a large area. | |
416 | service_accommodation_unit | Service (Accommodation unit) | The service can take place in the room/accommodation unit and may be free of charge or subject to a charge. | |
454 | underrenovation_from_to | Under renovation (from/to) | DATE_RANGE | Indicates the period during which a facility is being renovated. During this period, there may be increased noise and/or disruption to the use of the facilities or services provided there. |
455 | constructionworks_from_to | Construction works (from/to) | DATE_RANGE | Indicates the period of construction work in/at a facility. During this period, there may be increased noise and/or disruption to the use of the facilities or services provided there. |
580 | ticketservice | Ticket service | The accommodation offers a ticket service for events. A ticket service helps guests to organise admission tickets or tickets for various activities, events or means of transport. | |
581 | bridalsuite | Bridal suite | The accommodation offers honeymoon suite(s). A honeymoon suite is a room that usually features various higher or premium amenities. These may include structural elements such as a private sauna or pool, as well as special decorations or services. Bridal suites are usually not available exclusively to honeymooners, but to all guests, especially couples. | |
587 | regionalvendor | Regional vendor | The service is organised by regional vendors. | |
586 | themenights | Theme nights | The facility offers themed evenings or themed evenings are offered as part of the service. | |
582 | locker | Locker | A locker is a small, lockable cupboard or locker, usually for storing personal belongings. Lockers are usually made of metal, wood or plastic and are often found in public or semi-public facilities, such as schools, universities, gyms, swimming pools, railway stations or airports. A locker can come in different sizes and designs, but is basically designed to provide security and privacy by being lockable and often requiring individual access control (e.g. a key or code). | |
585 | cloakroom | Cloak room | The facility offers changing facilities. | |
583 | playequipment | Play equipment | The facility features play equipment. | |
608 | familiykidsfriendly | Familiy and kids friendly | The reference object offers a family and child-friendly ambience. | |
610 | modern | modern | The reference object offers a modern ambience. | |
611 | romantic | romantic | The reference object offers a romantic ambience. | |
609 | traditional | traditional | The reference object offers a traditional ambience. |
Values of attributes have the value types specified above. Possible value types are:
Value Type | Definition |
STRING | The value is an arbitrary string and can be displayed as it stands (together with unit if given). |
DATE_RANGE | This value is a string with two dates, separated by a comma, in the format:
YYYY-mm-dd,YYYY-mm-dd .
One of the two dates can be replaced by a dash to
indicate the absence of a start or end date respectively. |